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PAF vs. IAF fighter fleet technology comparison

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Oct 19, 2008
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United States
thread is on fighterfleet technology comparison between both, keep it educated and sensible and abstain from trolling. @sancho @Munir @Chak Bamu @Manticore


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Technologically & numerically IAF is superior to PAF, but at the end of the day it all comes to the man who is behind the machine, how he is trained what kind of strategy of fighting is adopted etc.
For a change please do not tell that Iaf will field good chunk of assets at China border and compare only fewer assets of iaf.

All recent exercise. Iaf heavy fighters flew as far from assam to pak border and engaged in a2 a and a2g

Imo m2k mig 29 bisons are enough for paf. With jaguar and mig 27

Technologically & numerically IAF is superior to PAF, but at the end of the day it all comes to the man who is behind the machine, how he is trained what kind of strategy of fighting is adopted etc.
Not in today's world. I'm not underestimating man but its more of machine. You can read chogy's real life example here if you search
Not in today's world. I'm not underestimating man but its more of machine. You can read chogy's real life example here if you search

The true example is RSAF of 80s n 90s where they had quality equipment in numbers but still they were far inferior to IDF when it comes to combat.
My opinion
India has slight advantage in Army
Moderate advantage for Air power and Navy is a no brainer
and what makes you think PAF has the upper hand in these areas?

Did I even say that??

What I like about PAF is they knew their weaknesses and every time they come up with stuff which can reduce the gap to the extent where they can deny air dominance to IAF.
The true example is RSAF of 80s n 90s where they had quality equipment in numbers but still they were far inferior to IDF when it comes to combat.
Things are quite changed since then.

And I believe the most important factor in future before fgfa arrives in South Asian skies will be the introduction of meteor with rafale. This will change hell lot of combat tactics.
To my understanding PA even with current state can handle IA but what they need is a robust and advance PAF & PN to support them, and Govt. should understand that time has come to put emphasis on rapid modernization of PAF & PN while PA could keep modernizing a bit slower speed, NCW should be implemented and a effective C4I should be implemented among all three services to share data and assets.
thread is on fighterfleet technology comparison between both, keep it educated and sensible and abstain from trolling.
please have your say..
Are future acquisitions also to be taken into account? Or this comparison is only for current squadrons?
Things are quite changed since then.
And I believe the most important factor in future before fgfa arrives in South Asian skies will be the introduction of meteor with rafale. This will change hell lot of combat tactics.

Govt. is not providing required funds if they do, PAF have projects available to them which can make them a extremely dangerous foe to IAF, PL-21 (Sino Meteor) is just one in many thing which we may be producing in future. :-)
The despatches, from the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, indicated that the deal was, among other things, meant to assuage Pakistan's fears of an “existential threat it perceived from India.” The diplomatic cables, accessed by The Hinduthrough WikiLeaks, suggested that the purpose of the sale was to divert Pakistan's attention from “the nuclear option,” and give it “time and space to employ a conventional reaction” in the event of a conflict with India (151227: confidential). Privately, however, the U.S. acknowledged the “reality” that the F-16 programme would not change India's “overwhelming air superiority over Pakistan.” In fact, the cables bluntly assert that the F-16s would be “no match for India's proposed purchase of F-18 or equivalent aircraft.”

Given India's “substantial military advantage,” one cable (197576: confidential) even surmised that the F-16s would at the most offer “a few days” for the U.S. to “mediate and prevent nuclear conflict.”

Behind the Pakistan F-16 deal, a tale of many wheels - The Hindu

Enough said.
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