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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

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    Votes: 145 63.6%
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I wonder what thoughts do those here on PDF who cheered the January 6 attack on the US Capitol have about this black day for Pakistan? How this situation is handled now will speak volumes to the international community not only in terms of political stability, but of the robustness of its power centers, given this extreme stress on the country, including the economic ones, with long term effects.
I don’t think the two situations are that similar. In the US the people who spoke against the attack might just have been actually worried for their country, in Pakistan the people who speak against it are only doing it for their personal gain, not Because they were affected by it in any way, shape or form.

Army called in to assist police in Punjab, KP, Balochistan, Islamabad​

Army called in to assist police in Punjab, KP, Balochistan, Islamabad

Army deployed under Article 245 of the constitution
10 May,2023 05:28 pm
LAHORE (Dunya News) – The army has been called in by three provinces including Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Balochistan, and Islamabad to help the local administration and police in maintaining law and order across the province.

The Punjab Home Department said the army had been called in under Article 245 of the constitution to assist the local administration. The army has been called in due to deteriorating law and order situtation in the country. A notification to the effect has been issued by the Home Department.

It says 10 companies of the army will be at Punjab government's disposal and they will initially be deployed in Lahore, Gujranwala, Rawalpindi and Multan.

Read Also: Pakistan on trial - a pictorial overview

Meanwhile, the army has also been summoned for support in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan.

Earlier on Tuesday, Federal Minister for Law and Justice Azam Nazir Tarar had said that the law would take its course and legal matters should not be settled on roads, warning that nobody would be allowed to damage public or private property.

Speaking to the media, he said Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan was arrested as per law by executing the arrest warrants issued by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) chairman.

Punjab caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi said those involved in attacks on government installations and security forces would be dealt with an iron hand. He vowed not to spare any one going against the state and law.

Violent protests across the country

Four people died and 27 suffered injuries amid clashes between Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) police and protestors ahead of protests against the arrest of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan.

Lady Reading Hospital spokesperson Muhammad Asim confirmed that four dead bodies had been brought to the hospital. "The injured have been shot in hands and legs, and they are being given emergency aid," he added.

Violent protests continued on the second day in several cities across the country. The Islamabad police have arrested 109 PTI activists so far with Sindh police claiming the arrests of 270 people. The protests have been held in major cities such as Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Quetta, with thousands of PTI workers taking part.

Demonstrators have been demanding the release of Imran Khan and many have been carrying banners and placards denouncing the arrest. The protests have led to the imposition of Section 144 in many cities, which prohibits gatherings and political activities. This measure has been put in place to maintain law and order, according to the ministry of interior.

Authorities have warned that legal action will be taken against those who violate Section 144. This includes the use of force if necessary, to disperse protesters who refuse to comply. As per reports, police are conducting raids to arrest PTI workers and supporters.

@Signalian lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Try to assassinate IK, Fail. He starts calling out generals. You tell him to stop. He doesn’t stop. Arrest IK over a bogus case in a bogus way using NAB and Rangers. Cause massive protests, send in PDM/Army men disguised as PTI supporters to rile up peaceful protestors, break into army cantonments, bases and GHQ (all of who’s sentries were missing conveniently). Then tomorrow you call it a black day and blame the PTI and IK for the violence that you yourself did. Arrest all the other PTI leaders in the meanwhile so nobody can do anything, make the crowd even angrier, then blame them for attacking soldiers and monuments (most of said attacks still being conducted by Army/PDM). And then you shoot a few protestors so they are too afraid to come out for a second day.

How come there were no protests outside government buildings of the same magnitude? GHQ is significantly better protected than NAB, rangers HQ and Government offices. Corps commanders houses and cantonments are better protected than Government houses. But somehow no attacks there?

All of this is so obviously orchestrated and planned, it’s scary.

Nobody actually cares about this country, the PDM and it’s supporters (including the few brain-dead biryani boys here, enjoying their asses off sitting in other countries or their middle class homes, not realizing that they too won’t have the money to buy food in a few years If things stay like this) are utterly useless, just a placeholder until the people on top decide who gets to come to power). They (PM, interior minister) probably weren’t even aware IK was about to be arrested, they are so utterly incompetent and clueless, they can’t have planned any of this, they’re merely pawns themselves waiting to be replaced. Let me make it clear, the army leadership has absolutely no love for the PDM, PMLN, PPP etc, they are using them because they are dumb and easy to use, because they are letting the army leadership run free, because they also want the PTI gone. And if the army leadership so decides, they will be too.

