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Pak Army Helicopter Got hit with gun shots

Based on the bullet holes in the pictures, what kind of round do you guys guess was fired at it?
Don't be over emotional. The men in that helicopter risk thier lives daily to protect our state so that we can sit comfortably and get over emotional at a failed political system serving the masters it is designed to serve since day 1.

Democracy is our problem.
Not democracy but the political ambition of generals is the problem. The system is broken because it is broken/destabilized by these generals with an insatiable appetite for politics and playing the kingmaker. All this while the entire western flank of the country is facing an insurgency for 2 decades while a hostile neighbor to the east dared to bomb Pakistan proper (our response was in a disputed territory, not India proper). Those who are badmouthing an entire institution are grossly in the wrong, but so are folks like you who condone the destabilization of the country at the hands of politicians masquerading as generals. The men in any helicopter, trench, post, patrol are guarantors of our independence and one would be ungrateful to the highest extent to not recognize their service just because of a political setback. However, Pakistan is also sacrosanct and the treasonous snakes who exploit the prime institution of national security for their own ambition must not be allowed to imperil Pakistan. A nuanced position is needed.
This is the same American woman who probably got the trust from the entire opposition before NCV.View attachment 831795
Just a humble question to PDF members that If there was any conspiracy at play then it should have been behind the doors with no Photo sessions or not. Just to make it public and rose suspiciousness ?
Let's not get carried away. This is our country as well and we cannot/will not allow it to be thrown to the dogs. Yes this is a temporary setback and in any game sometime you win, sometimes you lose but at the end of the day if Khan is fighting so shall we.
As for the army, please do remember that not everybody in the armed forces is a backer of PDM, case in point Ex.army men. They are soundly backing Imran. I am sure others within the armed forces rank do too. Bajwa is just one man and at the lower of the lowest of his respect within Pakistanis and the army which is also made of the same people as us. He will not be able to hold for much longer.


It's not even about just PTI. The Fauj itself should care about its ghairat! We care about the army dearly; we care about our country's defense --- don't let it go down the drain because of the greed of a few.
Hi, i will request all those Pakistanis who have lost their hope and are criticises army and Old Pakistan. Please lest this country and this forum. This will be your first practical step.
Everyone knows from day one that we were slaves and our Top leaders were compromised So why this hu ha now. Atleast peoples of Pakistan start thinking and protecting against this system. It will take time and we will succeed one day.
I am a die heart ❤ supporter of PM and i believe him he will fight back and succeed. Don't forget the results of 2013 elections and what happened in 2018. He was back in power. Difficult times teach us a lesson and today all we know who is our friend and our enemy. We only need a 2/3 majority to change this system to presidential and then All these slaves will be out.
Pakistan 🇵🇰 zindabad
Hope for the best, but it will be very difficult for him, opposition wasn't going into election because first they want to set it up for themselves.
Bajwa isn't a traitor, he's just an incompetent moron. I agree with his long term policy of reforming the armed forces, but other than that he's shown a severe lack of understanding when it comes to Pakistan and its enemies.

You don't get to the top by being that incompetent. He is complicit. I know... A much tougher pill to swallow.

My comment will offend some, our people think too highly of the armed forces.
Yes they are brave and given many sacrifices however the senior leadership does not have the capacity to defend the nation.

Senior leadership are experts at defending DHA housing plots....
کیسی فٹے منہ والی سوچ ہے۔
جو اپنی فوج کو د دعا کرے ایسے بندے کو دھوبی کا کتا کہتے ہیں۔

now you want to wish bad for our forces just because things didnt go the way of your preferred political party?

these are the men who are protecting our borders and facing mortal dangers so that you and your loved ones in the cities are safe۔
Nobody is to be blamed for this but bajwa sahab ( he doesnot deserve to be called general) and establishment. This forum is pro army forum and you are seeing unpredecented criticism of army, this should tell you something. I myself had been always pro establishment defended AYUB KHAN, defended MUSHARAF BUT NO MORE!
Aam awam meaning the silent majority has come out this time. These are the people who would stay at home but this time white collar families are coming out against this regime. Bajwa sahab messed up big time.
If only bajwa sahab used this much assets and power to fence Pak-Afgan border completely instead of imposing corrupt mafia on people. And please donot say bajwa sahab was neutral. Black outs, ECL, SC being open on mid night, raid only Bajwa sahab can do it.
Just a humble question to PDF members that If there was any conspiracy at play then it should have been behind the doors with no Photo sessions or not. Just to make it public and rose suspiciousness ?
There is no question about it, I love my army and I trust my institution will always lead us in the right direction. As pakistanis, we are able to withstand all kinds of heat, but foreign occupation is not something we can handle. As much as I hope that the institute has better plans on how to deal with this threat and bring about a new election process that will bring about a nation mandate. Pakistan zindabad pak army zindabad
Nobody is to be blamed for this but bajwa sahab ( he doesnot deserve to be called general) and establishment. This forum is pro army forum and you are seeing unpredecented criticism of army, this should tell you something. I myself had been always pro establishment defended AYUB KHAN, defended MUSHARAF BUT NO MORE!
Aam awam meaning the silent majority has come out this time. These are the people who would stay at home but this time white collar families are coming out against this regime. Bajwa sahab messed up big time.
If only bajwa sahab used this much assets and power to fence Pak-Afgan border completely instead of imposing corrupt mafia on people. And please donot say bajwa sahab was neutral. Black outs, ECL, SC being open on mid night, raid only Bajwa sahab can do it.

cursing and wishing ill for my brothers defending the borders is not justified and I will lash back.
Muslims are not allowed to loose hope brother :)

This is just a battle that patriots of this country lost yesterday.. not the war.

I can understand the sentiment and feeling of heartbreak and helplessness right now but all is not lost. Here are few things we must keep on doing;

1. Keep faith in Allah SWT that HE will make things right for us
2. Do not become part of any psyops to spread negativity
3. Yes everyone knows the top brass is involved in games. But we need to put up with status quo (as far as military's rule is concerned) till the time our political system matures enough.
4. Combine 2 & 3 .. keep voting for right people. There are no short cuts.
5. Keep praying and spread positivity. Educate people the way proper tabligh is done. Become a role model for others around you as per Sunnah of the Prophet PBUH. You have social media at your disposal.. use it :)
This is like ertagul. All the plotters are united
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