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Our F16s and the Indian Predicament Spanning Nearly Four Decades.

You should first rethink the the propaganda bit. We are not going to your forums to soothe our egos. You are. Countering arguments to an adversary requires that adversary to be rational and have a logical thought process. Modi supporters such as you are incapable of seeing the truth or conduct any logical conversation. You are saying that we are spreading propaganda? It's like the pot calling the kettle black. Ever since 26th February, your side has been spewing one lie after another. 250 terrorist killed, 350 terrorist killed. Satellite photos from neutral sources show no damage at all. It's the age old machiavellian chanakya doctrine at play.

Also, instead of wasting bandwidth here, you should try to look for a job and try to better yourself. Being a fascist supporter will not place you anywhere good in life. BTW get a life and keep to your own kind. We consider you our enemy now.


Ignorance used to be a bliss.
Now I'll say being delusional is an even mightier bliss for indians.

Oh yes, Indians are delusional and Pakistan has Kashmir and Bangladesh is still East Pakistan.
Events of Feb 27 happened too quickly and IAF wasn't prepared. It's as simple as that. It's not like we had dozens of planes in the area but we deliberately sent 4 ancient Migs to battle it out with the PAF. That is all we could arrange in that time and that is due to the ill preparedness of the IAF.
According to the PAF, we had locks on 9 of your aircraft, out of which 2 were executed.
So the 4 ancient migs story doesn't cut it either
According to the PAF, we had locks on 9 of your aircraft, out of which 2 were executed.
So the 4 ancient migs story doesn't cut it either

That's your claim. We have ours. You can believe what you like. As per our claims from what I have read we had 8 air crafts - 2 Sukhoi, 2 Mirage and 4 Migs.
OP - I like the confidence. Especially with the way both of those previous wars ended for Pakistan, especially 1971. Quite commendable to be so confident even after all that.:yes4:
Your own generals right in their books about how Pakistan army gave them huge damage untill the way eastern command surrendered . But , who's complaining !
I am not here to trade insults like 14 year old kids in a backyard.

It's already established by almost every neutral account of the skirmish that during the skirimish which lasted only a few minutes anyway, IAF was heavily outnumbered by PAF. Look, i am not trying to take anything away from the PAF's performance on that day, but facts are facts and have to be stated.
But IAF could have called back-up or could have counter strikes again ? . Why didn't they ?
Just to counter Pakistani propoganda and it's a good time pass tbh. I am currently jobless anyway.

Meanwhile you can go and beg the admin of the forum to ban registration by Indian members.

P.S- If you can't counter someone's arguments in a civil way, you ask them to stop posting. Great idea.
Talking about Pakistani propaganda . Man O man ..... This lad here seems to be viewing this forum from glasses of sheer patriotism . Don't talk about Pakistani propaganda when you know what you guys do .
India refused to respond to Feb 27 because Pakistan returned the PoW the next day.

Your own PM says India was going to do missile strikes after Abhi's capture and that was one of the main reasons why he was released so quickly. So it seems from your own PMs words that it was actually your leadership which was wetting its pants rather than the IAF.

The move to release Abhi was a de-escalation move my Pakistan. After that India had to stand down. We didn't want to look like aggressors in front of the world when Pakistan was acting pacifist.

Events of Feb 27 happened too quickly and IAF wasn't prepared. It's as simple as that. It's not like we had dozens of planes in the area but we deliberately sent 4 ancient Migs to battle it out with the PAF. That is all we could arrange in that time and that is due to the ill preparedness of the IAF.
Keep living in fools paradise . When you grabbed your missiles , we called NCA . Becoz we don't follow " no first use " policy . So yeah , you guys were wetting pants , becoz your All THREE ARMED SERVICES , weren't ready to tackle Pakistan . That's why you grabbed missiles.

Oh yes, Indians are delusional and Pakistan has Kashmir and Bangladesh is still East Pakistan.
No we don't say that . Yes we have Azad Kashmir . Yes we will have IOJK too . We don't need Bangladesh . Btw Indians are delusional , like shooting down of f-16 and killing 350 terrorists .
I am not here to trade insults like 14 year old kids in a backyard.

It's already established by almost every neutral account of the skirmish that during the skirimish which lasted only a few minutes anyway, IAF was heavily outnumbered by PAF. Look, i am not trying to take anything away from the PAF's performance on that day, but facts are facts and have to be stated.

it always lasts a few minutes, it is up to the opposites how prepared and ready they are to come up and challenge.
an expecting response announced in a presser and they waited for a long night, we gave a surprise in such scenario.
US is jumping up and down to sell India F-16s but seems like India is not interested.
That's your claim. We have ours. You can believe what you like. As per our claims from what I have read we had 8 air crafts - 2 Sukhoi, 2 Mirage and 4 Migs.

Let's talk about reality; the proof of the pudding is in the eating. We have shot down your MIG-21 and the world has seen.
Show us the one from your side to prove how good you are.
Yes, it was a poor performance but it was one day and it was a skirmish, not even a battle. And IAF was heavily outnumbered by PAF. You can read as much into it as you like but most international observers aren't. In fact, i believe that the IAF got a much needed wake up call at a very small price.

I do believe that the air force is our weakest military arm and your air force is your strongest. To be fair, I have also read from most neutral sources that the PAF did give IAF a bloody nose in 1965 war... but 1971 really ? I am sure that even most Pakistani analysts would agree that 1971 was a complete defeat for Pakistan including the PAF.
Your own Air cheif admitted that PAF shotd more aircrafts even in 71. Our one squadron in East Pak fought your don't know how many squadrons.
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