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Pak-Afghan intelligence deal based on wrong assumptions: India’s NSA

nope you din't understand onionji , in the past pakistan has used afghanistan for proxy wars against india , example is kandhahar hijacking , so our activities in afg are to counter afg from being used as a base to launch attacks on india.
So in that context it is for security purpose.

Before that, India and the Soviet Union used Afghanistan to break Pakistan, just like they did with East Pakistan. Afghanistan had for quite some time supporting separatist and secessionists in Pakistan who wanted to get KPK to break away from Pakistan. At one point in time, Afghanistan had even tried to invade Pakistan.
Before that, India and the Soviet Union used Afghanistan to break Pakistan, just like they did with East Pakistan. Afghanistan had for quite some time supporting separatist and secessionists in Pakistan who wanted to get KPK to break away from Pakistan. At one point in time, Afghanistan had even tried to invade Pakistan.

that had more to do with sovient expansionist tendencies and india was not a part of it , you might have come to that conclusion just because india was an ally of the sovient during that time but the fact is after sovients would be done with afg & pak their next target would be india because we were aware about their expansionist tendencies.
This is what the Indian members saying in this PDF for long time.Our work in Afghanistan is purely based on humanitarian ground.
Our intel agencies simply dont have any ability to work in such elaborated ways.
And our NSA is confirmed that.
He is yr NSA its natural he would say that, Apart from this he has admitted it in 2011 anyways.
that had more to do with sovient expansionist tendencies and india was not a part of it , you might have come to that conclusion just because india was an ally of the sovient during that time but the fact is after sovients would be done with afg & pak their next target would be india because we were aware about their expansionist tendencies.
Well India would have enjoyed giving Russia access to Bombay ports and Goa beaches. After all Bombay would still love to have Karachi back in its Presidency which was removed by the British.
that had more to do with sovient expansionist tendencies and india was not a part of it , you might have come to that conclusion just because india was an ally of the sovient during that time but the fact is after sovients would be done with afg & pak their next target would be india because we were aware about their expansionist tendencies.

India hosted many KGB agents, especially during the 1970s when Soviet influence was at its peak.

Book on KGB unveils Russian agency's ops in India during Cold War, political storm ensues : NATION - India Today
Yuri Bezmenov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In an interview with G. Edward Griffin, he detailed how Soviet help for inciting anger and uprising in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) was the final straw in his personal decision to defect to the West. In the interview, Yuri details how USSR consulates in India were used to smuggle weapons and propaganda material to East Pakistan in a largely Soviet effort to break up the state of Pakistan, then a staunch Western and US ally.

The book claims that the maximum operational effort by the KGB in a Third World country during the Cold War was in India and that the number of KGB agents in India during the 1970s was the largest outside the Soviet Union. The more sensational disclosures include:

KGB agents were operating freely in India and helped finance Communist and socialist revolutionaries and intellectuals all across the subcontinent. Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc.

Yuri Bezmenov doesn't go into much detail about KGB operations in India, but he does mention how he was assigned to promote socialist and communist ideals among intellectuals in the subcontinent.

Here's an extract from the video.
India hosted many KGB agents, especially during the 1970s when Soviet influence was at its peak.

Book on KGB unveils Russian agency's ops in India during Cold War, political storm ensues : NATION - India Today
Yuri Bezmenov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

KGB agents were operating freely in India and helped finance Communist and socialist revolutionaries and intellectuals all across the subcontinent. Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc.