The army leadership, Led by Asim Munir, who if I start telling you the amount of corruption he did in his career, I guess I won’t be a free man by tomorrow. He’s been like this since he was a brigadier, I’d know, I’ve seen it myself. With their thin skins and big egos, taking everything personally and tearing this country apart because they got on a high horse after being worshipped by the people for 20 years off the back of the sacrifices of a few thousand brave men and women we call our Martyrs and heroes. Imagine if they knew they died to The army could do this to their country. The army generals who are so delusional (trust me, they are) that they think can salvage their lost pride and the country they have destroyed (not because they care, but because they need it to get corruption money and stay in power) by villainsing the PTI and getting rid of IK, then either installing PTI under the rest of its useless leadership as an establishment controlled party, or getting rid of them altogether and installing someone new they can control. Think of it this way, they (army leadership) are basically making the people hate their own subordinates (soldiers and junior officers, most of which are Pro-PTI), just what will that do to the inner workings of this institution in the long run? They think they can salvage this, but they clearly can’t.

The rest of the PTIs leaders, also just useless, waiting for IK to be gone so they can ride on his popularity, if anyone thinks SMQ, Pervaiz Elahi or many of the other PTI lot is any cleaner, they’re also delusional. PTI right now is just IK.

The Awaam, mostly PTIs supporters, either too poor or too scared to really do anything.
The middle class, including most of the non General ranking army and government officials who Support PTI but dare not come out and protest for fear of losing their jobs, who will take care of their family after? Who will feed their children?

The lower class, who can’t afford to eat already, let alone protest, who will eventually start despising the PTI too because their supporters protests’ closed down markets and roads, meaning that lower class man couldn’t go to work today, and his family went to bed hungry.

And the upper class, the only people who can afford to protest, too unconcerned and too busy lining up at Tim hortons.

IK, one man who’s maybe trying to do something right, he’s not perfect by any means, I hate half his policies and half the things he says, especially in regards to foreign agendas (do we need foreign agendas to destroy this country when we’re so adept at doing it ourselves), but he’s too old, too alone, and now too powerless to do much.

The minority awam, some supporting the PDM, too brain dead to really see the bigger picture, celebrating the downfall of their own country, celebrating as one man’s arrest, wether he’s in the right or wrong, has just lead to several deaths, injuries, billions of dollars of potential losses etc, while also blaming the same man for being a hypocrite, creating divide and destroying the economy. None of these people actually care about the fact that people are dying, they just cry crocodile tears to act righteous.

The other minority awam, blindly supporting the army. Equally dumb, thinking that the army somehow has a plan, they don’t.

See, protests and riots only seem to work in countries where people actually have money to protest, where people are actually educated to their rights, where they can actually worry about where their country is heading and not about wether their child will eat. Protests work in France, Turkey and Sri Lanka, not in a country where for 70 years one faction or another, government or army or whatever party, has constantly taught its people that they are powerless. Protests work where there is rule of law. But our judiciary….what can I say about then that has not already been said. Bipolar, fueled by money and personal gripes.

And yet, IKs biggest downfall, his own supporters. IK never really villanized the army apart from Bajwa, but Pakistanis being Pakistanis villanized the whole institution and made it anti-IK, something he never wanted, what IK wanted was to have the army’s support (of the ones in the army who aren’t rat-bastards like Asim and Bajwa). But his mostly brain dead one track supporters, did the usual Pakistani thing, and generalized everyone under the same blanket, and ruined IKs plans faster than anyone in PDM could have. The PDM and their supporters are literally brain dead, they couldn’t have done anything to IK and his popularity, but his own party members (those who defected and voted him out, and those who just sat idly as he was arrested) and his own supporters, who blindly followed him, including in his mistakes, did the job for the PDM.

I guess That covers every section of society broadly. None of us are innocent, nobody really cares for Pakistan. We all have our part to play in fixing it, just as we did in destroying it.

