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PAF Pilot explains shooting down an Israeli Mirage

Googled it, Got no proof. Now if your airforce is so strong and powerful.....How did an indian spy plane MIG 25 Foxbat violated pakistani airspace without them knowing and created a sonic boom over islamabad in May 1997. Your airforce is a joke, Americans entered your airspace and shot OBL without your radars even intercepting them.

Pathetic, vegetarian imbecile, Ever read John Flicker “Air War of 1965”, , a British Aviation expert whom Indians hate, for writing the truth about how we decimated the IAF in air. Ever visited the airforce aces international website, compare the kills of PAF and IAF during Indo-Pak wars. How pathetic was your performance despite being three times the size of PAF.

PAF has shot down Israeli ,Soviet and Indian aircraft. These things have been discussed to death (with facts) on this forum. Look around yourself. Go & drink some cow piss, so that your eyes open up.
PAF Kills vs Russian aircraft Air Aces Homepage

And listen dumb imbecile, here is the airforce aces link, it lists all the international conflicts. Compare your IAF kills with PAF kills in Indo Pak conflicts , PAF kills against Israel and keep jerking off to the humiliating performance by your crappy airforce. http://users.accesscomm.ca/magnusfamily/postw2mj.htm
Dumbo, rather than hiding your humiliation in aggressive posturing--learn to accept facts.

You are new to the forum so I'll go easy on an uneducated idiot like you.

PAF has a positive kill ratio against shitty iaf, sound Soviet Airforce, and brilliant Israeli Air Force. Now you asked for proof--and people told a kid like you to "google" it. You came back and said "found nothing"...which I can understand since you absolutely lack any background knowledge in military affairs or history.

So I'll spoon feed you.

There is an international aircombat database which is accessible from the web. It is one of the most credible source of information on air wars of post WWII. No entry goes into the data without cross referencing, evidence evaluation, and confirmations etc.

When you analyze the data, it comes out that PAF infact has a postive kill ratio against all three airforces it fought against (iaf, Soviet Air Force, and Israeli Air Force). It doesn't mean that PAF is more powerful than Soviets etc. All it means is that whenever PAF engaged these air forces--PAF shot down more planes than it lost (didn't lose any in case of Israelis and Soviets--only one F-16 was lost against Soviet incursions which was due to friendly fire by our own airforce).

Why don't you take it from a senior indian member here?

In this thread, a senior Indian member accepting PAF superior kills score (by using the same international database as reference point, mind you :) )
PAF kills versis IAF kills

You can keep wetting your panties now....or just stop acting like a teenage girl.

Hmmm Well if you are gonna tell me that if I am dumb you better come up with the facts. The database which you are talking about just shows that which fighter claimed what. There is no proof. PUT UP OR SHUT UP.
Hmmm Well if you are gonna tell me that if I am dumb you better come up with the facts. The database which you are talking about just shows that which fighter claimed what. There is no proof. PUT UP OR SHUT UP.

Dumbf*ck, there is.

There are confirmed kills section in database.

Moreover, PAF's Israel and Soviet kills are accepted officially by these two nations are well. Infact, when PAF's F-16 went down--it were SOVIETS who first reported that the jet was lost due to friendly fire and not because of Soviet action. Later investigations verified their claim.

Read up on recorded military history before squealing like a puppy. You're wasting all of our's time.

Stop making a living joke outa yourself
Pathetic, vegetarian imbecile, Ever read John Flicker “Air War of 1965”, , a British Aviation expert whom Indians hate, for writing the truth about how we decimated the IAF in air. Ever visited the airforce aces international website, compare the kills of PAF and IAF during Indo-Pak wars. How pathetic was your performance despite being three times the size of PAF.

Wow..........Down to swearing levels........You don't even know If I am vegetarian or not....I like eating grilled bacon.
Hmmm Well if you are gonna tell me that if I am dumb you better come up with the facts. The database which you are talking about just shows that which fighter claimed what. There is no proof. PUT UP OR SHUT UP.

Yup world is lying, only Indian media speaks the truth !!! Long live Modi Orgasm !!!
dont change the topic

You are telling me to don't change the topic....I asked you about MIG 25 Foxbat over islamabad skies in 1997, How americans took OBL without your airforce even having intercepted with all that sophisticated infrastructure and nobody replied about that. BTW I love grilled bacon. :toast_sign::D
You are telling me to don't change the topic....I asked you about MIG 25 Foxbat over islamabad skies in 1997, How americans took OBL without your airforce even having intercepted with all that sophisticated infrastructure and nobody replied about that. BTW I love grilled bacon. :toast_sign::D
My friend,
We are discussing here about PAF achievements.Countries win and they loose,big deal!
Right now,the main focus is about Israeli plane,shot down.Tell me,what is so difficult with this?
Please,do not drag random issues,OBL issues are something really different.It was staged drama to finish this character for once and for all.I also ask you,where is OBL's dead body?When Saddam was shown,why not OBL?
Try to make friends to attain a good reputation.
Have fun and stick to the topic.

My friend,
We are discussing here about PAF achievements.Countries win and they loose,big deal!
Right now,the main focus is about Israeli plane,shot down.Tell me,what is so difficult with this?
Please,do not drag random issues,OBL issues is something really different.It was staged drama to finish this character for once and for all.I also ask you,where is OBL's dead body?When Saddam was shown,why not OBL?
Try to make friends to attain a good reputation.
Have fun and stick to the topic.


Duly noted.
This is a picture of all aircrafts shot down, I wanted a proof of positive kdr.....are you dumb or idiot or both?
I'm neither but you are obviously a complete moron, running around like a headless chicken....firstly what does OBL or US has to do with the topic except you digressing to find some comfort from the obvious.....and likewise what proof do you have on the Foxbat breaking the sound barrier except the usual chest thumping lines......on the contrary i can prove that PAF did same over Amritsar as far back as 1965.
One other PAF pilot who has seldom being mentioned in the laurels of aerial warfare is Flt. Lt. M. Hatif. He was another PAF pilot deputed to Middle East during the Arab, Israeli war of 1973, during which while flying an Egyptian Air force MIG-21, he shot down an F-4 Phantom of the Israeli Air Force.
The American built F-4 Phantom was considered amongst the best aircraft of it's era.
Flt. Lt. later became an Air Vice Marshal in the PAF.

On 23 October 1973, PAF pilot Flt. Lt. M. Hatif on deputation to Egyptian Air Force (EAF) was flying a EAF MiG-21 in a defensive combat air patrol (CAP) over Egypt when he was vectored towards an intruding Israeli Air Force (IDF/AF) F-4 Phantom. In the ensuing dogfight, Flt. Lt. M. Hatif shot down the Israeli Phantom.

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