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Pak Army Helicopter Got hit with gun shots

Let's not get carried away. This is our country as well and we cannot/will not allow it to be thrown to the dogs. Yes this is a temporary setback and in any game sometime you win, sometimes you lose but at the end of the day if Khan is fighting so shall we.
As for the army, please do remember that not everybody in the armed forces is a backer of PDM, case in point Ex.army men. They are soundly backing Imran. I am sure others within the armed forces rank do too. Bajwa is just one man and at the lower of the lowest of his respect within Pakistanis and the army which is also made of the same people as us. He will not be able to hold for much longer.
Ahmm .. wrong it's the property of DHA, they own it and they can do whatever they want with it. You are nobody, just keep on pumping the tax money in.
IK was inspirational, but all institutes serve america. Now we don't care if it got bombed or shot. Let America protect you not Allah.

‏آج 3 فیصلے کر لئے ۔
1۔ کبھی پاکستان نہیں جاونگا
2۔ کبھی اپنی فوج کی، (جو میرا عشق تھی) حمائت نہیں کرونگا
3۔ کبھی کوی پیسہ پاکستان نہیں بھیجوںگا
کیسی فٹے منہ والی سوچ ہے۔
جو اپنی فوج کو د دعا کرے ایسے بندے کو دھوبی کا کتا کہتے ہیں۔

now you want to wish bad for our forces just because things didnt go the way of your preferred political party?

these are the men who are protecting our borders and facing mortal dangers so that you and your loved ones in the cities are safe۔
Who are you speaking out against? Some Captain who got shot at.

Koi Sharam karo. We're all on the same side, including those being shot at. They don't have any plots or kids abroad.

Bajwa sahab was also a captain at some point of time

That is no excuse to cover up for massive blunders of a particular institution
Bajwa sahab was also a captain at some point of time

That is no excuse to cover up for massive blunders of a particular institution

So because Bajwa like many before him interferes in politics, we should not care when our enemy tries to kill our soldiers?

This topic was not about Bajwa, it was about one of our helicopters being shot at. The person i responsed too initially posted "IK was inspirational, but all institutes serve america. Now we don't care if it got bombed or shot. Let America protect you not Allah."

Is that really relevant or appropriate?
Don't be over emotional. The men in that helicopter risk thier lives daily to protect our state so that we can sit comfortably and get over emotional at a failed political system serving the masters it is designed to serve since day 1.

Democracy is our problem.

Those boys risk lives for the
IK was inspirational, but all institutes serve america. Now we don't care if it got bombed or shot. Let America protect you not Allah.

‏آج 3 فیصلے کر لئے ۔
1۔ کبھی پاکستان نہیں جاونگا
2۔ کبھی اپنی فوج کی، (جو میرا عشق تھی) حمائت نہیں کرونگا
3۔ کبھی کوی پیسہ پاکستان نہیں بھیجوںگا

Don't be over emotional. The men in that helicopter risk thier lives daily to protect our state so that we can sit comfortably and get over emotional at a failed political system serving the masters it is designed to serve since day 1.

Democracy is our problem.

Those boys risk lives for the
IK was inspirational, but all institutes serve america. Now we don't care if it got bombed or shot. Let America protect you not Allah.

‏آج 3 فیصلے کر لئے ۔
1۔ کبھی پاکستان نہیں جاونگا
2۔ کبھی اپنی فوج کی، (جو میرا عشق تھی) حمائت نہیں کرونگا
3۔ کبھی کوی پیسہ پاکستان نہیں بھیجوںگا

Thats how many Pakistani's feel so trigger happy MOD's don't want to listen to the truth? Our boys put there lives to safe the country and then our politicians, judges and generals put our country on a china plate and serve her to the the enemies of the country for the sake of some dollars. So why our young man are serving this country to protect from who just BLA, TTP or some silly splinters groups as some black sheep have decided to sell the country anyway?
After hearing of J10 induction I was elated and over the moon. Now listening to this all corrupts politician's who should have been tried, convicted and shot long time ago are meant to come back into power again makes me extremely pessimistic. What a country, what sort of people are we and what sort of generals we got, all are just interested in there pay cheques and back handlers and country is steered towards oblivion.
If we have any tomorrow and when things will go wrong every one will claim I was the poise one and I am the innocent one and it wasn't me. Nation was made fooled by the generals and politicians after 1971 tragedy and no accountability was given by both, no wonder why they refused to published the Hamud ur Rehman commission report.
After US raid into Pakistan for OBL all these generals should have been sacked and Gillani should have been served the cold justice, again both got away. Both politicians and general failed to protect their country no excuses, no crap and no waffles both of them failed, end of the story. For a pay cheque every one name is counted for serving the country they go and sit in the hotels to take instructions from the state enemies of the outside powers.
Just return the J 10, the frigates we are buying and the tanks we are inducting and the rest, who we are fighting against or protecting from, lets not take this nation for the ride again. Unless generals and politicians need tanks for the taxi ride and for guarding their ill gains. Even treason word for Pakistani's needs redefining in the English dictionary.
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Those boys risk lives for the

Those boys risk lives for the

Thats how many Pakistani's feel so trigger happy MOD's don't want to listen to the truth? Our boys put there lives to safe the country and then our politicians, judges and generals put our country on a china plate and serve her to the the enemies of the country for the sake of some dollars. So why our young man are serving this country to protect from who just BLA, TTP or some silly splinters groups as some black sheep have decided to sell the country anyway?
After hearing of J10 induction I was elated and over the moon. Now listening to this all corrupts politician's who should have been tried, convicted and shot long time ago are meant to come back into power again makes me extremely pessimistic. What a country, what sort of people are we and what sort of generals we got, all are just interested in there pay cheques and back handlers and country is steered towards oblivion.
If we have any tomorrow and when things will go wrong every one will claim I was the poise one and I am the innocent one and it wasn't me. Nation was made fooled by the generals and politicians after 1971 tragedy and no accountability was given by both, no wonder why they refused to published the Hamud ur Rehman commission report.
After US raid into Pakistan for OBL all these generals should have been sacked and Gillani should have been served the cold justice, again both got away. Both politicians and general failed to protect their country no excuses, no crap and no waffles both of them failed, end of the story. For a pay cheque every one name is counted for serving the country they go and sit in the hotels to take instructions from the state enemies of the outside powers.
Just return the J 10, the frigates we are buying and the tanks we are inducting and the rest, who we are fighting against or protecting from, lets not take this nation for the ride again. Unless generals and politicians need tanks for the taxi ride and for guarding their ill gains. Even treason word for Pakistani's needs redefining in the English dictionary.
Whenever you recite La Ilah kalma, then you take a pledge to only be a slave of Allah. You can't be a slave of either Allah or America. This creates conflict in personality and is probably a direct result of this crisis and man-made jurisprudence.

If we accept to live as slaves, then why do we need Pakistan? When you are protecting their interests, the British and the Americans treat their slaves well and with respect.
There are reports from Pro-Taliban accounts that they are massing their forces at Nimroz in response to Pakistan's demand of handing over the perpetrators.
There are reports from Pro-Taliban accounts that they are massing their forces at Nimroz in response to Pakistan's demand of handing over the perpetrators.

Excellent. Military might actually act this time - it needs the distraction.
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