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Over 200 Mizo youths recruited by Indian Army

Nagas are already joining IA and now Mizos join too.

Hope this trend continues.
Most likely the Assam Regt. to start with. Later we are likely to even see a 'Mizo Scouts' force. That will be a ggod thing. Already the Naga Regt. has been in existence for a long time and has acquitted itself very well as an unit of the Indian Army.

Now that is typically "IDIOT-SPEAK". Right??

They have a serious identity crisis, man.

They think they are Arab,Turkic or Persian and are somehow racially superior to us.

Leave it. Glad you know about my region. Have you come to visit Northeast?

@ADMIN @ oscar @ moderators ..please take care of him..this is a racist chant

And we don't have rascals like you.

Idiot speeak, rascal and identity crisis all fit @Glorino who bought Pakistan in this thread. I just replied in the same way to that idiot rascal!
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Idiot speeak, rascal and identity crisis all fit @Glorino who bought Pakistan in this thread. I just replied in the same way to that idiot rascal!

LOLLL, you just had to act the way that you are "programmed" to act, and used the language that you learned to speak. Thats OK........
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Nagas are already joining IA and now Mizos join too.

Hope this trend continues.

Military is one of the most famous professions among people of NE and the mountain states, bro.

People right from Ladakh to Arunachal and Mizoram have always joined military to save the country and serve her.

This may be a result of limited industrial opportunities in our regions but it also comes to show our dedication to our country.

Combat has been ingrained in our people for centuries in the mountains.

Indians are programmed to rape their women, its not your fault you are just doing what you are programmed to do!

What are we missing here, you are suppose to rape your women. That's how universe expands, that's what she always said. The whisper in the ear and the gear in the dear.
Military is one of the most famous professions among people of NE and the mountain states, bro.

People right from Ladakh to Arunachal and Mizoram have always joined military to save the country and serve her.

This may be a result of limited industrial opportunities in our regions but it also comes to show our dedication to our country.

Combat has been ingrained in our people for centuries in the mountains.

mate if i am not wrong then Mizoram has been one of the most peaceful states in the N.E.India for nearly two decades now with no insurgency(big or small) going on there at this moment.can you throw some light on the perception of the general Mizo population about being Indians(sorry for asking this question as i know it's an inappropriate one but still i want to know your expertise on this as you are also from the N.E.India)
Idiot speeak, rascal and identity crisis all fit @Glorino who bought Pakistan in this thread. I just replied in the same way to that idiot rascal!

He didn't bring Pakistan..... Pakistan was brought to the thread, by the beautiful patriotic posts of @Icewolf. How can you miss them and not @Glorino's posts.
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mate if i am not wrong then Mizoram has been one of the most peaceful states in the N.E.India for nearly two decades now with no insurgency(big or small) going on there at this moment.can you throw some light on the perception of the general Mizo population about being Indians(sorry for asking this question as i know it's an inappropriate one but still i want to know your expertise on this as you are also from the N.E.India)

Actually, the state has a lot of terrorist-cum-drug-trafficker sort of mafias that used to make it very dangerous apart from separatism. In 1967 the then government conducted serious military and combat operations in the state including air power to flush out terrorists and separatists.

It was such an aggressive-Israeli-style campaign that actually made terrorists shyt bricks. :D

After that constant combing operations led to peace in the state as government also initiated peaceful initiatives to integrate misguided youth.

Right now it is relatively peaceful and very stable. There are problems in Nagaland and Manipur though on the bordering side.
Indians are programmed to rape their women, its not your fault you are just doing what you are programmed to do!

Dear Its your low understanding of Indians... You trying to portray your country without any Violence against women....which is not correct...... Even I will be proud of that if there is no Rape/violence/terrorism in Pakistan & surely India can learn from your country..... But its not like that....... Anyway I feel we Indians are trying to do something to fix the problem...... Have some patience...

On topic ..... In hills area there is tradition of Joining the army... In my relation there are many people still in army...
My grandfather was court marshaled from Army for Slapping his seniors in Delhi Cantt office.....
mate if i am not wrong then Mizoram has been one of the most peaceful states in the N.E.India for nearly two decades now with no insurgency(big or small) going on there at this moment.can you throw some light on the perception of the general Mizo population about being Indians(sorry for asking this question as i know it's an inappropriate one but still i want to know your expertise on this as you are also from the N.E.India)

the problem of ZO people (mizo translation) was never with the mainlander to begin with .It was the arrogancy of the assamese govt that really stirred their insurgency. The ZO people were independent all through their history and following independence they suddenly found their way of living threatened by formation of new nations all around them. By then Christianity had only begin to spread among the various ZO tribes .The present day Mizoram was included in Assam as lushai hill district and they strongly disliked the idea of someone far (in Dispur) making decisions for them(same arrogance exhibited against Manipur and nagaland also). The final blow came in late 1960s when Mizo people had warn the govt. at dispur about impending mautam Mautam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia famine but the minister in charge in dispur dissmised it citing it as a tribal nonsense.

