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Osmania University beef festival sparks violence

Oh now i am with the Sangh,trust me i am much more dangerous than those incompetent morons in the Sangh.

Average Joe amongst his league of average Joes.

yeah i am the bright bulb to your neon tube.

I have no doubts on how to counter your argument,i dont wish to because while debating with a fool,a wise man generally quits first.

You are not able to understand the actual mediocrity of your arguments and keep on hoisting yourself on a high horse and now coming up with high school trash talk.

I called it for what it is,mindless verbosity.

Promises, promises, that's all we get. Now about a hundred messages old.

We all get to see what you can do when you run out of arguments. But then, from evidence of this thread alone, that happens quite frequently. Sad. The Sangh really needs to dig deeper.
Are you unhappy that Tirupati, or Rameswaram weren't attacked in the similar manner Puri Jagananth ,Somnath ,or countless temples the north indian were attacked and many of them destroyed for ever, and suffer similar fate??

No. I am unhappy that a newby makes an incorrect statement, and you, rather than use your seniority and knowledge to correct him, prefer to let it go by because it helps push your particular agenda.

I am not merely unhappy but repelled by the attacks on temples anywhere in India.

It is chronicled in Madala panji, considered as the most authentic historical record related to Jagannath Temple.But you can waittill history spinsters like Romila Thaper writes her perspective to these events.

I don't know what a history spinster is, and I don't know what deep-rooted psychological problem of yours brings your attention to focus on her marital status, but yes, it would help to have the material evaluated by a trained historian.

Interesting .Sounds like a vaguely similar argument by Pakistanis to deny forced on conversion on the basis that india is still hindu majority after 600 years of muslim rule.

You can have your cake, or you can eat it.

The Parivar cannot whine about the oppression of Muslim rulers, and then claim miraculous exemption from such oppression when it is pointed out that their favourite deity was untouched through centuries of oppression.

Have you ever been to konark ?? The world famous temple complex you see there a ruin of the old original sun temple . There is a history behind its ruination.

The point being?

Hmm, as a senior member you are supposed set right examples and possibly show more maturity . But what did you do instead ??

You said this " there seems to be no reason for anyone to draw himself up with the prim outrage of a spinster pinched on the derriere and start intoning maledictions." You went on for sarcastic comment that borders vulgarity.

And what was insidious about it? You could have called it vulgar in the first place, if you thought so. Instead, you used a set of words which you probably did not understand. I was questioning that.

Okay,wise *** you don't understand subtlety 'cause are a pathetic moron trying to hard to come across as some freaking intellectual. You want more bluntness ?? Ask me.

Since when have you been doing me, or anyone else, special favours?
I note your assessment of me as a pathetic moron. You will not object if I am equally frank and forthright in future, when addressing you.
By the way, I am an intellectual, not a paid ideologue like you.

What a sorry excuse for a refutation. Do we not deserve more fact, more logic, more argument?
Sometimes, it does seem that you are the best person at confusing yourself, and that nobody needs to do that for you.

Academics, anthropology researchers, palaeontologists, Indologists, and the media, to assemble your very curious aggregate, happen to be people who are professionally trained to analyse their subject area with regard to the scientific spirit. This professional training consists of the undergraduate, post-graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral phases. It is interesting that you feel competent to judge their motives and their biases without having gone through this process yourself.

What is your competence to judge them and their work?

Further, you started by accusing me of mindless verbosity. That is all right by itself, and nothing that I take offence at, considering that it is the last refuge of a demagogue bereft of ideas. But you went on to suggest that people from JNU were also people who indulged in mindless verbosity.

Which part of your trenchant criticism above deals with verbosity? Which deals with mindless?

Your arguments merely suggest that they acquire unscientific biases in their work due to financial blandishment and bribery, or due to some other reason. However, they have nothing to do with mindlessness, nothing to do with verbosity. Do you just chuck accusations around as they occur to you or do you think about what you write, occasionally?

Coming specifically to the disciplines you have mentioned, what part of those disciplines have offended you? What have anthropologists said to offend you? What, for Heavens' sake, have palaeontologists done? What could they possibly study that clashes with your beliefs, unless you are a Christian believing in intelligent design? I can understand your anger against Indologists, as they do not support the Hindutva believers faith that civilisation began in India and spread outwards from here. Apart from that, what on earth do you find objectionable? Are you even aware of what offends you and what does not? Can you list them down, grouped by discipline?

