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Pak army operation in Waziristan: Over 100 Hindus among thousands displaced


Oct 23, 2006
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Pak army operation in Waziristan: Over 100 Hindus among thousands displaced

ISLAMABAD: Over 100 Hindus are among thousands of people who have fled the restive North Waziristan tribal region due to Pakistan military's operation against Taliban militants, media reported on Friday.

The members of this small vulnerable minority group are among more than 450,000 people forced to flee the onslaught which was launched on June 15 against the local and foreign militants hiding in the area.

Most of the Hindus belong to the Balmiki caste and lived in the militancy-infested North Waziristan throughout the troubled years, the Nation reported.

READ ALSO: '5,000 Hindus flee Pak every year due to persecution'

Like their majority Muslim neighbours and other small minority groups like the Christians, the Hindus have been forced to abandon their homes and take refuge in Bannu in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province.

They share the plight of the rest of displaced people who often complain of lack of food and other facilities.

"The minorities of North Waziristan complain that they have been ignored by the government and are living in Bannu city in miserable condition. Currently a Christian community in Bannu is providing help to both Hindus and Christians with food, shelter and other necessities of life," the report said.

An 80-year-old Hindu woman, Jamila Laal, who escaped from main city of Miranshah, where she has been living since 1949 when she married a local businessman.

Her ancestors migrated from Ferozpur, India, before partition and settled in North Waziristan and like other tribesmen of the area are also emotionally attached to their hometown.

"I have spent my entire life in Miranshah, I never imagined that a time will come that we will leave the area and become homeless like we are today," she said.

Jamila Laal is one of the 114 Hindus who have left North Waziristan during the ongoing military operation, reported the paper.


According to Father Wasim Ayaz, Christian community in Bannu is helping around 25 Christian and Hindu families of North Waziristan.

"Neither the government's representatives nor the political leadership of minorities have so far come to help these poor people," he added.

The family of Rajish Daas from Civil Colony Miranshah, who is a tailor by profession, said "We have been registered as IDPs at the Saidgai Checkpoint but we are being treated as second class citizens. The minorities are being ignored at food distribution points."

READ ALSO: Haqqani network also a target of Pakistan's N Waziristan offensive

The Christian and Hindu minorities of North Waziristan said that the local tribesmen were very kind to them who never interfered in their affairs.

However, a constant fear was in their minds due to clashes between militants and security forces in the area.


There are some Hindu families settled in Bannu district and reportedly some minority IDPs have also taken shelters there but so far none of the minorities have reportedly allowed to be settled in government-run camp.

Reacting to their complaints, special assistant to chief minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for minorities' affairs Sardar Suran Singh said these families had not registered themselves while crossing Saidgai checkpoint.

"It is their own mistake and government should not be blamed. I am personally visiting the area tomorrow to solve the issue," he said.

"Until the issue is not resolved, I will accommodate and facilitate all these people from my own pocket."
Pak army operation in Waziristan: Over 100 Hindus among thousands displaced - The Times of India

Maybe India should offer asylum to those 100 families. It would be a nice gesture.

Secondly it appears that the tribesmen are better people than the Pakistani Punjabis. The Hindus of Pakistan Punjab have had to migrate to India and have regaled about the massive discrimination and inhuman treatment given to them by these Punjabi Muslims.

Whereas the Sikhs and Hindus of the tribal areas have by and large said that they did not face such issues in their areas. Tribals also tried to protect them from Taliban diktats to their level best.
Pak army operation in Waziristan: Over 100 Hindus among thousands displaced

ISLAMABAD: Over 100 Hindus are among thousands of people who have fled the restive North Waziristan tribal region due to Pakistan military's operation against Taliban militants, media reported on Friday.

The members of this small vulnerable minority group are among more than 450,000 people forced to flee the onslaught which was launched on June 15 against the local and foreign militants hiding in the area.

Most of the Hindus belong to the Balmiki caste and lived in the militancy-infested North Waziristan throughout the troubled years, the Nation reported.

READ ALSO: '5,000 Hindus flee Pak every year due to persecution'

Like their majority Muslim neighbours and other small minority groups like the Christians, the Hindus have been forced to abandon their homes and take refuge in Bannu in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province.

They share the plight of the rest of displaced people who often complain of lack of food and other facilities.

"The minorities of North Waziristan complain that they have been ignored by the government and are living in Bannu city in miserable condition. Currently a Christian community in Bannu is providing help to both Hindus and Christians with food, shelter and other necessities of life," the report said.

An 80-year-old Hindu woman, Jamila Laal, who escaped from main city of Miranshah, where she has been living since 1949 when she married a local businessman.

Her ancestors migrated from Ferozpur, India, before partition and settled in North Waziristan and like other tribesmen of the area are also emotionally attached to their hometown.

