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Pak Airspace closure hits Indian Pockets: AI appeals to 'inactive' crew to immediately join work.

leave alone others charges such as
overflying payment of per/km
maintenance cost
time managements or turn around time losses (very important for airlines)
extra payments to on board staff for more working hours
less seat avilibility because of more usage of planes

lets only talk about fuel charges only because they are the major issue after time management . its simple a 777 land in delhi after long haul flight and then turn a late night coach between Delhi Mumbai and early morning return base with now long haul flight but now that Delhi Mumbai short flight will be impossible for that 777 its just an example .this will loss big amount but lets talk only fuel

The Boeing 767-300ER consumes 6056 litters of fuel for each hour in flight.
Boeing 747-8I/F burns 10114 litters per hour or about
Airbus A330-200E burns 5200 litters of fuel an hour
Airbus A350 burns ~5490 litter of fuel an hour
777-200LR burns ~6800 litters of fuel per hour
777-300ER burns ~7500 litters of fuel per hour

With jet fuel currently costing $1.89 per litter

or lets say another way Cruising costs per hour are
747 - $13,380 per hour
777 - $9366 per hour
A330- 8490 per hour
A350 - $7359 per hour

they will be busy with calculators to count losses remember we just talk fuel not all the losses here

and Pakistan forcing them to use some 200+ flights daily with each 2 to 3 hours flight hours extra . for nothing just simply useless flight hours

are you in the airline industry?
One must have a cognitive ability to understand what's being discussed. :rolleyes: I rest my case, meanwhile, here is an interesting stuff, I don't expect you to understand given your cognition.

Besides, I'm glad nobody in Pakistan is that stupid to for such adventures. But then again, I'll not hold my breath.:D

aww, resorting to insults when nothing works... no hard feelings... i will recommend meanwhile, try vedic oik in SUs and M2ks to make sure they can fly during war...

are you in the airline industry?

logic, and economics... :S
dear bro planes follow the flight paths not the mountains high or low . its highly military area and there is no flight path over it simply otherwise there are many airport on Himalaya itself how many KM is distance from Katmandu airport and mount Everest ?
Dear Imran sb, I like to explain in a more technical aspect which is the exact reason why flights are not going over that mountain ranges but I don't think it's worth writing such a long essay on it. But please understand that it simply is dangerous to operate commercial airplanes over that region due to high turbulence, and flights do not continuously operate at 30000ft, and will have to bring down to ranges where oxygen is available at 10000ft, in Himalayan ranges it is not possible to reduce the altitude that fast.

aww, resorting to insults when nothing works... no hard feelings... i will recommend meanwhile, try vedic oik in SUs and M2ks to make sure they can fly during war...
Dear Imran sb, I like to explain in a more technical aspect which is the exact reason why flights are not going over that mountain ranges but I don't think it's worth writing such a long essay on it. But please understand that it simply is dangerous to operate commercial airplanes over that region due to high turbulence, and flights do not continuously operate at 30000ft, and will have to bring down to ranges where oxygen is available at 10000ft, in Himalayan ranges it is not possible to reduce the altitude that fast.

my brother we have safari trip over K2 a flight now flying over himalaya area of paksitan . may be you know K2 is 2nd highest mountain on earth. we are doing it since ages .



and some people take these shots while sitting in aeroplane of Everest the world highest mountain



That was an indian plane crossing over baluchistan , Sir...
that was not indian that was afghan plane janab KAM air
my brother we have safari trip over K2 a flight now flying over himalaya area of paksitan . may be you know K2 is 2nd highest mountain on earth. we are doing it since ages .


that was not indian that was afghan plane janab KAM air
Yes, Imran sb there is a Nepali flight that passes through short distance over himalayas. The question was, why no Indian airlines to China over that region, or any airlines passes through that region to China or further North, which I said is dangerous. A lot of Chinese airlines passes through India but you don't find any that passes through that region to reach Delhi.

Tibetan plateau is 15000 ft high, so we are flying just above 5000ft, over a mountainous terrain constantly.
Oh. I see. So is it close for indian jets only ?
More like any flights through the region, to and from. I think India and Pakistan closed it's airspace for flights through each other's nation directly. (My knowledge is purely from that flightradar website, looking at it over different occasions.

Oh. I see. So is it close for indian jets only ?

More like any flights through the region, to and from. I think India and Pakistan closed it's airspace for flights through each other's nation directly. (My knowledge is purely from that flightradar website, looking at it over different occasions.

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yes the routes are closed not the ban on flying Indian flights still using Pakistani airspace

are you in the airline industry?
no sir i am not :D
Yeah, I can see Jet Air is going over Sindh to Mumbai.. WHY WHY WHY???

Indeed. Looks like no international flights crossing the Indo-Pak border directly.
Look at JAI123. It is close to Karachi and will probably cross the southern most border for Mumbai..
Yes, Imran sb there is a Nepali flight that passes through short distance over himalayas. The question was, why no Indian airlines to China over that region, or any airlines passes through that region to China or further North, which I said is dangerous. A lot of Chinese airlines passes through India but you don't find any that passes through that region to reach Delhi.

Tibetan plateau is 15000 ft high, so we are flying just above 5000ft, over a mountainous terrain constantly.
sir as per my understanding
yes you can fly over himalaya but there is no route because of harsh weather quickly changing of weather and wind .airlines also fear of extreme turbulence over there .Everest is 29,000 feet high and airliners can above 40,000 feet but the Everest is not a route of airlines another issue may be emergency there will be no airport near by also in case of rescue it will be nightmare . but again saying no plane fly over himalaya is baseless .
@Imran Khan

JAI123 is taking an unusual route.. no other airline is going through the route which Jet Airways has taken.. why?
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