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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

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  • Poll closed .
Pakistanis are like Italians, they sleep for 12 hours and fight pointlessly for the remaining 12.
Pakistanis' fighting comprises of only trampling upon the weak. Whoever is more powerful usually crushes the weak, there is no fighting back in Pakistan, definitely not against the powerful.
The calculus is to scare, arrest or kill.

Scaring hasn’t worked.

Arrests aren’t working.

Killing — the most difficult option — is now being taken, at least on the streets, if not in the holding cells.

It’s not organised, but not completely disorganised either.

If the crowds die down, they will stop.
And win.

If not, they will get more violent. And then stop again to let the crowds recede.

They’re counting on the crowds to go home. To simmer down. To get scared.

They’ve seen this before.

They’ve seen the crowds go home in 2007, after Benazir.

That’s what they’re counting on now: to give up.

But they’ve forgotten 1971.

PTI leadership is underground.

It’s really the people vs them right now.

#PakistanCivilWar is trending for a reason.

From. Wajahat S. khan
And many of us were berating them for it, open your eyes for goodness sake.. we share the same enemy, GHQ is cancer, nothing good has ever come of it.. we let it spread and now we lost Kashmir, the generals are sold out cowards only care for themselves... who gives them the right to rule over us and oppress us, Jinnah warned us they should stay inside their barracks, we ignored him this.. is the result of our own incompetency.. f*** the generals and their GHQ!

FREE Pakistan from the oppression of the Military Junta!
Bangladeshis still dont hate Pakistan. I remember watching a video which showed the reaction in Dhaka when Babar Azam scored the winning run against India in the T20 world cup. I swear to God the crowd's happiness and cheering would be as loud, if not louder than any city in Pakistan. Breaks my heart seeing how they were treated in 1971.
This is the excuse the “master planners” were looking for and without any control or guidance it’s all playing into their hands.

Things are going mad max pretty fast now:

That is a situation that the whiskey generals have brought Pakistan to. All it will take to start a bloody civil war is for one angry guy to fire a burst of automatic Kalashnikov fire into a group of soldiers, killing a dozen.

Pakistani civilians have 50 guns for every 1 that the army has. If it comes to civil war, and the guns come out, there is near zero chance of the army winning. They only rule with the consent of the people. If civilians are forced to turn against the army then the whiskey generals will have to abandon their DHA plots and seek refugee status in random countries.

The way things will go, moving forward, is that people will not come out in rallies with women and children so that junta goons can abuse them. It will turn into an insurrection with small armed groups doing hit and run attacks all over the country.

Meanwhile the economy will crash and that will only provoke more violence. The whiskey generals are hell bent on dragging Pakistan down the drain.

It's perhaps your wish that India attacks Pakistan while PTI terrorists are attacking military places in Pakistan. I am sure if these coward Indians indeed get some courage and attack Pakistan, most of these brainless PTI supporters would actively help Indians against Pakistan army (without even realizing that their ladies will perpetually be raped by filthy Hindues and giving birth to Hindu babies if Indians could undo Pakistan). These brainless idiots are more like zombies controlled by some one else.

However, the reality is much different from the dirty dreams of these filthy zombies. Despite the claims (made by some media persons) that Pak military is incapable of fighting a war against India, Indians know it fully well what capabilities Pakistan military has and how it can give a bloody nose to them. Putting their military on high alert or not, Indians would not get balls to attack Pakistan in near future. Every one knows that a few hundred PTI terrorists were attacking different places in a few cities of Pakistan. Those PTI terrorists could be killed and crushed in no time if military wanted so. But the leadership (both civilian and military) probably decided to expose the true nature of these PTI terrorists, their terrorist leadership and idiology. Leaveing the mommy-daddy burger production on one side, common Pakistanis are shockingly seeing all this terrorism unleashed by the PTI terrorists.

The state will crush these terrorists in any case but it was better to do that after exposing PTI as the terrorist party. It's no more a political party and the state will not deal with this terrorist party like business as usual. Now even if the state of Pakistan disbands this terrorist party, the masses in Pakistan will support that action.
With Pretty much 0% public support in Pakistan

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