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PAF Should Go For The F 35---A Coupe De Grace

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Unless economic and geopolitic situation of Pakistan changes drastically in US's favor, they won't even let us inspect them. Why start a thread that won't go anywhere for the coming decade?
What about? If we change whole fleet with only Typhoons :-)
Maybe less in number but deceive one!!!

In my dreams... :cheesy:

After much thought and deliberation---I have come to the conclusion that PAF should change gears in mid stream and go for a 2 Sqdrn strength of the F 35 initially.

They should drop the idea for the SU35 or the J11D and go for the JH7B with the upgraded engine and aesa radar.

But the key over here is the F35----. With the procurement of this aircraft---it can bring some balance to the fire fight and have some strength at its disposal to maintain and manage an aggressive and a defensive power stance---.

This is an unconventional approach to the problem at hand---. Go for the 5th gen aircraft first and then go back to the 4--- 4.5 gen aircraft---.

It will also give it enough time to develop the JF 17 blk 3 as well.

There are a couple of things that have changed-----. @Zarvan brought my attention to a thread started by Usama---I believe---regarding the F15 Silent eagle----with a new configuration of 16 BVR missiles on the wings and underbody with conformal fuel tanks designed by Boeing believe.

The F 15 would be guided by the F22 and the F 35 towards the target---the same can be done with the JF 17's. If it can be designed to carry 6 BVR missiles---then you have taken care of some of the problems facing the air defense of the country.

By going for the F 35---you are going to take the initiative away from the enemy. If it was me----I would rather have 2 sqdrn's of F35's than 4 sqdrn's of J11d's or SU35's.

You guys are being upset at why this change in game plan----why d I keep bringing different scenarios-----. I guess you people might come across some news in the near or distant future.

So---til then--- I am not going to say anything else---. Just wanted to let you guys know---if India was a litte more aggressive last year---the deal for the J10B's was done----.

To those who are roaming around the air force bases----please look for 2 of them------.

@Mastaan-khan It's the worst analysis i've ever seen from your side. I am not saying that which you said is wrong but from a person like you, I was not expecting this kind of analysis.
I disagree with you on that.
Yes Mush mishandled WOT to prolong the war for west interest..... I personally believe WOT in Pak would have been over if it was handled with national interest first like it is being done today with rahel sharif.... As a reward PAF was awarded with F-16 that US later laughed about.

After much thought and deliberation---I have come to the conclusion that PAF should change gears in mid stream and go for a 2 Sqdrn strength of the F 35 initially.

They should drop the idea for the SU35 or the J11D and go for the JH7B with the upgraded engine and aesa radar.

But the key over here is the F35----. With the procurement of this aircraft---it can bring some balance to the fire fight and have some strength at its disposal to maintain and manage an aggressive and a defensive power stance---.

This is an unconventional approach to the problem at hand---. Go for the 5th gen aircraft first and then go back to the 4--- 4.5 gen aircraft---.

It will also give it enough time to develop the JF 17 blk 3 as well.

There are a couple of things that have changed-----. @Zarvan brought my attention to a thread started by Usama---I believe---regarding the F15 Silent eagle----with a new configuration of 16 BVR missiles on the wings and underbody with conformal fuel tanks designed by Boeing believe.

The F 15 would be guided by the F22 and the F 35 towards the target---the same can be done with the JF 17's. If it can be designed to carry 6 BVR missiles---then you have taken care of some of the problems facing the air defense of the country.

By going for the F 35---you are going to take the initiative away from the enemy. If it was me----I would rather have 2 sqdrn's of F35's than 4 sqdrn's of J11d's or SU35's.

You guys are being upset at why this change in game plan----why d I keep bringing different scenarios-----. I guess you people might come across some news in the near or distant future.

So---til then--- I am not going to say anything else---. Just wanted to let you guys know---if India was a litte more aggressive last year---the deal for the J10B's was done----.

To those who are roaming around the air force bases----please look for 2 of them------.

