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Otokar reveils several new products (Incl 30ton IFV)

Thats a stretched Cobra version with 4 doors, Its been first shown at a paris exhibition. The second is the Cobra II as you can see its written down in the back.
Ye, I actually thought these stretched Cobra's were the Cobra 2's (from older picture's) and that America was interested in acquiring these.

So I am suprised with the new Cobra 2 picture's, and in my opinion the new Cobra 2's don't look as good as the Cobra stretched. No comment on the spec's though.

Before there was a Light Tank,Medium Tank and Heavy Tank and Tank Destroyer (Tank without turret,that´s why they call him a Destroyer ,it´s only mission was to destroy ,the USA-Versions has Turret ,but the Turret Rotation was very low).

Since 1945 they have combined these Specs under a New Name :

Main Battle Tank .

WE have too Attack Helicopter for the Role to Hunt Tanks ,i dont Think that a Attack Helicopter has the Role to defence the Air Area.

I mean if we need today a Tank Destroyer ,we can put on the Mount of the Otokar Cobras some TOW-Missiles or UMTAS.

(Yoksa zamaninda Adamlar Yapmis).



Muharebe Ağırlığı 35-40 ton diyor Videoda ,gercekten 30 ton mu mühimmatsiz ?
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@madmusti No not neccesarly 30 Ton precisly, I simply assumed its weight would be around that.
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Turkish Engineering,baffles me :hitwall: :hitwall:
@Icarus @Bezerk @nabil_05

We should hijack some otokar engineers for HIT. They make jaw dropping pieces of engineering. Puma isn't my most favorite IFV anymore. :D

Me2,but they can´t make a new Assault Rifle ,WHY ? :) (Where is the new MPT).
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and I dont really know what is my point...
let me give you a clue :D
You're blasting out random information -which most of us knows- in order to feel secure about yourself :tup:

absolutely no point :D as long as i keep answering, he'll keep on doing it ;)
Maybe you are trying to tell us that with 105 mm air-portable howitzers, we don't need air-portable gun platforms for infantry support? I call genius! :D
google paronomasia :tup:
Don't Turkey have the largest boron reserve in tge world?....Apparently the new armor for Turkish vehicles is made of boron carbide.

@madmasti New Turkish rifle will satisfy you....however MKEK sux and we all know that. :drag:
Don't Turkey have the largest boron reserve in tge world?....Apparently the new armor for Turkish vehicles is made of boron carbide.

@madmasti New Turkish rifle will satisfy you....however MKEK sux and we all know that. :drag:

Who is madmasti :)

I hope not :)

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