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PAF flurries: Iron butterflies

You want the blunt version......'balls'!

Well I can think of a dozen women from our History alone who had nuts of steel, so I dunno about that ! :undecided:

My friend, certain things are just symbolic. As a primate, at the most primitive stage, we know what qualities, abilities and physical/emotional attributes both sexes are better/worse at. Can a woman take on a man in actual hand to hand combat....that would be the most primitive kind of battle right? We can simply build on from there.

There are some things better left to women, then again there are things better left to men. Is all I'm saying.

Dude theres nothing symbolic about flying a multi million dollar military aviation asset & training day & night, sometimes precariously so, to hone one's skills for actual combat.

I'm sure a trained lady can face off against a trained man; otherwise, even the miniscule number of women recruits from everywhere from the IDF to the Pakistan Army, won't be there. For there is very little that is symbolic about fighting on the front line & training real hard for it.

I see no reason, if they - the women - can meet the minimum acceptable criteria, to not join the combat branch of the Armed Forces.

However because our discussion sprang from women being fighter pilots, I don't know of any physiological or psychological deficiency, amongst women recruits, to make them unsuitable for active duty as combat pilots of the Pakistan Airforce. I'm sure the people running the Airforce as more concerned about Operational Performance than symbolic gestures if they've not only continued with the induction of female GD pilots, but have possibly, facilitated or approved of an ever increasing trend in that.
Perhaps some of the more knowledgeable members would correct me but I was under the impression that a female's body, on average, is able to handle higher G forces better than their male counterparts.

If that is true, I see no reason why they should be barred from being Fighter Pilots in the PAF !

Unless of course you were alluding to some cognitive deficiency in them that would inhibit their ability to make the correct decisions as an Airforce Pilot; an aspersion I'd look at with some disbelief.

@Hyperion @Talon @Secur @Emmie @Oscar

The issue of female fighter pilots in the PAF has nothing to do with their physique as such. It has to do with social norms.
Training a fighter pilot takes millions, and yet apart from being vunerable to greater torture than men if shot down.. they suffer from the usual marriage and commitment issues.
Their parents do pressurize them for marriage, and when that happens.. for kids.. and unlike western women who recover faster from pregnancy a Pakistani girl becomes a duck. All that training is wasted as she is grounded for ever.
It's an investment decision and I see no reason to make it unless the mentality of Pakistani society changes.
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Well I can think of a dozen women from our History alone who had nuts of steel, so I dunno about that ! :undecided:

I cannot, under any circumstances, undermine the resolve of women. It may yet be stronger then Men but it is the emotional/physical attribute as well as instinctual reactions in combat that matter.

Dude theres nothing symbolic about flying a multi million dollar military aviation asset & training day & night, sometimes precariously so, to hone one's skills for actual combat.

I'm sure a trained lady can face off against a trained man; otherwise, even the miniscule number of women recruits from everywhere from the IDF to the Pakistan Army, won't be there. For there is very little that is symbolic about fighting on the front line & training real hard for it.

I see no reason, if they - the women - can meet the minimum acceptable criteria, to not join the combat branch of the Armed Forces.

However because our discussion sprang from women being fighter pilots, I don't know of any physiological or psychological deficiency, amongst women recruits, to make them unsuitable for active duty as combat pilots of the Pakistan Airforce. I'm sure the people running the Airforce as more concerned about Operational Performance than symbolic gestures if they've not only continued with the induction of female GD pilots, but have possibly, facilitated or approved of an ever increasing trend in that.

It's one thing to be progressive but at what cost and what compromise? Women are just not equal to men and the best example is sports. In which sport do women take on men? Each and every sport (as far as I think) pits men against men and women against women. Do I have to give you actual examples? So if the women cannot take on the men, using the same advanced equipment, how can they be expected to take on men in combat unless absolutely without choice???
woman fighterpilot


srry for being an *** but lol

brave lasses
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I once saw a program on Discovery...USN Female FA/18 Instructor, She demonstrated going climb vertical switching off the Engine and at certain level turning on the Engine again, all part of Tests to check the new software upgrades to FA/18 C/D.

If anyone remembers then you people should know it all comes down to Brains.
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The induction of female officers in GD(P) was a bold move, and even bolder when most of the female pilots in intial batches failed to meet standards of fighter pilot in PAF, and were routed to liasion aircraft/ground braches. Which itself is clear evidence that 'quality' is not compromised in PAF.

The other side of the story about life of fighter pilot is that it involves risk, precision and exceptional training. A minor mistake can cause lot of trouble. Those who eject (with injuries) some time had to live their rest of the life in their after affects...the same can be said about one of the female pilots of PAF; her life literally changed from being bright fighter pilot student to an officer facing CMB after getting paralyzed for life in an accident...
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You want the blunt version......'balls'!

My friend, certain things are just symbolic. As a primate, at the most primitive stage, we know what qualities, abilities and physical/emotional attributes both sexes are better/worse at. Can a woman take on a man in actual hand to hand combat....that would be the most primitive kind of battle right? We can simply build on from there.

There are some things better left to women, then again there are things better left to men. Is all I'm saying.

woman should never been pilot because any man can beat then in dog fight one on one all hands up woman are lazy as compaere to man
I am comfortable with women flying planes. I would never allow my wife, my sister or daughter to fly one. But only because of social norms. Not that because they are females they cannot fly planes better than men. It is just the socil taboo that they have to fight.

Flying a plane requires skills which both men and women can have. It is hard training and mental abilities which can make a good pilot be great.

Women have some physiological advantages in handling high g environments. They have more tendency to listen to good advice. They don't tend to make ego driven decisions at critical moments.

Men on the other hand have aggression, competitiveness, physical strength. It is much much easier for men to muscle up, especially aggressive men... who can also suffer from the red mist and get shot down while their testosterone is flying the plane... badly.

I think every person should have a right to become a pilot in Pakistan whteher they are men or women except for my wife or sister or daugther.
If i can say the truth in me..i certainly do not like women in fighter squadrons.... they r most welcome to fly choppers or transport or instructor role ... but not fighter planes .... women are built to be given protection, fighter pilot is a breed whose DNA matches more with male GDPs .... engineering and other roles suit them more and will be beneficial for nation..
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