Why, for that matter, are you annoyed with the media? What have they done except reflected what actually happens, in fact, in public?

Lastly, your example eludes me. What is that supposed to mean? That individuals belonging to the Dharmic religions (presumably you mean Indic, and forgot the phrase in the white heat of your response) do not use violence? It is difficult to think of anything more absurd, considering my grounding in history.

I am not here to defend the Abrahamic faiths, and will let somebody else try to do it, if they should please to take up that thankless task in the teeth of the thinking of a bigot like you.

Suffice it to say that you have given sufficient evidence of being a disturbed personality, and one who wishes to bring a false sense of order into the external world in order to compensate for the disturbances in his internal world. It would be better if you were to seek professional help rather than vent your frustrations and your personal angst on the world around you. It certainly helps to explain your interest in the Internet and in a forum such as this. Clearly, you have not the slightest interest in matters military, and merely joined here to take part in quarrels with Pakistanis = Muslims.

This is the most extraordinary, naked display of fascist ideology that it has been my misfortune to read.

I don't quite know how to deal with this, although some random thoughts do come to mind. :butcher:

i am least interested in answering your questions,there is enough proof for everything thats being said and done.

I know you are an old man,i hope your bubble doesn't burst before you kick the bucket.
We really, REALLY needed your contribution. You raise the tone of a discussion with such effortless ease.

No personal achievement....just following up to your country fellows graceful disclosure. !!!
But then, why would you notice that.
i am least interested in answering your questions,there is enough proof for everything thats being said and done.

I know you are an old man,i hope your bubble doesn't burst before you kick the bucket.

Have you ever toyed with the idea of remedial English classes?
I think your self-pitying elegy for a dead hegemony is its own best critic.

There are many who hark back to the good governance under the British, and to their neutrality and unbiased development of talent, no matter where it was found. Unfortunately, freedom and independence comes with a price tag attached, the price of having to make one's decisions oneself, not having them made for one by a nanny state. Freedom is worth that price.

The same thing applies to you and to your domination of Tamil Nadu. My mother used to relate the story of eating lunch with her friends the daughters of the local collector, an Iyer like you. Suddenly, the girls started gobbling their food, to my mother's bewilderment, but within minutes the food was cleared, long before they had finished, and thrown away. The explanation: their ayah of twenty years' service had passed across the verandah within sight of the lunch party. Seeing her was enough to make them lose their purity, and they had to bathe again.

Anything, a list twenty times as long as you have mentioned above, is better than that utter contempt, that repression.

I have no self pity,

I am just pitying the masses who ll get hit bigtime and end up like a Philippines instead of a Japan.

I know many one of instances,they prove nothing.

I know both of my sides of the family,they are pretty chilled out,they just keep aside 2-3 hours of the day for praying and meditation when they dont talk to one another.

You prove again and again of how your prejudices have influenced you and not to forget that classic statement of yours, The Hindu a proper Iyengar Newspaper.

I fell off my floor reading that.

I dont mind pal,you can flash your arrogance and verbosity all you want,you are just another example of our flawed education system.

PS: And yeah those are all facts quote unique to Tn vis a visa other states and the general decadence in all fields,if you cannot see through that,i am sorry.

I am anyway tired of exposing your ignorance.
No personal achievement....just following up to your country fellows graceful disclosure. !!!
But then, why would you notice that.

Have you ever pondered on how silly it is to decorate an arsehole? Why would anyone, why would you want to do that? Might I suggest that it takes no leap of the imagination to leave such things strictly alone?
Not at all.

Every western democracy, including the Scandinavian socialisms, is neutral towards religion.

Of course. SOP.

Anything you can't answer is verbosity. As usual.

Sacndinavian Socialism,they have more litres of Oil than number of people,why would you even take them for a social reference?

Have you ever toyed with the idea of remedial English classes?

Come on pal,now dont do your jesuit avtar and teach me grammar,i know you understood what was written there.

Promises, promises, that's all we get. Now about a hundred messages old.

