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PAF F-16s as nuke delivery system.


Nov 8, 2006
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Nuclear Delivery System?

Pakistan could use the F-16 bombers to drop nuclear weapons on visually acquired targets by improvising the necessary electronic wiring which is omitted from these export models. Although the Pakistan Air Force F-16 and Mirage 5 aircraft are probably of delivering nuclear weapons, the liquid-fuel Ghauri missile and the solid-fuel Shaheen 1 and 2 missiles are more likely choices.

According to a 1989 report by the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND), relevant tests had already been successfully concluded. The BND reported to the Chancellor's Office that, using an F-16 model, the Pakistanis had made wind tunnel tests and designed the shell of the bomb in a way that allowed them to install it underneath the wings. At the same time, the detonating mechanism was improved, so that the weapons can be used. . . According to the BND report, the Pakistanis long ago found out how to program the F-16 on-board computer to carry out the relevant flight maneuvers in dropping the bomb. According to the report from Pullach [BND headquarters], they also know how to make the electronic contact between the aircraft and the bomb.

Deptuy Assistant Secretary of Defense Arthur Hughes, in testimony before House Subcommittee, 2 August 1989, said: "In order to deliver a nuclear device with any reasonable degree of accuracy and safety, it first would be necessary to replace the entire wiring package in the aircraft. In addition to building a weapons carriage mount, one would also have to re-do the fire control computer, the stores management system, and mission computer software to allow the weapon to be dopped accurately and to redistribute weight and balance after release. We believe this capability far exceeds the state of the art in Pakisan and could only be accomplished with a major release of data and industrial equipment from the U.S. . . ."

Western intelligence sources were cited in U.S. News & World Report, 12 February 1990: "The sources say Pakistan, in violation of agreements with Washington, is busily converting U.S.-supplied F-16 fighter planes--60 more are scheduled to be sent this year--into potential nuclear-weapons carriers by outfitting them with special structures attached to the plane's underwing carriage. The structure allows the mounting of a dummy under one wing of the F-16 to balance the weight of the bomb under the other wing."

Robert Gates, CIA Director, in testimony Before Senate Governmental Affairs Committee, 15 January 1992: [Sen. Glenn]--`How about delivery systems? Is there any evidence that Pakistan converted F-16s for possible nuclear delivery use? [Gates]--`We know that they are--or we have information that suggests that they're clearly interested in enhancing the ability of the F-16 to deliver weapons safely. But we don't really have--they don't require those changes, I don't think, to deliver a weapon. We could perhaps provide some additional detail in a classified manner.'

William T. Pendley, Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense/ISA, in a Letter to Sen. Glenn on 13 April 1993 stated: `Pakistan could . . . theoretically attach a [nuclear] weapon and deliver it to a target with their F-16s, or any other aircraft in their inventory, if arming and fuzing procedures were accomplished before takeoff, and safety and placement accuracy were not considered.'
So what do you wanna prove by putting this article.......?:confused:

Pakistani F-16's does have a nuclear delivery system and so as MirageV's and A-5's.:rolleyes:
It's been a contentious issue and as much as its possible there has always been doubt about the nuclear upgrades.
How about little education?

Education is good:rolleyes: , but the article seems to be a kind of leaving a propaganda against Pakistan's acquisition of F-16's. We all know that, pakistan indeed did modifications on F-16's to make em nuke deliverable, which in my eyes is not a big deal, infact a fare move, atleast to alter some of the balance.
Education is good:rolleyes: , but the article seems to be a kind of leaving a propaganda against Pakistan's acquisition of F-16's. We all know that, pakistan indeed did modifications on F-16's to make em nuke deliverable, which in my eyes is not a big deal, infact a fare move, atleast to alter some of the balance.

It is a big deal....... especially when one underestimated.......
It is a big deal....... especially when one underestimated.......

Whose underestimating it, none....., atleast not the US;), though with India its a different case, always a different case.
Yep- and Irac had WMD... As if it is intresting to use your best plane as a truck. And reprogramming or attaching weapons to a system isn't a big deal. If you have the plane for decades and trained engineers for decades then it would be pathetic if you could not do that with F16A block15...
It is always a big achievement when one reverse codes from executables and not from the source code. :army:
PAF F-16s as nuke delivery system??? I think all of us know that we modified our F-16s by 1984/85 to carry the A-Bomb on the centre-line hard-point!!!The U.S. had removed the specific wiring needed for such an operation. We made our own version of the Nuke to be carried on our falcons.

No offence but i don't see the point of starting this thread, im sure that everyone will agree that making a Nuke is much harder than attaching it to an aircraft!Shoudn't be a prob to modify our new Falcons as well when they arrive.
To add a bit more,the other alternative for the air delivery is the A-5. Won't be surprised to know if a couple dozen Mirages too have been modified! No big deal for us
I agree with above post. It is largely based on painting Pakistan black. Why is it never discussed how India or other nations do the same? Pakistan did it. It is simple and we do not care. Move on Indians...
pakistan won't even use fighter jets as a nuke delivery system, the longer range ballistic missiles would be used as they are more effective.
pakistan won't even use fighter jets as a nuke delivery system, the longer range ballistic missiles would be used as they are more effective.

ofcourse missiles are more suitable for that purpose right now.
also, the thunders we are inducting will have nuke capablity:flag:
The article has certain implications to raise eyebrows about the sale of the F-16s to Pakistan. Factually and technically, the report is a bit misleading.

Currently 3 Pakistani platforms are capable of tactical nuclear strike (and one strategic). These include the F-16, Mirage and the A-5s. The latter two (Mirage and A-5) can carry out toss bombing with a nuclear weapon however are limited by range. F-16 is a strategic asset as it affords longer range. Prior to the induction of the BMs, F-16 was considered a strategic asset by the PAF. Secondly the ECM suite on the F-16s is and will be more advanced than the ones on the Mirage and A-5 thus detecting it would be harder for any adversary..thus I think more attention is paid to the F-16s.

So the whole issue about the F-16s being used as a nuclear bomb truck are motivated somewhat as Pakistan has operated 40 of the same type with this capability for the last 23 years...so the way I read these reports when they started coming out was basically a lobbying effort to stop the sale of the F-16s to Pakistan.
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