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PAF Pilot explains shooting down an Israeli Mirage

The Aerial fight over Golan
On 26 April 1974, PAF fighter pilot Flight Lieutenant Sattar Alvi on deputation to No. 67A Squadron, Syrian Air Force (SAF) was flying a SAF MiG-21F-13 (Serial No. 1863) out of Dumayr Air Base, Syria in an eight-ship formation with a fellow PAF pilot and the Flight Leader, Squadron Leader Arif Manzoor.[4]

Alvi came to a worldwide international notice when he had shot down the IAF's Mirage IIICJ flown by Captain M. Lutz. On 26 April 1974, while on an aerial patrol, the PAF fighter pilots team including, Flight Lieutenant Captain Sattar Alvi, Squadron Leader Major Saleem Metla and the formation's leader Squadron Leader Major Arif Manzoor. The Shahbaz faced an encounter over Golan Heights between a Mig-21 of the Syrian Air Force and two Israeli Mirages.[5]

While leading a Mig-21 patrol along the border, Squadron Leader Arif Manzoor apprised of the presence of two Israeli Phantom aircraft and was cautioned that these could be decoys while two other fast tracks approaching from the opposite direction might be the real threat. The latter turned out to be Mirages and a moment later Alvi, in Arif's formation saw the No 2 Mirage breaking towards him.[6] All this time, heavy radio jamming by Israeli ground stations was making things difficult but the Pakistani pilots were used to such tactics. Sattar forced the Israeli pair into close combat, firing his K-13 missile at the first opportunity. The Israeli wingman's Mirage exploded into a ball of fire, while the leader quickly disengaged.

After the engagements, Flight Lieutenant Captain Sattar Alvi and Shahbaz formation leader Squadron Leader Major Arif Manzoor were awarded two of Syria's highest decorations for gallantry, the Wisaam Faris and Wisaam Shuja'at in 1973 by the President of Syria Hafez al-Assad in a public ceremony. The government of Pakistan also awarded the PAF fight pilot Sitara-e-Jur'at each. The prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto personally met each of them and awarded the gallantry awards in a public ceremonies.
PAF always tests a jet to its limits and also know the limitations of its enemies. Professionalism at peak :-)
Well done PAF you roxs :D
Great Professionalism
PAF is probably the only Airforce that has a positive kill ratio against all adversaries. Indians , Israelis and Russians
Great Professionalism
PAF is probably the only Airforce that has a positive kill ratio against all adversaries. Indians , Israelis and Russians

Lol are you kidding me? Do you have any proof? So untrue.
Lol are you kidding me? Do you have any proof? So untrue.

Here's an illustration of all the types shot down by PAF from three different countries....you shouldn't have any trouble reading.

Here's an illustration of all the types shot down by PAF from three different countries....you shouldn't have any trouble reading.


This is a picture of all aircrafts shot down, I wanted a proof of positive kdr.....are you dumb or idiot or both?
This is a picture of all aircrafts shot down, I wanted a proof of positive kdr.....are you dumb or idiot or both?

Google is your friend, its no hidden secret, maybe you can ask IAF pilot giora Epstein himself.
Lol are you kidding me? Do you have any proof? So untrue.
Go research it if you dont believe us.
Google is your friend, its no hidden secret, maybe you can ask IAF pilot giora Epstein himself.

Googled it, Got no proof. Now if your airforce is so strong and powerful.....How did an indian spy plane MIG 25 Foxbat violated pakistani airspace without them knowing and created a sonic boom over islamabad in May 1997. Your airforce is a joke, Americans entered your airspace and shot OBL without your radars even intercepting them.
Googled it, Got no proof. Now if your airforce is so strong and powerful.....How did an indian spy plane MIG 25 Foxbat violated pakistani airspace without them knowing and created a sonic boom over islamabad in May 1997. Your airforce is a joke, Americans entered your airspace and shot OBL without your radars even intercepting them.

Dumbo, rather than hiding your humiliation in aggressive posturing--learn to accept facts.

You are new to the forum so I'll go easy on an uneducated idiot like you.

PAF has a positive kill ratio against shitty iaf, sound Soviet Airforce, and brilliant Israeli Air Force. Now you asked for proof--and people told a kid like you to "google" it. You came back and said "found nothing"...which I can understand since you absolutely lack any background knowledge in military affairs or history.

So I'll spoon feed you.

There is an international aircombat database which is accessible from the web. It is one of the most credible source of information on air wars of post WWII. No entry goes into the data without cross referencing, evidence evaluation, and confirmations etc.

When you analyze the data, it comes out that PAF infact has a postive kill ratio against all three airforces it fought against (iaf, Soviet Air Force, and Israeli Air Force). It doesn't mean that PAF is more powerful than Soviets etc. All it means is that whenever PAF engaged these air forces--PAF shot down more planes than it lost (didn't lose any in case of Israelis and Soviets--only one F-16 was lost against Soviet incursions which was due to friendly fire by our own airforce).

Why don't you take it from a senior indian member here?

In this thread, a senior Indian member accepting PAF superior kills score (by using the same international database as reference point, mind you :) )
http:// http://www.defence.pk/forums/military-history-strategy/38075-paf-kills-versis-iaf-kills.html
PAF kills versis IAF kills

You can keep wetting your panties now....or just stop acting like a teenage girl.
Googled it, Got no proof. Now if your airforce is so strong and powerful.....How did an indian spy plane MIG 25 Foxbat violated pakistani airspace without them knowing and created a sonic boom over islamabad in May 1997. Your airforce is a joke, Americans entered your airspace and shot OBL without your radars even intercepting them.

I assume AUZ has properly schooled you and hope your fears, jealousy and queries are over, if not do come back I will sent you a truck load of BURNOL Indian favorite mind you. ;)

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