Yuri Bezmenov doesn't go into much detail about KGB operations in India, but he does mention how he was assigned to promote socialist and communist ideals among intellectuals in the subcontinent.

will go through your links and watch video later , as far as i know the gandhi family in india was quite close to sovient leadership at that time because of the help they received from them , that said it doesn't mean they were not aware of their expansionist tendencies , they were using the same tricks which saudi arabia is using today with muslim countries i.e use their money & muscle power to promote their ideology everywhere , thats the reason why india also followed a socialist form of economy for a very long period before undergoing reforms in the 90s because of the sovient influence on our decision making.
will go through your links and watch video later , as far as i know the gandhi family in india was quite close to sovient leadership at that time because of the help they received from them , that said it doesn't mean they were not aware of their expansionist tendencies , they were using the same tricks which saudi arabia is using today with muslim countries i.e use their money & muscle power to promote their ideology everywhere , thats the reason why india also followed a socialist form of economy for a very long period before undergoing reforms in the 90s because of the sovient influence on our decision making.
Yeah, I understand that. But I think it's wrong to say that Pakistan was using Afghanistan for anti-India schemes without mentioning for first 30 years after independence, Afghanistan was a hotbed for anti-Pakistan separatists. After the loss of East Pakistan, the Pakistani leadership was worried it might lose KPK and Balochistan to socialists in Afghanistan and decided to become more aggressive in their own policies.
This is what the Indian members saying in this PDF for long time.Our work in Afghanistan is purely based on humanitarian ground.
Our intel agencies simply dont have any ability to work in such elaborated ways.
And our NSA is confirmed that.

How many times you are going to repeat the same lie ?

US exit: India steps up Afghan army training

The training includes counter-terrorism operations, military field-craft, signals, intelligence, counter-IED, information technology

US exit: India steps up Afghan army training - The Times of India\

Secret military intelligence unit ran 8 covert operations abroad?

Technical Support Division (TSD), the secretive military intelligence unit set up by former Army chief General V K Singh which is accused of trying to overthrow the Omar Abdullahgovernment, has claimed to have carried out at least eight successful covert operations in a foreign country.

But the claims are so sensitive and sensational that it would be a key reason why the government will not hand over the inquiry report into the functioning of TSD to an external investigation agency.

According to sources, among the most sensational claims in the report is that the TSD carried out eight specific covert operations in a foreign country. It has claimed to have spent a few crores on those operations

Secret military intelligence unit ran 8 covert operations abroad? - The Times of India

MI operatives moved into Tajikistan and later Afghanistan in support of the Ahmad Shah Massoud-led Northern Alliance that overthrew the Taliban in 2001.Besides furthering national strategic goals, MI officials say these 'third country operations' allowed the agency to peep into countries of their immediate interest.

How Indian Army's Military Intelligence Directorate works : Special Report - India Today

Ravi Datt Mehta (1955 – 7 July 2008) was a brigadier in the Indian army. He died in the suicide bombingof the Indian Embassy in Kabul while serving as India's Defence Attaché to Afghanistanon 7 July 2008. Brig. Mehta had earlier also served as the head of the Indian Army's Intelligence Corps in the state of Jammu and Kashmir

US grabs Pakistani Taliban commander (NO.2 of TTP ) from Afghan intel
By BILL ROGGIO October 11, 2013

US grabs Pakistani Taliban commander from Afghan intel | The Long War Journal

Monday, January 09, 2006

New Delhi fuelling Balochistan violence, says Musharraf

* President ‘annoyed’ and ‘disappointed’ by Indian involvement

NEW DELHI: President Pervez Musharraf accused India on Sunday of arming and financing militants in Balochistan, charges that could push back a peace process between the two countries.

When asked whether India was backing armed Baloch militants, Musharraf told the CNN-IBNchannel in an interview aired on Sunday: “There are lot of indications, yes indeed.” There is a “lot of financial support, support in kind being given to those who are anti-government, anti-me and to those feudal people who are anti-national”, the president said.

The Pakistan Army launched a crackdown against militants in Balochistan after a December 14 rocket attack while Musharraf was visiting the region. Baloch nationalists say that 200 people have since been killed, but the government has not commented on casualties.

Musharraf said that he was “annoyed” and “disappointed” by Indian government statements and alleged actions in Balochistan. “It’s a direct interference in our internal affairs,” he told CNN-IBN.


