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PAF - Hall of Fame

surly ,Sqn Ldr Sarfaraz Ahmad Rafiqui(shaheed), was a UNIQE example out of many great ,examples which PAF, enjoys as a tradition.
he, was a son of gun, a great warrior, who never back off from any situations , he ever faced in the war front.:tup:


surly ,Sqn Ldr Sarfaraz Ahmad Rafiqui(shaheed), was a UNIQE example out of many great ,examples which PAF, enjoys as a tradition.
he, was a son of gun, a great warrior, who never back off from any situations , he ever faced in the war front.:tup:



In are times these people like Nur Khan, Rafiqui (RIP ) shahib. These were like gods we used to envy them when they used to come to the academy wearing there G suits in early 60s, And then the day came when we were flying as wing man. One thing I learned from him was, when you get into a battle forget about everything concentrate on your target take it out, Leave the battle choose another target and go after him, Never get emotional during a dog fight just because your brother just blew up into pieces focus on what you are doing and stay very calm even on the RT and you will see the enemy will make a mistake and that 3 or 4 sec will give you your prize.
In are times these people like Nur Khan, Rafiqui (RIP ) shahib. These were like gods we used to envy them when they used to come to the academy wearing there G suits in early 60s, And then the day came when we were flying as wing man. One thing I learned from him was, when you get into a battle forget about everything concentrate on your target take it out, Leave the battle choose another target and go after him, Never get emotional during a dog fight just because your brother just blew up into pieces focus on what you are doing and stay very calm even on the RT and you will see the enemy will make a mistake and that 3 or 4 sec will give you your prize.

These days western pilots are totally not trained for this kind of battle. It is a clean fight without getting near anyone. Stay in the system and you are safe. In times when they made some system changes it lead to kills in the western side. It happened in Irac and Serbia.

I fully agree wih Murads remarks. In flightsims you get the same idea but then oversimplified. It is like a autopilot you start to focus on a battle order and calmly and get your target asap. You harldy get time to get a decent SAW. But then again.... Nothing compares with what happens up there.

I trained hundreds of hours in Chuck yeagers flightsim. Played every Nam mission thousand times. It does make a lot difference if yo are the first one that makes the mistake...

Flight Lieutenant Yunus Hussain fought in air battles aggressively, fearlessly and with great professional skill. During one such engagement he fought singly against 6 enemy aircraft and shot down 2 Hunters. Though his own aircraft was damaged in this encounter, he managed to bring it back to base safely. On 6 September, while attacking Halwara airfield, his small formation was intercepted by a large number of enemy and, although his aircraft was hit, he refused to break off the engagement, in complete disregard of personal safety, and was reported missing from this mission. He became a symbol of courage and professional ability for other pilots. For his gallantry, valour, professional skill and devotion to duty he is awarded Sitara-i-Jurat.


In are times these people like Nur Khan, Rafiqui (RIP ) shahib. These were like gods we used to envy them when they used to come to the academy wearing there G suits in early 60s, And then the day came when we were flying as wing man. One thing I learned from him was, when you get into a battle forget about everything concentrate on your target take it out, Leave the battle choose another target and go after him, Never get emotional during a dog fight just because your brother just blew up into pieces focus on what you are doing and stay very calm even on the RT and you will see the enemy will make a mistake and that 3 or 4 sec will give you your prize.

always a man behind machine!:tup::pakistan:

Squadron Leader Muhammad Iqbal flew many operational missions which played a vital part in the success of the Pakistan Air Force during the India-Pakistan War. He carried out these missions with determination, enthusiasm, outstanding ability and at great personal risk. His performance, throughout, was exemplary and highly inspiring for the personnel under his command. For his outstanding leadership, valour, loyalty and invaluable services to the Pakistan Air Force and the country, he is awarded Sitara-i-Jurat.



I would like to dedicate a page on the site to these heroes. Do you mind if i copy your information?

In the course of the evening, Pushpindar Singh put me through on phone, to retired Air Marshal Dev Nath Rathore who could not attend the party due to sickness. Rathore is the one who had shot down our Sqn Ldr Rafiqui over Halwara.. I will quote Rathore verbatim: ” I always wanted to convey to you my warm regards, and am glad to be talking to you. I must state that wars are bad and cause too much suffering. Though I had a kill, but I never felt good because a life had been lost in that encounter, at my hands. After having read your book, I really felt very sad about Rafiqui as I now realise what a great pilot and officer he was. If you are in contact with any of his family members please convey my sincere regrets about the whole incident.” Rathore’s sincerity was evident in his voice, I am certain about that. I shall shortly visit Mr Aizaz Rafiqui (brother) to convey Air Marshal Rathore’s messag

very moving narration sir. thank you for sharing that with us.

I hope this gives second thoughts to people who call for war.

i've heard that you have to be a soldier to know what it is to truly hate war.
only people who have actually seen and fought in wars know that war is not a game!
Flt Lt Saifullah Khan Lodhi

Flight Lieutenant Saifullah Khan Lodhi was a navigator of exceptional ability and a completely dedicated officer. He possessed unusual skill, enthusiasm and drive, which enabled him to make valuable contribution towards operations. He undertook several operational missions most cheerfully and enthusiastically, invariably attaining outstanding results. It was on one such mission on 11 September ‘65, that he lost his life. For his extreme dedication to duty, Flight Lieutenant Saifullah Khan Lodhi is awarded Sitara-i-Jurat.


SQN Ldr S.A.Rafiqui was shot down by F/O Gandhi over Halwara,Yunus Hussain was shot down by.F/O V.K.Neb piloting a Hunter.He was killed and his body returned to his family through Intnl Red Cross mediation.

SQN Ldr S.A.Rafiqui was shot down by F/O Gandhi over Halwara,Yunus Hussain was shot down by.F/O V.K.Neb piloting a Hunter.He was killed and his body returned to his family through Intnl Red Cross mediation.


I am pretty sure the AM Dev Rathore claim is more bona fide about Sqn Ldr Rafiqui.

Leading Aircraftman
Muhammad Anwar
Hussain Khan

Leading Aircraftman Anwar Hussain Khan was on duty at a vital point. His position was rocketed by enemy aircraft and the place caught fire. Anwar Hussain was the only person on duty over there. He fought the fire single-handedly with the available fire appliances and managed to control it and thus saved expensive equipment. During his brave and selfless struggle, he was engulfed by the fire and lost his life. His death is an example of courage and unfaltering devotion to duty towards the service as well as to the country. He is granted the award of Tamgha-i-Jurat.



Pilot Officer Rashid Minhas

On the morning of Friday, 20th August, 1971, Pilot Officer Rashid Minhas, a pilot still under training, was in the front seat of a jet trainer, taxing out for take off. An instructor pilot from the same unit forced his way into the rear cockpit, seized control of the aircraft and having taken off, headed the aircraft towards India. With just some 40 miles of Pakistan territory remaining, Minhas had only one course open to him to prevent his aircraft from entering India. Without hesitation, and living up to the highest traditions of the Pakistan Air Force, Rashid Minhas tried to regain control of his aircraft, but finding this to be impossible in the face of the superior skill and experience of his instructor, forced the aircraft to crash at a point 32 miles from the Indian border. In doing so Pilot Officer Minhas deliberately made the supreme sacrifice for the honour of Pakistan and the service to which he belonged. For this act of heroism above and beyond the call of duty, the President of Pakistan is pleased to award the Nishan-i-Haider to Pilot Officer Rashid Minhas.


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