Many people in far flung areas died in the famine which angered them to start the insurgency.. They had almost captured whole of Mizoram when the dispur SOS ed delhi to help and had to take some unfortunate but unavoidable step to preserve the unity of republic. Many atrocities against the mizo people were allegedly committed by armed forces.

All this events are still fresh in minds of mizo people and probably it will take a long time to erase it , but then there is nothing more anyone can do. They are very progressive people albeit a bit clannish(tribals of NE usually are):P. They are not anti Indian and newer generation is definitely not anti Indian as long as rest of India is bit sensitive towards them (racism against NEasterner is definitely not helping it).Economic development of the state(rest of the region) will hasten the integration.

Here is the picture of Jeje Lalpheklua who plays for India (Indian national football team).He is from Mizoram.

:offpost: I hope my people (BODO) too would get separate state --bodoland --assamese hegemony is too much to take:sick:
the problem of ZO people (mizo translation) was never with the mainlander to begin with .It was the arrogancy of the assamese govt that really stirred their insurgency. The ZO people were independent all through their history and following independence they suddenly found their way of living threatened by formation of new nations all around them. By then Christianity had only begin to spread among the various ZO tribes .The present day Mizoram was included in Assam as lushai hill district and they strongly disliked the idea of someone far (in Dispur) making decisions for them(same arrogance exhibited against Manipur and nagaland also). The final blow came in late 1960s when Mizo people had warn the govt. at dispur about impending mautam Mautam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia famine but the minister in charge in dispur dissmised it citing it as a tribal nonsense.

Many people in far flung areas died in the famine which angered them to start the insurgency.. They had almost captured whole of Mizoram when the dispur SOS ed delhi to help and had to take some unfortunate but unavoidable step to preserve the unity of republic. Many atrocities against the mizo people were allegedly committed by armed forces.

All this events are still fresh in minds of mizo people and probably it will take a long time to erase it , but then there is nothing more anyone can do. They are very progressive people albeit a bit clannish(tribals of NE usually are):P. They are not anti Indian and newer generation is definitely not anti Indian as long as rest of India is bit sensitive towards them (racism against NEasterner is definitely not helping it).Economic development of the state(rest of the region) will hasten the integration.

Here is the picture of Jeje Lalpheklua who plays for India (Indian national football team).He is from Mizoram.

:offpost: I hope my people (BODO) too would get separate state --bodoland --assamese hegemony is too much to take:sick:

Wow..you a Bodo..which part of Assam are you from??? Do you think giving statehood to Bodoland is the right idea. I mean we have so many tribes in Assam. Everyone will be demanding their own states. It will stir a Hornet's Nest. Initially I was also a supporter of Gorkhaland movement but now it seems it will only lead to chaos in entire North East if a new state is declared for a particular tribe.
Wow..you a Bodo..which part of Assam are you from??? Do you think giving statehood to Bodoland is the right idea. I mean we have so many tribes in Assam. Everyone will be demanding their own states. It will stir a Hornet's Nest. Initially I was also a supporter of Gorkhaland movement but now it seems it will only lead to chaos in entire North East if a new state is declared for a particular tribe.
no it wont , don`t know about Gorkhaland ,but Bodoland is needed along with some more autonomy for NC hills district and Karbianglong, rest of tribes are too small to grant autonomy and they have fully assimilated into greater assamese society, so much that they even forgot their own language.. not us the bodo-dimasa kachris and karbis.. we are too proud for that:)
.... i m originally from NC Hills (Dima Hasao) Umrangso - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Saudi and Turks don't dominate us...
Maybe you got this shock after getting dominated by those Indo Aryans in Delhi... Rise up dear... Its nice to know your own people don't bend over to Brahmins like you do...

And they fight against Brahmin dominance..

Do you have any idea about India's demographics

Brahmins neither dominate politics (Gandhis, Modi, LK Adwani are not Brahmins) nor Business
Yes you will find a lot of Brahmin engineers/doctors/IAS officers; but that is due to their hard work and dedication
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