American will never give F-35s to Pakistan even if we have the money to buy them. They will only sell second hand F-16s to Pakistan.
But the key over here is the F35----. With the procurement of this aircraft---it can bring some balance to the fire fight and have some strength at its disposal to maintain and manage an aggressive and a defensive power stance---.
Even US experts say that the J31 has the strengths of the F-35 without any of its weaknesses. Why should we go for something more expensive, which will without a doubt be used as leverage against us and which is worse in quality that what we are already aiming for?
If you were to propose the F-22, that would at least make me second guess but then i will rule it out based on its price. But F-35 is simply out of question.
The only thing in the F-35 that PAF should be interested in should be its sensor suite.
I guess PAF should rather stick with getting more F16's, F35 wont happen - expensive & too many strings attached, but it will be offered to us at some point. Should rather go for some other platform, in 4+ Gen category.

As for 5th Gen, I don't think India will get any within 10-15 years, by that time Chinese 5th Gen will be ready to roll out production units. I would go with China, they're only going to improve their military tech! soft loans, ToT, no strings attached.

There is no need to panic, I don't see PAF & IAF be pitted against each other. There are more chances of a limited war, most likely in the Kashmir region, again.

PM Nawaz will be visiting the US, next month, on a state visit, expect some offers from the US.
Other than the money rant and if at all USA will give us this tech i would personally suggest that we shud not jump into any venture which has still got issues and that too quite big ones. Wait for it to mature a lil bit.Same goes for J-31.
and your great army surrenderred in thousands to that the same pigeon army in 1971 and your gret air force and its devine F-16s count do anything but kept watching when owr pigeon airforce and army kept bombing the crap owt of your regular soldiers dressed up as freedom fighters in 1999 and your current PM had to run to washington to save your worrior army and its grace :haha:

but the thread is about F-35 well its the natural progression from F-16s isnt it + if pakistan even today does with full honesty what USA wants from it and what SA & UAE want from it chances are bright that PAF gets a copuple of squads of F-35 financed by SA & UAE .... good luck
dutt sahab,ratings..remember?

If the defence budget keeps going up, I'm not gonna pay any more taxes....
USA never gonna sell it to Pak nor we can afford it or Su35
F-35 is out budget plane , its waste of money and every 2-3 months it gets grounded by US airforce due to problems its in systems, we should have just opted for Hornets F18 if we had that option considering , Canada and other nations are selling their units off, on avarage asking 1 Billion per plane or something ridiculous figure for 1 fighter jet

Sukhoi-35 is better suited for our NAVY's need , 40-50 Units , we can thus retire our Mirage fleet (70 planes or so) Endurance & Radar coverage and performance in air, from specialization point of view , the plane would be 100% dedicated would help retire Mirage fleet

JF17 Thunder (150)/ F16 (150) Combination is enough for the Air Defense for Time being.

For F-7PG , ideal replacement would be Gripen with AESA - 50 Units , we retire 90 F-7PG
the new Gripen units would help bring in new Technology , close integration with SAAB erie eye and we can replace older F-7PG



For 1, F-35 (8 Missile in air), We can get 6 JF17 Thunders (Armed with 42 Missiles in Air).
Specially with JF17 Thunder introducing double seat version & introduction of AESA radar the value of JF17 Thunder rises even further!! for Pakistani Airforce

The problem with its Oxygen sensors and body problems are of great concern , and most folks in USA state that it good fighter in close range battle

IDEAL SCENARIO for Pakistan Air force:

150 JF17 Thunder (Our on going project)
150 F16 C/D (Our on going project) negotiate better radar/spare engines

Off the shelf purchase
  • 50 Sukhoi-35 units for NAVY (GWADAR/KARACHI), and coastal areas dedicated focus, retiring 70 Mirage units
  • 50 Gripen NG, retiring 70 F-7PG units, only if equipped with AESA

Focus for 2016-2022
Option 1: 6 Year Project with Turkey

Start of Stealth Plane project with Turkey: For 5th Generation plane

Option 2: Off the shelf purchase with China
Off the shelf purchase of J20 , 20 Units for specialized missions

Can we buy F-18 used :P
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