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Pak Airspace closure hits Indian Pockets: AI appeals to 'inactive' crew to immediately join work.

Double Whammy.... Are we allowing indians ships to go through pakistani waters? Please ban them too, let them go through international waters..

ALso, Any friendly nations whose aircrafts and naval frieght ships which are bound for india should go through international waters instead of pakistani territorial waters.

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Pakistan's territorial waters are only upto 12 NM from the coast. We can not stop shipping to pass through our EEZ and also we have no right to stop flights passing over Pakistan's EEZ. As per Int. Law.
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Pakistan's territorial waters are only upto 12 NM from the coast. We can not stop shipping to pass through our EEZ and also we have have no right to stop flights passing over Pakistan's EEZ. As per Int. Law.

ars u saying that Indian saint was within 12nm miles of pakiatani territorial water couple of weeks ago
I meant to say was Indian sub , that ventured into Pakistan’s terrorist water s was within 12nm ??
No, it was not within Pakistan's territorial waters. That is why she was allowed to return back after detection. If we have destroyed it than it would be the violation of law of seas.

This is where the sub was based on the footage data provided by Pakistan navy! Anyone else who can chime in on what Gillani88 is saying ?


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Ok, then what is your point? IMHO you should read about UNCLOS 1982.

The point is that Pakistan navy came out with a statement that indian sub violated Pakistani territorial waters... based on the coordinates of the target released from Z9 or P3C, it was obvious that the sub was more than 12nM. It seems it was more than 100nm from nearest Pakistani coast ...
Either Pakistani navy is lying based on what you said, or you are misinformed ...
The point is that Pakistan navy came out with a statement that indian sub violated Pakistani territorial waters...
As far as i know, Indian sub never violated Pakistani waters. You can prove me wrong by quoting the original statement from the navy.
Either Pakistani navy is lying based on what you said, or you are misinformed ...
I dont think PN is not aware of UNCLOS 1982.
Lol!! This is peanuts compared to how much money we would lose due to another Mumbai like attack. If this is really the cost to stop terrorism, then I'm all for it.
Pakistan's Airspace Ban Costs Air India Crores, Passengers Extra Time

Air India flights travelling west can no longer fly through Pakistani airspace and need to swing south across Gujarat and then cut across the Arabian sea to reach their destinations in Europe and North America.
All India | Written by Vishnu Som | Updated: March 18, 2019 22:10 IST

Air India has bled more than Rs. 60 crore so far. (File)

The airspace ban over Pakistan which began on the February, a day after India targeted the Jaish-e-Mohammed terror base in Balakot in Pakistan, is costing Air India, the national carrier, dearly. As a result of longer flights, which have had to become one-stop operations, the airline has bled more than Rs. 60 crore so far. And that number is going up every day - potentially disastrous news for the cash-strapped airline which is surviving on government bailouts.

Air India flights travelling west can no longer fly through Pakistani airspace and need to swing south across Gujarat and then cut across the Arabian sea to reach their destinations in Europe and North America. The most problematic flights for Air India are flights between India and the US East coast - Washington, New York, Newark and also Chicago.

These flights can no longer operate non-stop and have had to stop at either Sharjah or Vienna to refuel. Each refuelling halt, mandatory on both the outbound and return legs, costs the airline Rs. 50 lakh on an average. With the airline having to position crew and engineers in Vienna, Air India has lost approximately Rs. 60 crore till March 16.

The non-stop service from Delhi to San Francisco which flies east, across the Pacific, has not been affected.

With losses rising with every flight, Air India has now cut its Vienna stop-over to just two flights while other flights are being refuelled in Mumbai. But this too is problematic since refuelling flights bound for North America in Mumbai comes with payload penalties. Essentially, there are restrictions which are placed on the number of passengers each jet can carry. If an airliner carries less, the airline earns less as well on each affected sector.

For passengers, the biggest concern is the time taken. Ultra-long-haul flights, a highlight of Air India's operations since it inducted the Boeing 777-300ER and Boeing 777-200LR aircraft, now take up to four hours longer per sector. This means that flights to the United States can now last more than 18 hours inclusive of the refuelling halt.

Air India's Boeing 787-800 "Dreamliner" service to Europe has also been hit by the Pakistani airspace ban. The airline has cancelled flights to Birmingham and Madrid because it needs an extra pilot on board to cater for the longer flights. Each flight to European destinations is presently about two hours longer than it was earlier

Nice payback by Pakistan :sarcastic:
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