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Pak Amraams can be made ineffective: US assured Manohar Parrikar

just a side note, funny how the indian media conveniently quoted a dead manohar parrikar who can't verify crap now as opposed to a living manohar parrikar that couldn't been asked for verification...

you, you slick, little slippery indians you...:no:
Source: Indian media, who else

The assurances were made in 2015 when then defence minister Manohar Parrikar strongly raised the issue of supply of Amraams and fighter jets to Pakistan
ET Bureau|
Mar 21, 2019, 07.26 AM IST

New Delhi: The United States had assured India that Pakistan won’t use F16s and Amraams (advanced medium range air-to-air missiles) for offensive purposes as the US had an effective end-user monitoring process and the systems could be made ineffective if they were misused.

The assurances were made in 2015 when then defence minister Manohar Parrikar strongly raised the issue of supply of Amraams and fighter jets to Pakistan with his US counterpart Ashton Carter, top government sources told ET.

Sources who were part of the discussions between Parrikar and Carter in 2015 said two specific issues were raised in discussions that took place in New Delhi and Washington. “One of the issues was that the Amraams have a long range and they cannot be used against terrorists but would be targeted at us,” a three-star rank officer who was part of the discussions told ET.

Carter responded to this by assuring that the missiles will not be used against India and the US has a mechanism to make them ineffective if they are used during war. “If they use it for an offensive purpose, they can interfere with the mechanism and make them ineffective,” the officer, who was involved in the talks, told ET.

The second issue was the potential of misuse of F16s to deliver nuclear bombs against India. “An assurance was given that in case of a potential nuclear attack, the US can disable the aircraft. That, if they use nukes, they won’t be able to operate the F16s,” the officer said.

After efforts to get the US administration to ban the subsidised sale of eight of the advanced Block 52 version of F16s to Pakistan in 2015, India had lobbied at the US Senate against the deal. Sources said India was successful in convincing members of the US Senate that giving subsidies for the deal would not send the right message. The chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Bob Corker, said in March 2016: “Prohibiting a taxpayer subsidy sends a message to Pakistan that it needs tochange its behaviour, but preventing the purchase of US aircraft would do more harm than good by paving the way for countries like Russia and China to sell to Pakistan while also inhibiting greater cooperation on counterterrorism.”

This is an assurance to us Pakistanis that we didn't use US manufactured AMRAAM, instead, we killed Indians using our own JF-17 and Chinese missiles.. lolll
ok here is an offer for Chinese pals take 500 AMRAAMS and give 400 PL-15s and integrate them on F-16s
There is no way to disable F-16s if one person can do it then with work and determination technically anyone can do it. Same reason why Apple didn't make a back door for the government to bypass passwords when asked
i meant if americans sabotaged amraams the f-16s will be pretty much useless
Yeah that's right.. but in a few months, we will get the upgraded JF-17s which are better than any block of F-16s we have in our inventory..

To be honest, I don't even count F-16s now.. They are useless.. There are some strings attached no matter how much we deny..

And this is an eye opener to those who still advocate purchase of F-35s or other US based weapons.. We are finding it really difficult to maintain the current US based inventory and some fools are still licking US boots..

I say fvck US.. we have to think about replacing US based weapons from our inventory quickly.. Chinese weapons, even if a little bit less technologically ahead, still more effective when in Pakistani inventory due to no restrictions attached with them.. we are free to fire them on anyone's behind, including US..
if what is being said is true, then in effect, the iaf was able to defeat the amraam by the su30's self protection pods, the problem is that amraam went in search and seak out mode again and killed the mi17 instead. But what is even a BIGGER problem for the iaf is the SD10 which killed the mirage2k and the su30 that the amraam missed (mig21 was brought down by SRAAM)...now, india's sugar daddy uncle sam can't help india there...
I am pretty sure the US folks also promised that forget about hitting IAF fighters with AMRAM, if PAF F16 fires it the jet itself will get crushed!!! Hence, the Indians are demanding an F16 from the USA!! And, the USA is demanding an episode beyond the “Kungfu Kick”!!! Clever vs Cunning....

Better yet, just get J10Cs from China and retire the F16s altogether or keep them as combat training aggressor squadrons.
And, air sports...
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