"I have spent my entire life in Miranshah, I never imagined that a time will come that we will leave the area and become homeless like we are today," she said.

Jamila Laal is one of the 114 Hindus who have left North Waziristan during the ongoing military operation, reported the paper.


According to Father Wasim Ayaz, Christian community in Bannu is helping around 25 Christian and Hindu families of North Waziristan.

"Neither the government's representatives nor the political leadership of minorities have so far come to help these poor people," he added.

The family of Rajish Daas from Civil Colony Miranshah, who is a tailor by profession, said "We have been registered as IDPs at the Saidgai Checkpoint but we are being treated as second class citizens. The minorities are being ignored at food distribution points."

READ ALSO: Haqqani network also a target of Pakistan's N Waziristan offensive

The Christian and Hindu minorities of North Waziristan said that the local tribesmen were very kind to them who never interfered in their affairs.

However, a constant fear was in their minds due to clashes between militants and security forces in the area.


There are some Hindu families settled in Bannu district and reportedly some minority IDPs have also taken shelters there but so far none of the minorities have reportedly allowed to be settled in government-run camp.

Reacting to their complaints, special assistant to chief minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for minorities' affairs Sardar Suran Singh said these families had not registered themselves while crossing Saidgai checkpoint.

"It is their own mistake and government should not be blamed. I am personally visiting the area tomorrow to solve the issue," he said.

"Until the issue is not resolved, I will accommodate and facilitate all these people from my own pocket."
Pak army operation in Waziristan: Over 100 Hindus among thousands displaced - The Times of India

Maybe India should offer asylum to those 100 families. It would be a nice gesture.

Secondly it appears that the tribesmen are better people than the Pakistani Punjabis. The Hindus of Pakistan Punjab have had to migrate to India and have regaled about the massive discrimination and inhuman treatment given to them by these Punjabi Muslims.

Whereas the Sikhs and Hindus of the tribal areas have by and large said that they did not face such issues in their areas. Tribals also tried to protect them from Taliban diktats to their level best.

Yes its true,in KPK infact in Bannu we have thousands of hindus and christian.After the last year Church Bombing in peshawar talking to my classmate father(English Teacher in Govt Degree 2 college bannu),We have relatives upto karachi and i have also lived in cities like lahore,Karachi,Peshawar and even Quetta.But Bannu is the only place where we doesn't feel any problem practicing our religion and we have never recieved anysort of threat from anyone.He's a reputed English teacher and has even name mentioned in the matric books issued by KPK Govt.
and we are blamed by indians for seeing everything from religious lens

Lets hope the champion of the Hindu 'ummah', offers to take them in, it would help us empty Pakistan off Hindus more quickly, cheaply and without any hoo haa of 'human rights abuses'. Whoever Hindu wants to leave Pakistan should be allowed to with revocation of the Pakistani nationality.

@Contrarian l Oh yes Hindus are being kept in the gas chambers, open your arms, so they can get mukti by escaping this narg to leave for all hunky dory, lush green shining swarg on the eastern border.
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its not like hindus are targetted by govt, they are facing same issue as muslims there.

Lets hope the champion of all Hindus, offers to take them in, it would help us empty Pakistan off Hindus more quickly, cheaply and without any hoo haa of 'human rights abuses'. Whoever Hindu wants to leave Pakistan should be allowed to with revocation of the Pakistani nationality.

@Contrarian l Oh yes Hindus are being kept in the gas chambers, open your arms, so they can get mukti by escaping this narg to leave for all hunty dory, lush green shining swarg on the eastern border.
we dont need to offer this, India's door should always be open, not for low skilled economic migrants but those who feel vulnerable.
We should have better streamlined policy for asylum seekers.
Yes its true,in KPK infact in Bannu we have thousands of hindus and christian.After the last year Church Bombing in peshawar talking to my classmate father(English Teacher in Govt Degree 2 college bannu),We have relatives upto karachi and i have also lived in cities like lahore,Karachi,Peshawar and even Quetta.But Bannu is the only place where we doesn't feel any problem practicing our religion and we have never recieved anysort of threat from anyone.He's a reputed English teacher and has even name mentioned in the matric books issued by KPK Govt.
That is what is coming from the Pakistani refugees. That they have faced massive discrimination and abuse by Pakistani Punjabis and way better atmosphere in the tribal areas
Lets hope the champion of all Hindus, offers to take them in, it would help us empty Pakistan off Hindus more quickly, cheaply and without any hoo haa of 'human rights abuses'. Whoever Hindu wants to leave Pakistan should be allowed to with revocation of the Pakistani nationality.

