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Osama widow lived in Karachi for months

So Who are behind the target killings of Karachi recently? IG sindh? DG rangers? Chief Justice of Pakistan? Zulfiqar Mirza? Abdul Sattar Eidhi?

Atleast you got some of that right!

1) Zulfiqar Mirza is involved in target killing through People's Aman Committee & Haqiqi.
2) DG Rangers may very well be involved or it may be a coincidence that whenever somebody tries to send them back the city is plunged into anarchy.....the most recent example is when the CJ advised the Sindh Government to review the need of Rangers in Karachi and the city descended into a nightmare the same night. The same happens even in KU & NED, the moment their administration tries to get rid of the Rangers, all hell breaks loose. Ofcourse the Rangers personnel are involved in many extortion activities such as water mafia, land grabbing and who can forget the cold blooded murder of a youth by Rangers a few months ago....on camera!
3) IG Sindh is an accomplice as he does not perform his duties other wise he can wipe the city clean.
4) There are many other parties involved such as PPP/ANP/LeT/JuD/A-e-S/Hari Pagri/Sindhi Nationalists/MQM etc. but MQM is the least of them because MQM is the only party that actually has a stake in the city, MQM is the only party represented by Karachiites in Karachi, unlike others.

Pakistan was created on the basis of separate and independent country for muslims though initially it was british policy than indian used it to divide muslim majority in east and west pakistan
I want to ask anybody if americans found osama in Pakistan wheres the proof
From president to peon in working for usa, so why dont we quickly wind up this matter and sort out our issues rather thsn wasting time like how Musharaf was showing cricket to all nation and meanwhile sold everything

Can you elaborate on the bold part, especially the 'sold everything' bit? I am quite interested in finding out what Musharraf actually sold.
Wow so Osama with his large family lived in pakistan for a decade, made lots of babies...

Incredible, just incredible. And all this was arranged by some terrorists who were at war with pakistan state? Thats utter BS.

you know whats the utter BS? 2005 england bombers. They were under survelliance for a long time but they managed to pull a terrorist attack, does it mean british intelligence service intentionally let them do this?

More BS. Indian 2008 attacks. Attackers bribe the coastal police to let them pass unchecked and attacked mumai at so much that indians eventually had to deploy their NSG. So were your intelligence agencies were complict in these attacks?

The answer is no. All these incidents show their incompetence and how osama manage to slip through the intel net? Its simple because he barely had a contact with one or two people and used no technology.

Only he would have spotted if those who were in contact with him somehow come under the radar of intel agencies or he used some technology to contact someone. That's how Intel agencies work.

Now the losers, ignorants, and idiots forgot how osama courier was spotted by US. Through ISI. Yes, ISI gave a link of courier so CIA can have him tracked 24/7 through its satellites

The largest incompentency of Pak intel agency was they relied too much on CIA forgetting they have a history of backstabbing and next second largest incompetency was obivously not finding OBL on their own turf instead some other players own them on their own turf

I have no doubt in suspecting that our own secret agency personal are behind all unrest in the city. They wish to keep things this way so as people are kept distracted from their routine guests

agencies dont do that crap, political parties do that, and there are many terrorist political parties in Karachi.
Sir you Government betrayed Muslims by becoming slaves of american and bombing Muslims of their own country on American orders what do you expect from Muslims to do ?

To bomb innocent fellow muslims in masjids and markets as fair revenge for govt action.Also note that the lal masjid incident which you consider as provocation for suicide attacks was started when mad mullahs there kidnapped innocent chinese women and kept them hostage.
To bomb innocent fellow muslims in masjids and markets as fair revenge for govt action.Also note that the lal masjid incident which you consider as provocation for suicide attacks was started when mad mullahs there kidnapped innocent chinese women and kept them hostage.
Actually no one Kidnapped anyone, They closed their Massage center just in their area.. Just like Hindus destroy churches and Mosques in india .... Well ! Their demand wasn't as offensive as Mushraff (A Bastred Qadyyani) Had done to them.. and That was the basic reason which create differences among our whole cummunity. Its like minority Opened fired on majority.. Its happening in Pakistan..

I have no doubt in suspecting that our own secret agency personal are behind all unrest in the city. They wish to keep things this way so as people are kept distracted from their routine guests

Pakistan is a failed state period.

when a senior police official recently says on TV that it is not possible to provide security to the common man on the street what can that country do?

When they say load shedding will be over and the laod shedding actually increases after the statement, what can that country do?

If the basic of the basic rights of the common man are not fulfilled, what can pakistan provide to the common man?

If MQM can live in Karachi then I don't see the big deal in OBL's wife (lmao) living in Karachi :laugh:

Yes and if people like zardari an nawaz and other politicians can be senior officials in Pakistan and we have interior minister like the clown Rehman Malik then Pakistan is indeed a failed state.

Execute Osama's wives. They are guilty for treason and not telling the GoP of their husband's criminal activites and his whereabouts.

Who will execute our Dumb A$$ politicians first of all.
They were kidnapped.
Pro-Taliban Mosque vigilantes kidnap 7 Chinese, 6 are women | GroundReport

That is downright pathetic.Mushraff was not a qadyani..

Pervez Musharraf mentions in this book, “In The Line Of Fire,” about Sehba Farid. But his revelations extend to only the existence of a certain Ghulam Ghaus Farid, the father of Sehba Musharraf.
Nothing more. And the Pakistani press has been silent (or made silent) about the history of his wife’s family. Ghulam Ghaus Farid’s family had converted from some Panjabi clan to Qadianiat. Hence the Queen of Pakistani was a born Qadiani and so are many of her relatives who have been given very quick promotions in the Pakistani Army.

Well ! His whole family is Qadyani, So don't need any further debate on it.. Cuz I know How few have tried alot to prove him not a Qadyani but Fact would never change..

And no one were Kidnapped. that was just a false case created by a dictator to make a way for operation..
Do you think he went for an evening stroll every day or did his own grocery shopping?

If you live in any large city, how many people in the back seat of cars do you recall seeing today? And that's assuming the cars don't have tinted windows, which are quite common in some places.

$25 million reward is a LOT of money!

To cut short:

1) our secret agencies were helping him out.


2) our Agencies failed big time.

In both cases if the politicians are failing to safe guard national intrests, the Army is failing to safe guard national intrests, the Agencies are failing to safe guard national intrests, The police is failing to deliver to the common man, what is left in Pakistan?
The largest incompentency of Pak intel agency was they relied too much on CIA forgetting they have a history of backstabbing and next second largest incompetency was obivously not finding OBL on their own turf instead some other players own them on their own turf
Answer is simple: CIA has better resources at its disposal.

CIA and ISI have a very long history of mutual cooperation.

CIA provided significant assistance to ISI in waging jehad against USSR in Afghanistan. Was it 'correct decision' to seek help from such a 'backstabbing agency' back then?


Do you think that this entire game is about INTERESTS?

Do not forget that when you point one finger towards somebody; the remaining fingers point backwards towards you.


As far as Osama' wives are concerned. They should be jailed because of their illegal stay in Pakistan for such a long time.
Leave the poor ladies, dont vent your anger and frustration on them. lol.
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