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PAF Should Stop Purchase of Any New F 16's


Dec 26, 2005
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United States

Paf should stop any further purchase of the F 16's. With the availability of the J 10B with aesa---there a=is no reason for the Paf to go any further with the F 16 than where it is.

The F 16's have served their purpose well---it has been a great workhorse for the Pakistani defence forces----but it does not make any sense to decline the J 10B---.

Aesa radar is a game changer for any fighting force----it is a massive force multiplier---. All the weapons that the J 10 would need to use are being used by the JF 17's. With a 1000 TR modules---the Chinese aesa is supposedly as good as the sabr aesa for the F 16----sabr aesa is not available to pkistan.

This change should be made keeping in view the drama that was created by Pres Obama regarding Osama Bin Laden.

It is time for the Paf to change directions. The cost of the J 10 would be slightly less than the F 16 but the weapons systems equally potent and a radar far exceeding the one on the F 16.

It will also be making a statement to the U S---you have played us for long---it seems like your and our interests are not in the same parallels anymore---you have used every opportunity to slam us at every turn and corner for mistakes and errors in judgement that you could blame on us---.

Maybe you can have a partner in Iran----but for now----let us step away for a little while so that we can look at our issues and problems without any pressure from you and you can look at the your concerns without and attachment with us.

Paf should stop any further purchase of the F 16's. With the availability of the J 10B with aesa---there a=is no reason for the Paf to go any further with the F 16 than where it is.

The F 16's have served their purpose well---it has been a great workhorse for the Pakistani defence forces----but it does not make any sense to decline the J 10B---.

Aesa radar is a game changer for any fighting force----it is a massive force multiplier---. All the weapons that the J 10 would need to use are being used by the JF 17's. With a 1000 TR modules---the Chinese aesa is supposedly as good as the sabr aesa for the F 16----sabr aesa is not available to pkistan.

This change should be made keeping in view the drama that was created by Pres Obama regarding Osama Bin Laden.

It is time for the Paf to change directions. The cost of the J 10 would be slightly less than the F 16 but the weapons systems equally potent and a radar far exceeding the one on the F 16.

It will also be making a statement to the U S---you have played us for long---it seems like your and our interests are not in the same parallels anymore---you have used every opportunity to slam us at every turn and corner for mistakes and errors in judgement that you could blame on us---.

Maybe you can have a partner in Iran----but for now----let us step away for a little while so that we can look at our issues and problems without any pressure from you and you can look at the your concerns without and attachment with us.

that can only happen, if the top generals or fighter mafia stop their love of usa made equipment.
Let's suppose if PAF opts AESA Upgrade for Laraka Shaheens and a few more goodies for them in coming days?

What if the US-IRAN Deal goes well and Iran starts receiving western goods?
2008 was the best time for J10. Now, we should move forward and we need atleast 1 squadron of j31. We should skip J10, and get few fifth gen fighters. Money is no problem, as we have big fishes in Parliment , many billionaires sitting there. Now, it's time for contribute. Also we should get one sqardon of f16 block 52 plus or 60. I again say money is no problem.
Don't do mistake as India is doing with Rafale , Time is Money!
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Pakistan already has plenty of F-16s sure, and AESA would be a great improvement but that can be adapted onto jf-17. From what I've heard J-10 is hard to maintain constant maintenance and spare parts are needed. I don't know if J-10b fixes those issues but even if it does it's time to move on. PAF won't get considerably more powerful with J-10b s. It's time to adopt something radically more powerful like Eurofighter or a stealth jet like the one SAAB is making.

I would very much like to see USA rid from ' The Eff Solah Leverage' , but PAF does not think of J-10s as subtitute for F-16s.

The romance will contiue until the airframe life of MLUed F-16s comes to an end.

PAF F-16s are a true example of true love.
Of course the PAF eventually will acquire the 5th Generation Fighters, F16 is only filling in a special niche for the time being. Most Air Forces shy away from new platforms and opt for tried and tested mature platforms. The main reason Air Forces around the World still go for F16's is because it is a mature Platform which has been around for nearly 35 years.
Eventually, as Chinese 5th Generation aircraft like J31 mature, PAF will look at it critically to evaluate its viability and use.

Paf should stop any further purchase of the F 16's. With the availability of the J 10B with aesa---there a=is no reason for the Paf to go any further with the F 16 than where it is.

The F 16's have served their purpose well---it has been a great workhorse for the Pakistani defence forces----but it does not make any sense to decline the J 10B---.

Aesa radar is a game changer for any fighting force----it is a massive force multiplier---. All the weapons that the J 10 would need to use are being used by the JF 17's. With a 1000 TR modules---the Chinese aesa is supposedly as good as the sabr aesa for the F 16----sabr aesa is not available to pkistan.

This change should be made keeping in view the drama that was created by Pres Obama regarding Osama Bin Laden.

It is time for the Paf to change directions. The cost of the J 10 would be slightly less than the F 16 but the weapons systems equally potent and a radar far exceeding the one on the F 16.

It will also be making a statement to the U S---you have played us for long---it seems like your and our interests are not in the same parallels anymore---you have used every opportunity to slam us at every turn and corner for mistakes and errors in judgement that you could blame on us---.

Maybe you can have a partner in Iran----but for now----let us step away for a little while so that we can look at our issues and problems without any pressure from you and you can look at the your concerns without and attachment with us.
or better exercise the remaining 18 f16 c/d option with 500 aim 120d and 1000 aim 9x and JHMCS for rest of block 40 f 16 and then be done with Americans
If Zardari wont come to power , and our Generals have chosen J-10's in late 2000 , than by now we would have more than 50 J-10s , and PAF would have look something like this ..

76 F-16's
50 Jf-17's
50+ J-10's ..
rest Mirage and F-7PG's
a) is Pakistan in the market for new F-16s?
b) Is Pakistan in a postion to buy J-10s considering the F-16s were part of aid packages in the first place

If the answer to the above is affirmative then it makes sense to go for the J-10 considering the strings that come attached with the F-16.

F-16s are paid for in full by GoP.

Nice trolling attempt, post reported.
By the time we complete deliveries of J-10's, J-31 might very well be available. India would start inducting FGFA's, world would be moving towards 5th generation stealth. In the long run i don't know if it would be prudent to go for any such new deal, we should only focus on jf-17's for now. Because the real threat would be the 5th generation fighters in the future and j-10's or any other 4th generation jet-fighter don't seems to be the answer to that but J-31 or any other in it's class.
We should not let go the option of buying 18 F-16 C/D with all the bling bling ....afterwards ...Going for J-31 will remain the only good option ....It seems a long way to go for PAF to retire all the F-7 and most of the Mirages to replace it with something new ...!
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