Oh yes Hindus are being kept in the gas chambers, open your arms, so they can get mukti by escaping this narg to leave for all hunty dory, lush green shining swarg on the eastern border.
Cant say about gas chambers, but in Punjab they are even served food in separate utensils. That is the treatment meeted out to them from Pakistani Punjabis. Religious bigotry apparently and surprisingly is more in Punjabis than tribal people.
its not like hindus are targetted by govt, they are facing same issue as muslims there.
Yes, even the article points that out.
Though this is in context of the PA operation in those areas. Otherwise you are well aware of the constant stream of Hindu and SIkh refugees from Pakistan.
we dont need to offer this, India's door should always be open, not for low skilled economic migrants but those who feel vulnerable.
We should have better streamlined policy for asylum seekers.
No, we should not. If we have a streamlined policy then anyone even Muslims(Ahmadis & Shias) and Christians could avail it. And if denied, they can go to court over it.

And we must reserve any asylum requests and grant them to Dharmic religions. So better not to have a policy.
Lets hope the champion of all Hindus, offers to take them in, it would help us empty Pakistan off Hindus more quickly, cheaply and without any hoo haa of 'human rights abuses'.

Blood sucking Tiger won't eat grass even after it empties the forest. It will start eating weaker tigers.
No, we should not. If we have a streamlined policy then anyone even Muslims(Ahmadis & Shias) and Christians could avail it. And if denied, they can go to court over it.

And we must reserve any asylum requests and grant them to Dharmic religions. So better not to have a policy.
why cant we give asylum to ahmedi or shia if they seek.
why cant we give asylum to ahmedi or shia if they seek.
Because we are an overpopulated nation with limited resources.
As such when we open the doors of asylum, we must do it only for those who have no other cultural home.

India is the only cultural home/homeland of the Dharmic people - Hindus, Sikhs, Budhists and Jains.

May be India should allow Ahmedi's, they are soft, well educated and good people overall.
I am sure they are. Even shias and a huge number of sunnis are soft, well educated and good people. But we are not a gurudwara to give sharan to anyone and everyone.

We must care for our people. Otherwise even sunnis like rohingyas will come to our country asking for asylum.
Because we are an overpopulated nation with limited resources.
As such when we open the doors of asylum, we must do it only for those who have no other cultural home.

India is the only cultural home/homeland of the Dharmic people - Hindus, Sikhs, Budhists and Jains.

I am sure they are. Even shias and a huge number of sunnis are soft, well educated and good people. But we are not a gurudwara to give sharan to anyone and everyone.

We must care for our people.
first of all nobody is rushing to go to India as such. And the asylum should be on humanitarian ground only. Muslims of Indian (in broad sense) origin have same culture as hindus so what is wrong in giving them asylum.

The percentage of increase in population will be minimal for a populous country like India (unlike say UK or france) so I dont see why we cant do it.
Bharati logic: we need to give asylum. we need to give asylum. we need to give asylum. we need to give asylum. The guys are muslims. Kick these illegal immigrants out. :lol:

and we are blamed by indians for seeing everything from religious lens

Whenever the term Pakistani hindus or Sikhs appear these Bharati nincompoops start chanting asylum BS. can't provide justice to own minorities but love to shove asylum down the throats of Hindus living in Pakistan and BD.
first of all nobody is rushing to go to India as such.
Ofcourse not. We are a poor country. But we are will still be the last country willing to accept the Dharmic people.

And the asylum should be on humanitarian ground only. Muslims of Indian (in broad sense) origin have same culture as hindus so what is wrong in giving them asylum.
The percentage of increase in population will be minimal for a populous country like India (unlike say UK or france) so I dont see why we cant do it.
No. Rohingyas are of Bengali origin, which arguably is also Indian origin. So by your line of reasoning Rohingyas which number in millions should be granted asylum in India.

And if Muslims of Indian(broad sense) origin need a place for asylum, they have Pakistan - a country made exclusively for Muslims of South Asia/Indic origin. If that country fails them or refuses them, then they can go to Saudi Arabia for all we care.

And yes, asylum seekers when they number in millions will cause HUGE social complications in whichever area they settle in (if they are of non-Dharmic origin).
While you may be comfortable, I doubt that whichever city you hail from in India - your relatives back here will not be very pleased to suddenly find a million or more sunni rohingyas living next to their city.

So on account of all such facts, we are not obligated to help anyone but those of Dharmic faiths. We should focus our efforts - limited as they are- to people who are relevant to us.
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By the way if Indian hindu members on this forum want to change demographics of Indian society then instead of importing hindus from Pakistan and BD, you guys should implement 2002 Gujrat model all over India. That is way more effective then importing poor hindus from other countries. Modi has experience in this and also is PM of India. I am sure he can implement this model successfully everywhere in India. Believe me guys. You can change demographics far quickly and efficiently in this manner.
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