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PAF Hot Caps Over The LOC, But Where is IAF!


Brother, do you by any chance have any photos of serial numbers 249 and 250?
In-depth interview with Air Marshal Chandrashekharan Hari Kumar, AOC-in-C, Western Air Command on Feb 27, 2019

PS: Lok Sabha TV is India's state owned Television station
Awww such a proud man na? and that too after bombing trees, killing a crow, losing two jets, shooting down own heli, giving abhinandan as pow and getting him all bloodied up. Such an achievement to talk about of. A proud man indeed.
Range matters only when there is full blown war. We lack heavy fighter jet that stays in air longer but right now,we aren't going to fight a war with India,limited war is a possibility. In limited war, capability of pilot and range of bvr missiles are more important. In two front,India has to sacrifice half of its resources towards lac. India is in trouble this time. They can't use all 270 su-30 against us.they will use only 100. There are some technical problems like paf awacs can't refuel in air while iaf can.this is a big disadvantage but I don't think that it's a crucial factor. We can easily beat them. They fly big jets,big rcs.
So u ill just wait untill india crosses the LOC. Again and hit major PAK cities?
Then our think tanks will think about the need of long range fighters????
Do u know the cross radar section of RAFAELS?
and what you think, which air force IAF. I'll be glad to take on PAF. Or PLAAF?
but leme tell u, PAF. Seriously considering J16s, and MIG 35s and SU35 options with some other tech with it, while Russians and Chinese both wana showcase thier tech in PAFs hands as they think, india surly will try to come across with massive force.
politically modis dramas are falling one by one and he needs boast for his election win in bihar but won't take China head-on cause then it's russian made fleet will become very valunrable with supplies from Russia!
all they are just waiting is for some supplies from Israel and that's why pakistan is flying thier caps vastly around LOC
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Awww such a proud man na? and that too after bombing trees, killing a crow, losing two jets, shooting down own heli, giving abhinandan as pow and getting him all bloodied up. Such an achievement to talk about of. A proud man indeed.
Actully it was the test they carried out for next bigger raid they wana know how prepared PAF Is?
and they hve found that, PAF can't get them at the time of thier raid
They had them in kargil too and that was not enough when iaf started flying higher.
Still 2 were shot down. On the other hand PAF F 16 were without bvr at that time too. Today if they fly low we hit them win pan pads and if they fly high we have bvr to take them out. The only thing is PAF need to increase cap durations
I think the magical number is 56 so it matches a certain chest size.
3 Formations of 4 RAFAEL each ill be deadly to reach out and hit in PAK major cities with thier MIRRAGES and SU30s and this time they ill stay in for fight and won't run away like Bslakot which was just test!
Still 2 were shot down. On the other hand PAF F 16 were without bvr at that time too. Today if they fly low we hit them win pan pads and if they fly high we have bvr to take them out. The only thing is PAF need to increase cap durations
And that only comes with longer ranges and radius
As usual knee jerk reaction from you while having major comprehension issues.....read again slowly what i wrote....IAF is nowhere to be seen while PAF jets are patrolling, however the IAF shows up once the PAF jets leave the area....it's also being observed that once the PAF jets return, the IAF quickly leave the area.
The skeptic in me thinks that a lot of the sensationalist material posted on here is to drive traffic, page views, and clicks, after all, why would there be a need to put up with Indians on here?

A lot is just hot air, far away from reality.
... this time they ill stay in for fight and won't run away like Bslakot which was just test!

Says who? Why couldn't they just send 10% of their 230+ Su-30 MKIs (mini awacs) against the PAF on the day?

Instead, they resorted to utilising their ballistic missiles in the theatre instead of their Air Force because they couldn't take on Pakistan Air Force.

Indian Air Force has been defeated.
Actully it was the test they carried out for next bigger raid they wana know how prepared PAF Is?
and they hve found that, PAF can't get them at the time of thier raid
This is my personal hypothesis ...
They Got assurances from west that pakistan will not retialate on phony botched strike in a jungle..

As i still cant believe how in competent can one be to score 0/5 on guided half million $ bomb
@Windjammer @The Eagle @Vapnope @PanzerKiel @masterchief_mirza @Major Sam @PakSword @Blacklight @Hareeb @DESERT FIGHTER @araz @Rafi @Zarvan @waz @M.AsfandYar @Basel @IceCold

PDF is pakistani world, so they live in this make belief world.

In-depth interview with Air Marshal Chandrashekharan Hari Kumar, AOC-in-C, Western Air Command on Feb 27, 2019

Likewise reply to your cheap thrill comment.
And there must be a reason that you keep returning to this make belief world, then again we all know the reason as where else you have a voice to box above your weight.
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