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PAF CAS confirmed the SU-30MKI kill in addition to MiG-21 Bison - Alan Warnes

I do not believe there was a escalation plan from GOI. Clearly IAF/IA’s restraint and body language suggests they were ordered to deescalate.

Good for Indian election campaign but in reality neither IAF nor IA or even IN had anything to retain escalation ladder let alone call it de-escalation. Yes, Modi is burning inside out & so R&AW hence, full shopping spree and missing Rafale a lot. It was Pakistan that had the escalation ladder, engaged, scored and de-escalated.
Sometime It baffles me. Baffles me big time. How the Indians are raised, and twisting in their thinking and characters.

PAF only claims that no missiles were fired by Abhinonedone jet. Not just any Mig 21.
Were there any more Mig 21 Bison in the air theater on the "bright and sunny day 27th Feb"!!!
Ridiculously stupid Indians.

Guys mark my words, when the fog is cleared, it would be made known even Mi 17 was PAF kill. I have said it from day one. I am still convinced.

PAF is not confirming it, because it may not have full evidence available on it. The Mi 17 was killed well inside IoK by a BVR killer. Thus, it is a possibility that PAF didn't have clear cut pic/video of the kill. Therefore, they are letting Indians claim a friendly fire incident.

You see my friend like most stupid Indians, you negate your own point.
Even though the news came from reputable and independent source. You are still damn stubborn to accept it.

Imagine if it came from a Pakistani journalist(s). Don't tell me you would have believed it.
That's why I find Indians extremely cunningingly stupid creatures on planet earth.

Lol I am not an Indian. I have already said PAF clearly and comprehensively won but that shouldn’t stop Pakistanis from asking for more evidence as it relates to the SU-30 “kill” If not, you aren’t any different than the gullible Indians who repeat the discredited lies of their government.
Sushma in China announces immediate deescalation.

Now that's some new addition to the Indian narrative post Balakot failure list.

Then and now Indian officials only have one stand irrespective whatever the medias,which is not a authority anyways.
And they still remain in that stand .
See, there is no stopping to this and will continue with new stance for every new day.
1 India bombs Balakot.
2 Sushma in China announces immediate deescalation.
3 ISPR announces because of bad weather none can visit the site on the day of bombing.
4 ISPR arranges a tour after more than a month with cute little kids reading Quran.
5 Only gullible people will believe nothing happened in Balakot.
6 On this count IAF/GOI is also guilty of not sharing images.

7 On that day 2 parachutes went down from one aircraft. It has been discussed in this forum. I believe it is most likely a F16D. How many F16Ds PAF has? 8? Just line them up and that will shut up every one up including Indian def minister.
8 Even if we take your consensus word of one year ago, yes Pak is guilty of training jihadists. India has the right to retaliate.

1. Correction, India misses its target and the world laughs at India for missing its intended target. Only pathological liar Indians believe in this story. If India had achieved its objective the western media would have been all over Pakistan.

2. what ever

3. ok

4. Yes and the visitors were also 30-50 year old grown ups with brain size of a child right?

5. only gullible pathological liar Indians will believe India killed 300 terrorist.

6. they are guilty of many things

7. How did you come to conclusion it was a F-16 D model and not F-16B or Mirage two seater? India claims of shooting down F-16 by Abhinonedone who has been hiding in a closet. He has not even released a statement of his achievement. Heck he did not even fire a single missile. The two parachutes belong to IAF Su-30MKI which was shot down by PAF F-16. Your su-30 mki were hiding behind Mig-21s lol.
All what IAF has to do is give ISPR (India's baap) access to IAF Su-30 inventory and let them count.

8. Against Indian terrorists army which shoots at muslim civilians and run away like cowards when Pakistan army pounds their position and b1tch at west
This is a total insult & disrespect to the men in service especially the one who lost his life in the line of duty. What more could be demoralizing for the soul that the fallen soldier is blamed with plain lies like this. He wasn't some junky that didn't know his Electronics that too the one who operates/fly his bird on daily basis or was he a random Taxi Drive incidentally became a Pilot hence, the habit of not turning-on the meter repeated.
Not to mention that their AWACS couldnt tell that the helicopter had just took off from their own airbase, IFF or not?
On that day 2 parachutes went down from one aircraft. It has been discussed in this forum. I believe it is most likely a F16D. How many F16Ds PAF has? 8? Just line them up and that will shut up every one up including Indian def minister.
And IAF also should line up there SU30 MKI's and count them as it also carries 2 pilots.
Indians have just started a massive anti-alan campaign on social media ....after three hours sock.
Sadly the sales of AFM and related magazines will take a hit as Indians will boycott the publications in their hissy fit and resort to reading them at bookstores.
But they will of course not stop going to the Air Publishing forums to disgrace themselves further and sing praises of IAF and their Roona Dhoona chief

Mastan is pragmatic not emotional
He gives alternate view and in case you missed he is praising PAF and chinese tech

Pragmatic people dont call PAF and all its officers and pilots traitors and then go even further and say that the current ACM should be court-martialed for his failure to shoot down Indian aircraft when they intruded inside Pakistan at 3am for a few minutes ... I think that is as emotional as you can get.
CAS simply added more confusion with his statement.
Abhinandans wing man that was also flying a mig21 probably shot the helicopter down. I can safely say he will be court martialed unless a SAM did the dirty work.
Now that's some new addition to the Indian narrative post Balakot failure list.