I am generally Pro-IK, but I recognize he made some major mistakes, stayed with the wrong people, appeased the wrong parties, went back on his own decisions. (Which is why I’m less so Pro-PTI given what’s in the rest of it). I despise the corrupt army leadership, and the gutter trash that is PDM and it’s few supporters. But I also really dislike the fact that the PTI supporters so openly villanized the entire army instead of just the corrupt few in it, hurting IKs own narrative. I also fear for the common soldier and the junior officer who will endure all the hate and wraith of the awam that should have been directed towards the general sitting in Oman. But most of all, I fear the soon to come time when all of these problems will be irrelevant in front of a Crisis where none of us will be able to afford fuel, food, shelter and basic necessities, when no one will be willing to give us money because we don’t have any form of stability, when there will be constant media and information blackouts just to keep the people at bay (already happening that one), all because these three warring factions, PDM, army and PTI (regardless of who you support or hate), have destroyed this nation in one way or another, and yet, here we sit, celebrating the actions of whatever party we support in this mess, none of us really support Pakistan or Pakistanis, not even me I suppose.

The last couple of days have felt so depressing for me, and I’m sure many others, who are sitting in their homes, wishing they could somehow help the country. All we can do is hope and pray, that Allah saves us, in whatever way we can be saved.
I swear If the army or the PDM end up running the country better than the PTI, If either of them can drag us out of this mess and save the poor people, I will support them openly and Happily too, so far they have both done worst, and it doesn’t seem like they’ll get better. That is the problem here. That’s why so many people keep looking to the PTI. Not because they have a crush on IK or think that the PTI can somehow do no wrong. They’re simply the best performers among the three options, even if their performance wasn’t inherently good. That’s what PDM and Army leadership can’t understand.

Stay safe all of you, wether you share my political opinions or not, we’re all in this mess together now.​
Beautifully articulated...overwhelming sense of gloom and depression has enveloped most Pakistanis.
All we can do in this situation is to remember:

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) was recorded saying to a man who asked “How can I feel at ease when the Angel of the Trumpet, (Israfil, one of the four arc angels) has put his lips to the Trumpet and is waiting for the order to blow it”.

He (ﷺ) perceived as if this had shocked his Companions, so he (ﷺ) told them to seek comfort through reciting: Hasbunallah wa ni’mal-Wakil.

This saying is also mentioned in the Qur’an by Allah (swt) who revealed in Surah Al Imran in the following verse 173:

ٱلَّذِينَ قَالَ لَهُمُ ٱلنَّاسُ إِنَّ ٱلنَّاسَ قَدْ جَمَعُوا۟ لَكُمْ فَٱخْشَوْهُمْ فَزَادَهُمْ إِيمَٰنًا وَقَالُوا۟ حَسْبُنَا ٱللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ ٱلْوَكِيلُ

The english meaning of this full ayat:

“Those to whom hypocrites said, ‘Indeed, the people have gathered against you, so fear them.’ But it [merely] increased them in faith, and they said, ‘Sufficient for us is Allah, and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs."
The only way Pakistan Army can restore their honor and discredit IK is by changing the fortune of Pakistan. I see 0% of that happening. Pakistan Army will continue to be humiliated and blamed for Pakistan being a failed system. No delay in election, ban of PTI , disqualification or arrest can effect the popularity of IK till then.
I don’t think the two situations are that similar. In the US the people who spoke against the attack might just have been actually worried for their country, in Pakistan the people who speak against it are only doing it for their personal gain, not Because they were affected by it in any way, shape or form.

Many here would claim that people are doing what they are doing out of their love for the country and concern over the situation that it they find themselves in these days.
Punjab govt called in army for election lollllllllllllllllllllllllll

Army called in Punjab to maintain law and order​

Web Desk
MAY 10, 2023
The Ministry of Interior approved the deployment of Pakistan Army troops in Punjab on Wednesday, at the request of the caretaker government, to address the province’s deteriorating law and order situation, amid ongoing protests by PTI supporters against Imran Khan’s arrest.
Following the arrest of the party chairman in the Al-Qadir Trust case on Tuesday, a larger number of charged PTI supporters demonstrated in various cities across Pakistan, with the worst situation being observed in Punjab’s capital city of Lahore.
Reports said police have arrested 945 protesters in Punjab over vandalism at public places and violence, adding that 130 police officers were injured and 25 police and government vehicles were burnt while 14 government buildings were stormed by protesters.
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