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PAF and A-10 Aircraft

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Sep 29, 2010
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United States
As for the US, well they have nothing more to sell nor do we have the money to pay for the F-35s.

What Pakistan needs these days is something like the A-10 Warthog.
What Pakistan needs these days is something like the A-10 Warthog.

Not exactly..
what it needs is something like the A-37.. low cost.. yet effective.
What Pakistan needs these days is something like the A-10 Warthog.

102 A-10s are on retirement list of 272 A-10s as of 2012 USAF Aircraft Retirement List.
Not exactly..
what it needs is something like the A-37.. low cost.. yet effective.

One big difference: the A-10 is still in service with US forces, while the A-37 was retired 20 years ago.

102 A-10s are on retirement list of 272 A-10s as of 2012 USAF Aircraft Retirement List.

The A-10 will remain in service for another decade or two.
One big difference: the A-10 is still in service with US forces, while the A-37 was retired 20 years ago.

The A-10 will remain in service for another decade or two.

I gave you Official figure from USAF Retirement List as of 2012 around 170 A-10s will remain operational.
Next you will ask us to produce equivalent of carpet bombing!

Not at all.

I was referring to Aeronaut's comment earlier that USA has nothing suitable for Pakistan's needs. The JF-17 is a great addition for PAF for sure, but it is not as good at CAS as the A-10, and that is what Pakistan needs the most at the moment.
Not at all.

I was referring to Aeronaut's comment earlier that USA has nothing suitable for Pakistan's needs. The JF-17 is a great addition for PAF for sure, but it is not as good at CAS as the A-10, and that is what Pakistan needs the most at the moment.

Are u saying that Pakistan should ask US for A10z ?
How long they can fly more?
Will they can reach our airbases on time & without any leg pullings ?
Wht could be the price for them, isn't tht good we spend same money on some new ,made by ourselves or from a country from where we don't need to ask the permisions & supplies ?
The US will never sell the A-10 to anyone.

Cant say about A-10..But V-22 manufacturer’s rep was at farnborough and i asked him why the plane isnt in use anywhere else except USA...
He said there is no restriction from Government..its just that they haven’t been able to market it properly and couldn’t find a buyer yet..
Same can be said about A-10???...Countries prefer attack helicopter instead..
The A-10 was offered to Pakistan in the 80s and rejected then because we had plenty of money but no insurgency to fight. Now we have an insurgency to fight but we don't have the money for a fuel guzzler like the A-10, not to mention the DU rounds don't exactly come cheap. Another important point to consider is that there is no airfield in FATA that can host an A-10, so if you want a reload or damage control, Peshawar is your best shot. Cobras on the other hand, make good use of fuel, use TOW or Baktar Shikan Missiles and 30mm rounds (plenty of both) and the best part, they can land on a road, field, or even a good given ledge and given a complete reload in 15 minutes by 4 technicians carrying missiles and rounds in a 4x4!
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