See, there is no stopping to this and will continue with new stance for every new day.

They have only one stance and they are still remain on that stand .
And ask DG ISPR how its look like if you change standv.
2 Indian jets down ,3 pilots captutedthen changed to one
Again Su is shot down but no bodies no fuselage .

Lol I am not an Indian. I have already said PAF clearly and comprehensively won but that shouldn’t stop Pakistanis from asking for more evidence as it relates to the SU-30 “kill” If not, you aren’t any different than the gullible Indians who repeat the discredited lies of their government.

They were comprehensively won until they took one and half month to open the building complex and invite foreign dignatories for restricted tour .
Everyone respects their host so they showed a decency to not ask some uncomfortable question.
In 2016 it took only few days .This time it was One and half month.
What a coincidence .

Then dog fight over Kashmir .
DG ISPR said 2 Indian jets down 3 pilots captured .Later reduced to one.
Agree sometimes mistake happened in high charge environment .
Then mobile video become viral where 3 chutes deployed .
One was our pilot .
Two others ,one chutes burned and pilot fall down and probably killed and other one MIA .
Had it been a single seat ,they could have said that is JF 17 but since it twin seat (F 16 in PAF) no scope for that .
Here it comes next story ,It was Su 30 and two Indian pilots .Initially they said one pilot and half jet in Pak side and other jet and half in Indian Side .But video said otherwise .So then it becomes that one pilot was Israeli .
But that will expose them too early so they changed that .
We got our pilot and damaged Mig 21 parts .But no fuselage of Su 30 and pilots .

Everyone knows what happened out there .
But noone including us didnt want to embarass them.Yet they again askedvfor it .
Here they US suuport also .Because a third gen Mig 21 shot down their most successful modern jet F 16 that will seriously affects their business .

Then we released the picture of Awacs .
After that total silence both in US and Pakistan.

1. Correction, India misses its target and the world laughs at India for missing its intended target. Only pathological liar Indians believe in this story. If India had achieved its objective the western media would have been all over Pakistan.

2. what ever

3. ok

4. Yes and the visitors were also 30-50 year old grown ups with brain size of a child right?

5. only gullible pathological liar Indians will believe India killed 300 terrorist.

6. they are guilty of many things

7. How did you come to conclusion it was a F-16 D model and not F-16B or Mirage two seater? India claims of shooting down F-16 by Abhinonedone who has been hiding in a closet. He has not even released a statement of his achievement. Heck he did not even fire a single missile. The two parachutes belong to IAF Su-30MKI which was shot down by PAF F-16. Your su-30 mki were hiding behind Mig-21s lol.
All what IAF has to do is give ISPR (India's baap) access to IAF Su-30 inventory and let them count.

8. Against Indian terrorists army which shoots at muslim civilians and run away like cowards when Pakistan army pounds their position and b1tch at west

What is this ?
Man of the Match series.
Pathetic .
Wing Commander duty is to grab a jet and flying it as per schedule and orders .
Country giving salary to him for fighting not for talking.
For talking we have other dept there .
In IAF AM should be the spokeperson rank .
Then MEA wil take care .

Actually my mistake ,this is what an established democracy will do .
They have only one stance and they are still remain on that stand .
And ask DG ISPR how its look like if you change standv.
2 Indian jets down ,3 pilots captutedthen changed to one
Again Su is shot down but no bodies no fuselage .

They were comprehensively won until they took one and half month to open the building complex and invite foreign dignatories for restricted tour .
Everyone respects their host so they showed a decency to not ask some uncomfortable question.
In 2016 it took only few days .This time it was One and half month.
What a coincidence .

Then dog fight over Kashmir .
DG ISPR said 2 Indian jets down 3 pilots captured .Later reduced to one.
Agree sometimes mistake happened in high charge environment .
Then mobile video become viral where 3 chutes deployed .
One was our pilot .
Two others ,one chutes burned and pilot fall down and probably killed and other one MIA .
Had it been a single seat ,they could have said that is JF 17 but since it twin seat (F 16 in PAF) no scope for that .
Here it comes next story ,It was Su 30 and two Indian pilots .Initially they said one pilot and half jet in Pak side and other jet and half in Indian Side .But video said otherwise .So then it becomes that one pilot was Israeli .
But that will expose them too early so they changed that .
We got our pilot and damaged Mig 21 parts .But no fuselage of Su 30 and pilots .

Everyone knows what happened out there .
But noone including us didnt want to embarass them.Yet they again askedvfor it .
Here they US suuport also .Because a third gen Mig 21 shot down their most successful modern jet F 16 that will seriously affects their business .

Then we released the picture of Awacs .
After that total silence both in US and Pakistan.

What is this ?
Man of the Match series.
Pathetic .
Wing Commander duty is to grab a jet and flying it as per schedule and orders .
Country giving salary to him for fighting not for talking.
For talking we have other dept there .
In IAF AM should be the spokeperson rank .
Then MEA wil take care .

Actually my mistake ,this is what an established democracy will do .

Arent you the most delusional rabid indian dog on the forum ?

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