We all get to see what you can do when you run out of arguments. But then, from evidence of this thread alone, that happens quite frequently. Sad. The Sangh really needs to dig deeper.

i am arguing nothing man,what argument,you have been replying to me constantly saying random **** ever since.
Sacndinavian Socialism,they have more litres of Oil than number of people,why would you even take them for a social reference?

Because they do the right things, most of the time. You might like to do some introspection on the response you made, as if the wealth of a country raises its social responsibility. In that case, Brunei, or Saudi Arabia would be on top of the list.

You must, MUST practice thinking. It might give you a mild headache at first, but you'll get used to it (the thinking, I mean, not the headache).

Come on pal,now dont do your jesuit avtar and teach me grammar,i know you understood what was written there.

I have to repeat this every six to eight months or so.

Of my twelve years of schooling, seven were in Bengali-medium schools, not convent- or Church-schools. The remainder was in a military school, where most of us landed up in the military, and in an English medium school.
When you do decide to take steps about your rotten English, look up mixed metaphors.

i am arguing nothing man,what argument,you have been replying to me constantly saying random **** ever since.

OK, OK, calm down, it doesn't matter if you can't figure out everything that's going on. There are excellent careers that are not so mentally taxing. You can be very happy.

How nice to see you hobbling back to battle after every bruising fall. Brave lad.
oh man,

whats next? you are going to insult my mom?

I have done my job,Joe Shearer.Thank you very much.
I have no self pity, Usually, the person suffering from this is the last to notice.

I am just pitying the masses who ll get hit bigtime and end up like a Philippines instead of a Japan.Why did we fail to notice that splendid, shining altruism? You are such a NOBLE guy!

I know many one of instances,they prove nothing.Most of your answers, for those of us who are chuckling over them, consist of bald statements in the first place, then of a refusal to rebut any criticism made, more or less on the grounds that you have more important things to do, or do not care to rebut it, for some reason or the other. At the end of the day, you seem to spend more time explaining why you do not have time to explain, than you would have spent explaining yourself in the first place.

I know both of my sides of the family,they are pretty chilled out,they just keep aside 2-3 hours of the day for praying and meditation when they dont talk to one another.I am slightly baffled; I thought knowing both sides of one's family was normal. Never mind; there are always exceptions which prove the rule. It is intriguing, however, to encounter a family that does not, through the generations, know both sides (both sides of what? Never mind).

You prove again and again of how your prejudices have influenced you and not to forget that classic statement of yours, The Hindu a proper Iyengar Newspaper.

I fell off my floor reading that.Which part tickled your funny bone? Is it not an Iyengar owned newspaper? Largely staffed by them?

I dont mind pal,you can flash your arrogance and verbosity all you want,you are just another example of our flawed education system.Of course, of course, now calm down. When you decide to get educated, do think of this one first. Flawed or not, it produces people whom you can't answer. But then, don't worry; once you are educated, things will change dramatically.

PS: And yeah those are all facts quote unique to Tn vis a visa other states and the general decadence in all fields,if you cannot see through that,i am sorry.Cop-out? "I don't know how to make my point, so I'll pretend I'm too grand to try?"

I am anyway tired of exposing your ignorance.You're doing a TERRIFIC job! Please don't give up now.

The master at work, holding various forces at bay single-handed, while gaining awareness of both sides of his family....what a moving sight. Why doesn't he move, actually?

oh man,

whats next? you are going to insult my mom?

I have done my job,Joe Shearer.Thank you very much.

I wouldn't take another man's job away from him.
You are doing an excellent job on your own.
Arey bhai...mein Hindi achi taraf janthi hoon...aur ok-ok bolthi bhi hoon. :cheesy:

Please stop generalizing.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: In case you are wondering, that is how my wife and daughter react when I try to speak Tamil. Be of good cheer; we are all in the same ****.
What a sorry excuse for a refutation. Do we not deserve more fact, more logic, more argument?

I've given enough refutation sufficient for some one who know history as much as you . But you want do a Pakistani and hang to preconceived notion,play it your ego booster...then good for you .As you see its not working here...not many takers. And in outside ,event suggests your views have even fewer takers .Thank you.

What that guy said was true in a broader sense. You nitpicked on him and also passed crude jibe. You should be ashamed of yourself.
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