Musharraf expressed hope that the exchange over Balochistan would not hurt the peace process between Pakistan and India. “It should not be a setback to the process of dialogue of resolution (of disputes),” he said.

A spat erupted this month after India expressed concerns about the situation in Balochistan. New Delhi had said last month that it noted with “concern” reports of the use of gunships and jet fighters in Balochistan, and hoped that Islamabad would show “restraint” in the matter.

Pakistan had responded by accusing India of “an unacceptable proclivity to interfere in the internal affairs of its neighbours”. “Such tendency is contrary to efforts aimed at building an environment of trust, peace and stability in South Asia,” Foreign Office spokeswoman Tasnim Aslam had said.

Musharraf had termed India’s comments “intriguing”, adding: “We know who is financing and supplying weapons.”

India on Saturday rejected earlier Pakistani charges of involvement in Balochistan. “As far as any allegations about India’s interference in Balochistan are concerned, I would like to categorically reject these allegations as utterly baseless and false,” Indian Foreign Ministry spokesman Navtej Sarna said.

Opposition parties in Balochistan have accused the government of using helicopter gunships and warplanes to rocket and bomb civilians in Kohlu and Dera Bugti.

On Friday, Federal Information Minister and the president’s chief spokesman Sheikh Rashid had said that good relations with neighbours have kept Pakistan from making public evidence of the involvement of foreign countries in the Balochistan insurgency.

“We have evidence that foreign countries are involved,” he told a news conference in Peshawar. “But we don’t want to spoil the good relations we have with our neighbours.” reuters
Yeah, I understand that. But I think it's wrong to say that Pakistan was using Afghanistan for anti-India schemes without mentioning for first 30 years after independence, Afghanistan was a hotbed for anti-Pakistan separatists. After the loss of East Pakistan, the Pakistani leadership was worried it might lose KPK and Balochistan to socialists in Afghanistan and decided to become more aggressive in their own policies.

its complicated , there is a lot of difference between merely providing some support because of your own interests and being a co-conspirator and pakistan is not an angel , everyone here has his hands dirty , every big power always tries to push its ideas everywhere , it is there in history , even today you see US doing that , they want democracy and governments favorable to them everywhere , the sovients wanted socialism and the saudis have been pushing for wahabism by using their petrodollars , if india or pakistan become strong and powerful even they will play the same game , no one is clean my friend.
India is our enemy

Whether kicking them completely out of Afghanistan and blocking any links to central asia or making new alliances with Maldives, sri lanka and helping to increase chinese influence in the indian ocean it is vital we keep gunning for india

At all costs we must ensure they dont have peace or control in their own neighbourhood let alone anywhere else
What is pain in *** of india india have no interest in afghanistan other than exporting terror to pak

Is afghan produce oil gold etc that india needs
Funny dude.
We have 2 billion humanitarian program in Afghanistan.You should havev such protected centres for coordinating relief efforts in the war torn country.You cant compare that with a developed nation like US
In that case india shoudn't worry about this agreement. In fact such agreement would be more beneficial for india than to Pakistan. Such intelligence sharing will keep a check on your guys deputed for security of indian investment, who are heftily paid for security duties (as you say) out of indian taxpayers money, to keep them focused on their job in hand than managing and exporting terror operations in Pakistan. Such bad guys in your ranks will be pointed out timely by such intel sharing ops and will be well taken care of.
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In that case india shoudn't worry about this agreement. In fact such agreement would be more beneficial for india than to Pakistan. Such intelligence sharing will keep a check on your guys deputed for security of indian investment, who are heftily paid for security duties (as you say) out of indian taxpayers money, to keep them focused on their job in hand than managing and exporting terror operations in Pakistan. Such bad guys in your ranks will be pointed out timely by such intel sharing ops and will be well taken care of.
:enjoy: If only this was the case, If only!
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