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Pak Army fully prepared to tackle Indian aggression: Sartaj

Wake up my friend. Wake up
We are awake , very much awake. Let go of the ego and Kashmir and there won't be any more violence. We aren't expansionist and we have proved it multiple times. In '65 Indian forces retreated from Islamabad after capturing it, even after '71 war , B'desh was given complete independance not an inch of land was taken , Nepal , Bhutan has not been touched rather given free access to India and work permit , Sri Lanka has never been troubled so why is it only with J&K we become so aggressive ? Because it's part of our land now and giving it isn't an option. Last but not the least we have fought the deadliest wars under a non-nationalist govt. and this time round 5 if happens will be under the full control of an extreme hindu nationalist govt. so it will be bloodier .
We are awake , very much awake. Let go of the ego and Kashmir and there won't be any more violence. We aren't expansionist and we have proved it multiple times. In '65 Indian forces retreated from Islamabad after capturing it, even after '71 war , B'desh was given complete independance not an inch of land was taken , Nepal , Bhutan has not been touched rather given free access to India and work permit , Sri Lanka has never been troubled so why is it only with J&K we become so aggressive ? Because it's part of our land now and giving it isn't an option. Last but not the least we have fought the deadliest wars under a non-nationalist govt. and this time round 5 if happens will be under the full control of an extreme hindu nationalist govt. so it will be bloodier .
Your post is wrong in so many ways I feel lazy to correct you. But still I will. First of all who told you Islamabad was captured? Remember one of your generals saying we will drink alcohol in Lahore gymkhana. They faced such a hard retaliation they couldnt even step in. Secondly Bandladeshi's wanted seperation all you did was help them against us. Not like you entered a land that was in favour of Pakistan. Thirdly if Srilanka has never been troubled by you I wonder who build Tamil tigers and kept helping prabhakaran? The whole world knows about it. They have been recently finished off and Pakistani military assissted Srilanka in it. And yea you forgot to mention Kargil, it was captured by our forces only reason they had to come back was political pressure by Nawaz Sharif who is a known shoe licker of India. Now as far as another war is concerned you dont realize what you'll be met with. More then 40 million armed civillians most of which being tribals are trained to use weapons due to internal tribal feuds. Will be standing with army. You may have heard what an american general said he said how can you defeat an enemy that looks in the barrel of your gun and sees paradise. Thats the kind of spirit you'll be met with. Not to mention the nuclear capabilities. So correct your facts and stop dreaming. You have no idea how bad its going to be.
Your post is wrong in so many ways I feel lazy to correct you. But still I will. First of all who told you Islamabad was captured? Remember one of your generals saying we will drink alcohol in Lahore gymkhana. They faced such a hard retaliation they couldnt even step in. Secondly Bandladeshi's wanted seperation all you did was help them against us. Not like you entered a land that was in favour of Pakistan. Thirdly if Srilanka has never been troubled by you I wonder who build Tamil tigers and kept helping prabhakaran? The whole world knows about it. They have been recently finished off and Pakistani military assissted Srilanka in it. And yea you forgot to mention Kargil, it was captured by our forces only reason they had to come back was political pressure by Nawaz Sharif who is a known shoe licker of India. Now as far as another war is concerned you dont realize what you'll be met with. More then 40 million armed civillians most of which being tribals are trained to use weapons due to internal tribal feuds. Will be standing with army. You may have heard what an american general said he said how can you defeat an enemy that looks in the barrel of your gun and sees paradise. Thats the kind of spirit you'll be met with. Not to mention the nuclear capabilities. So correct your facts and stop dreaming. You have no idea how bad its going to be.

LTTE was NOT made or funded by Indian govt. , it was a regional terrorist group that fought for whatever in their freewill and we still have few non islamic millitant groups here in India who fight over silly issues like I have 2 in my state , Naxals and Maosists . These people are no way related to the govt.

Now , as for the claims you made I believe you , and trust me I already know this "spirit" you are talking about . It's not spirit , it's lunacy , mass lunacy . This is what drives the radical enitire muslim community to bath in blood all over the world under different names like Al-Qaeda , Taliban , ISIS, LeT etc. etc. You are proud about giving guns to your civilians ? You will push civilians to fight a trained armored army while we will evacutate our civilians from war zones . See the difference ? Seeing paradise in barrel of guns ? You are starting to sound like a Jihadist , maybe you have that in you isn't it ? Sure you do . But then again I pity all of you . Wish all those dead terrorists could come back and tell you that there is no paradise or afterlife . Anyway , whatever you won't win any wars with India , you didn't in last century and you certainly won't in this . Give up Kashmir , let that ego go and see India won't trouble you anymore .

Edit - And don't say the N-word. We even have our 2nd strike ready . We are already a nuclear triad so even there we have the advantage, but we won't be using nukes even if you do that's for sure.
LTTE was NOT made or funded by Indian govt. , it was a regional terrorist group that fought for whatever in their freewill and we still have few non islamic millitant groups here in India who fight over silly issues like I have 2 in my state , Naxals and Maosists . These people are no way related to the govt.

Now , as for the claims you made I believe you , and trust me I already know this "spirit" you are talking about . It's not spirit , it's lunacy , mass lunacy . This is what drives the radical enitire muslim community to bath in blood all over the world under different names like Al-Qaeda , Taliban , ISIS, LeT etc. etc. You are proud about giving guns to your civilians ? You will push civilians to fight a trained armored army while we will evacutate our civilians from war zones . See the difference ? Seeing paradise in barrel of guns ? You are starting to sound like a Jihadist , maybe you have that in you isn't it ? Sure you do . But then again I pity all of you . Wish all those dead terrorists could come back and tell you that there is no paradise or afterlife . Anyway , whatever you won't win any wars with India , you didn't in last century and you certainly won't in this . Give up Kashmir , let that ego go and see India won't trouble you anymore .

Edit - And don't say the N-word. We even have our 2nd strike ready . We are already a nuclear triad so even there we have the advantage, but we won't be using nukes even if you do that's for sure.
Even though most of your post is filled with attacks on my religion and belief, I wont take offense. As far as armed civilians are concerned you'd be crazy to think anyone PUSHES their civilians to fight a war. They volunteer. And fortunately we have plenty to volunteer in case of a war, specially against India. And Im not just saying this I've met such people.
You have failed to provide sources to back your claims such as Islamabad being captured in 65, so i guess theres no point debating with you. Have fun
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