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Our govt. has no money to build power plants :- PM Nawaz Sharif

Two things why he is so chuffed up. He has the blessing of Uncle Sam and the loans of IMF/WB.

You're right on the money and I cannot dispute anything you have said.

Although, the government has the moral obligation to lead by example. The people like the government are corrupt and resort to all sorts of malice. We mustn't forget that this precedent has been set for decades now. Nonetheless, who has the primary responsibility to change this mess? The onus is on the government i.e. politicians elected by votes to lead by example. The government must first pay their taxes, stop building business empires (conflict of interest), not resort to corruption/kickbacks and lead by example i.e. display patriotism, honesty and genuine leadership in the interest of the nation. I'm sure the good apples will follow. The rotten apples will remain rotten. The rotten apples can always be dealt with by the law.

I agree with you completely mate. The only amends I will make to your statement is that you say the onus is on the government. Here I disagree with you, I believe that the onus is indeed on the people. Isn't it the people, who for short term gains, vote in people who will do their street level tasks? They don't care how much corruption this politician will do, as long as he does their dirty work.

I think our system is rotten from the bottom up. Don't these people have enough sense to throw out the corrupt idiots instead of voting them in again and again?
I agree with you completely mate. The only amends I will make to your statement is that you say the onus is on the government. Here I disagree with you, I believe that the onus is indeed on the people. Isn't it the people, who for short term gains, vote in people who will do their street level tasks? They don't care how much corruption this politician will do, as long as he does their dirty work.

I think our system is rotten from the bottom up. Don't these people have enough sense to throw out the corrupt idiots instead of voting them in again and again?

I concur. May sound harsh, but those who vote for greedy and corrupt beings deserve the wrath of being deprived of electricity, gas, petrol etc. I do blame the people, but in my opinion the government has the responsibility of taking the lead by setting an example. You're right though. Expecting the current government to set a positive example would be highly naive. I'm just expecting too much. They are here to set examples of corruption and self-enrichment. The people are following the role models quite nicely. Of course, not all people are like this, but many are. Some willingly and some unwillingly.
Don't understand why our citizens vote Nawaz Sharif? Now all the trouble we have faced in many issues.
I concur. May sound harsh, but those who vote for greedy and corrupt beings deserve the wrath of being deprived of electricity, gas, petrol etc. I do blame the people, but in my opinion the government has the responsibility of taking the lead by setting an example. You're right though. Expecting the current government to set a positive example would be highly naive. I'm just expecting too much. They are here to set examples of corruption and self-enrichment. The people are following the role models quite nicely. Of course, not all people are like this, but many are. Some willingly and some unwillingly.

Well said. :tup:

How did you manage to get -5 negative ratings? Your posts are always well thought and clear.
Well said. :tup:

How did you manage to get -5 negative ratings? Your posts are always well thought and clear.

Appreciated bro.

LMAO I'm quite fierce when our Indian members talk about annihilating or destroying Pakistan through the use of force. I guess, some think tank members don't appreciate that. I've become a collector of minus ratings though.

PS. I love your diesel avatar. The pic exposes a million tales.
LMAO I'm quite fierce when our Indian members talk about annihilating or destroying Pakistan through the use of force. I guess, some think tank members don't appreciate that. I've become a collector of minus ratings though.

wear them like medals then, bro. ;):pakistan:
You're right on the money and I cannot dispute anything you have said.

Although, the government has the moral obligation to lead by example. The people like the government are corrupt and resort to all sorts of malice. We mustn't forget that this precedent has been set for decades now. Nonetheless, who has the primary responsibility to change this mess? The onus is on the government i.e. politicians elected by votes to lead by example. The government must first pay their taxes, stop building business empires (conflict of interest), not resort to corruption/kickbacks and lead by example i.e. display patriotism, honesty and genuine leadership in the interest of the nation. I'm sure the good apples will follow. The rotten apples will remain rotten. The rotten apples can always be dealt with by the law.

This thinking is the cause of all the problem, remember govt is for the people by the people. People in govt are not imported from outside, they are all around you, these are the same people who did corruption when they were not in govt and now they are in the govt so why do you expect a change in their behavior. Look around you, corruption is accepted and even respected, you can see your chachey mamy (firgure of speech, not specifically yours) you all know the life style they are living cannot be from their pay checks.

There was small corruption in our times (30 years ago) but corrupts will not brag it and show it off and people will look down on corrupt people. One of my friend's father was in custom and he would admit his father has illegal income, whenever we friend go to his house we refuse to eat and drink anything. But now its respected.
This thinking is the cause of all the problem, remember govt is for the people by the people. People in govt are not imported from outside, they are all around you, these are the same people who did corruption when they were not in govt and now they are in the govt so why do you expect a change in their behavior. Look around you, corruption is accepted and even respected, you can see your chachey mamy (firgure of speech, not specifically yours) you all know the life style they are living cannot be from their pay checks.

There was small corruption in our times (30 years ago) but corrupts will not brag it and show it off and people will look down on corrupt people. One of my friend's father was in custom and he would admit his father has illegal income, whenever we friend go to his house we refuse to eat and drink anything. But now its respected.

Totally agreed. I am very tired of this argument that only politicians are corrupt. They are part of the same nation.... It is true that Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely but if one has a strong character and good ethos then one will use this power for the good of the mankind. If the one is corrupt from the start then the outcome after gaining power is going to be just a pile of sh!t for mankind.
Very short sighted (everyone). So much can be achieved if people start thinking long term and help each other. The day people understand this they will start living very happy lives.
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