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PAF C-130 Aircraft to airlift piper brave spray aircraft from Turkey for locust control.

Likewise no American insults their military after losing Vietnam or Afghanistan , but plenty in Pakistan do the same.
So please stop comparing apples and oranges.
Actually now you are comparing apples and oranges. While I am generally against insulting men in uniform however please note that US military never lost any territory. The only time when they lost was an island to Japan during world war 2 which they recovered soon. Afghanistan and Vietnam were foreign occupation and one can employ occupation for so long. Pakistan on the other hand lost its own territory. Not only that we also lost Siachen to India during Zia.
what a stupidity. they should grant few super mashaqs to department of plantation man

they were doing it from 1960 till last month until thier aircraft crashed sir .Department of Plant Protection de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver was crashed few days ago.they just need new aircraft now . 3 super mashakas will be great idea .



Plant protection have australian Fletcher aircraft as well and 2 bevers at karachi. Unfortunately only Lahore was being used for pest control.


Yessir---that is the one---. Its primary use is of a crop duster---and manufacturing crop dusters is not a simple job---.

But in pakistan how many we need---at the most 2 maybe 3---.
Pakistan needs are far more than 2-3 . In reality likely 40-50, not to mention if they will be used to disinfect cities from corana as well.


Pakistani civil servants---govt officials---sarkari babus---not pilots---.

You taking your stupidity to higher levels---.
Civil airline pilot training involves 50 feet flight. Usually crop dusting aircraft fly at 17 feet which is a very stable flight considering flying at 50 feet.
Usually flying closed to the ground brings in GROUND EFFECT which makes is face more stable hence it is easier to fly.

The problem is the mind set and rules that have been made by the person who are at authoritative positions. Civil Aviation Authority does not allow Single Engine aircraft to be flown below 3000 feet over populated areas. This was one of the reasons disinfection for DANGUE could not be done. Various proposals were given like airships and drones but they were also denied as in case of a crash they would cause more trouble.

The best solution was to change the status from Civilian Aircraft to STATE Aircraft but doing this would require chance through the Cabinet Division.

This is the Reason Pakistan Air Force has to acquire these aircraft and pilots from Turkey and permit them by passing CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY.
Plant protection have australian Fletcher aircraft as well and 2 bevers at karachi. Unfortunately only Lahore was being used for pest control.

Pakistan needs are far more than 2-3 . In reality likely 40-50, not to mention if they will be used to disinfect cities from corana as well.

Civil airline pilot training involves 50 feet flight. Usually crop dusting aircraft fly at 17 feet which is a very stable flight considering flying at 50 feet.
Usually flying closed to the ground brings in GROUND EFFECT which makes is face more stable hence it is easier to fly.

The problem is the mind set and rules that have been made by the person who are at authoritative positions. Civil Aviation Authority does not allow Single Engine aircraft to be flown below 3000 feet over populated areas. This was one of the reasons disinfection for DANGUE could not be done. Various proposals were given like airships and drones but they were also denied as in case of a crash they would cause more trouble.

The best solution was to change the status from Civilian Aircraft to STATE Aircraft but doing this would require chance through the Cabinet Division.

This is the Reason Pakistan Air Force has to acquire these aircraft and pilots from Turkey and permit them by passing CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY.


When I commented---I was commenting just on the Babus who have the funds to buy and their inability and lack of knowledge---and not the pilots---. The pilots will do what pilots do---fly the aircraft---.

When I commented---I was commenting just on the Babus who have the funds to buy and their inability and lack of knowledge---and not the pilots---. The pilots will do what pilots do---fly the aircraft---.
A very interesting incident came in my mind which happened about 13 yrs back when I was in UK studying LAND Law. My teacher had given us a topic that research to find how Trespass occurred by a neighbour when he used crop dusting aircraft.

The entire class came out with various points related to trespass and various scenarios were all written down as a question for research which would be no less than 50000 words that is due in 4 weeks time. There was a surprise at the end which was not disclosed. The surprise was the one who would be outstanding with his/ her finding would have this researched article be read in front of the entire class.

Fortunate or unfortunately my research was considered to be the one that will be read. This came as a shock for me as my research article was no more than 20000 words which was only 2000 words more than what we had to answer. Why my was selected and it stood out was I was the only one who had concluded that there was no Trespass committed. My teacher had to acknowledge that it was the first time in her 20 yr long teaching profession that some one had concluded against Trespass and won at the end.

What I had managed to do different in my research was to compare these trespass violations with the limitation of aircraft performance, piloting skills and various weather related factors. This meant that what were violations of trespass were all unavoidable due to the technicalities which were only understood by those persons who had the knowledge of aviation.

So we end this statement by saying one needs to have an open mind and the will to resolve the issues at hand.
Actually now you are comparing apples and oranges. While I am generally against insulting men in uniform however please note that US military never lost any territory. The only time when they lost was an island to Japan during world war 2 which they recovered soon. Afghanistan and Vietnam were foreign occupation and one can employ occupation for so long. Pakistan on the other hand lost its own territory. Not only that we also lost Siachen to India during Zia.
Actually now you are comparing apples and oranges. While I am generally against insulting men in uniform however please note that US military never lost any territory. The only time when they lost was an island to Japan during world war 2 which they recovered soon. Afghanistan and Vietnam were foreign occupation and one can employ occupation for so long. Pakistan on the other hand lost its own territory. Not only that we also lost Siachen to India during Zia.
Also talk about US and other nations public support for armed forces in their time of need?
So many men went on to join US military in ww2 that the country had to make a law that the last remaining son of any family is barred from joining the military.
In UK when British military was being ponded by Germany, so many British men joined army and went to the front lines that 15 year old English girls went to the forests chopping trees and were called timber Jill's as no men left for the job, and the entire industrial base was run by women for same reason.
What you Pakistanis do when your military is in trouble? Except insulting them and criticizing them?
Also talk about US and other nations public support for armed forces in their time of need?
So many men went on to join US military in ww2 that the country had to make a law that the last remaining son of any family is barred from joining the military.
In UK when British military was being ponded by Germany, so many British men joined army and went to the front lines that 15 year old English girls went to the forests chopping trees and were called timber Jill's as no men left for the job, and the entire industrial base was run by women for same reason.
What you Pakistanis do when your military is in trouble? Except insulting them and criticizing them?
First of all criticizing is not the same as insulting. Secondly you need to correct your knowledge regarding Pakistanis. In 65 war, villagers of Lahore stood up along side army and went to front lines and fought. If similar situation arose today, You will find Pakistani people standing shoulder to shoulder with the army. This is exactly why after 71 India could not manage similar outcome because they know Pakistanis are not Bengalis. And the examples that you gave are those military above any critisim or over sight? In fact quiet the contrary, they have much more over sight as compared to Pakistani military which is considered holy grail and above everyone else.
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