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Osama death coincidence or propaganda?

It looks like ISI led them to a trap hole where they found either fake osama or corpse or already dead osama..and to justify all the fervour it was important to stage a face saving exercise and dump the corpse in sea

Oh! the desperation to believe anything that absolves ISI from the stigma of incompetence. Some folks would even believe that martians exist as long as someone is able to claim that ISI discovered them..

Get over it mate.. This round between ISI and CIA, went to CIA
may be cia itself installed a fake guy with a fake id of bin laden, so that they can stage this entire operation

is that girl interview on tv possible

Osama died his natural death on 16-12-2001 in Toora Bora. He escaped from hide out on foot, walk for two days in heavy snow, hit by Pnemonia disease, could not recover and died his natural death. This was reported in Eghyptian news papers at that time by Al-jihad. His death was celeberated by Al-jihad in Arab countries because it was natural death. He dodged foreign forces while his guard Abdullah Razzak was captured with Osama satelite phone this was the moment Osama left his hide out with his fellows. He left a will dated 14-12-2001. What happend in Abbotabad on 1-5-2011 is a mystry.Be that as it may, it is an issue between Pakistan Army and the US State DEpartment. Common man should not indulge in any debate over it. All the media channel should be stopped immediately from discussing the Osama issue on air. All the media channels should be stopped from recording interviews of neighbors of place of incident. Let the issue be left for Army to tackle it keeping in mind its repercussions. We are ally of US, care should be taken before saying any thing. If it is face saving, what's wrong.
Osama died his natural death on 16-12-2001 in Toora Bora. He escaped from hide out on foot, walk for two days in heavy snow, hit by Pnemonia disease, could not recover and died his natural death. This was reported in Eghyptian news papers at that time by Al-jihad. His death was celeberated by Al-jihad in Arab countries because it was natural death. He dodged foreign forces while his guard Abdullah Razzak was captured with Osama satelite phone this was the moment Osama left his hide out with his fellows. He left a will dated 14-12-2001. What happend in Abbotabad on 1-5-2011 is a mystry.Be that as it may, it is an issue between Pakistan Army and the US State DEpartment. Common man should not indulge in any debate over it. All the media channel should be stopped immediately from discussing the Osama issue on air. All the media channels should be stopped from recording interviews of neighbors of place of incident. Let the issue be left for Army to tackle it keeping in mind its repercussions. We are ally of US, care should be taken before saying any thing. If it is face saving, what's wrong.

Great finding! kudos!!
Osama died his natural death on 16-12-2001 in Toora Bora. He escaped from hide out on foot, walk for two days in heavy snow, hit by Pnemonia disease, could not recover and died his natural death. This was reported in Eghyptian news papers at that time by Al-jihad. His death was celeberated by Al-jihad in Arab countries because it was natural death. He dodged foreign forces while his guard Abdullah Razzak was captured with Osama satelite phone this was the moment Osama left his hide out with his fellows. He left a will dated 14-12-2001. What happend in Abbotabad on 1-5-2011 is a mystry.Be that as it may, it is an issue between Pakistan Army and the US State DEpartment. Common man should not indulge in any debate over it. All the media channel should be stopped immediately from discussing the Osama issue on air. All the media channels should be stopped from recording interviews of neighbors of place of incident. Let the issue be left for Army to tackle it keeping in mind its repercussions. We are ally of US, care should be taken before saying any thing. If it is face saving, what's wrong.

hmmm this sums up a little but still who are those women who pretended to be wives of osama lots of question marks
hmmm this sums up a little but still who are those women who pretended to be wives of osama lots of question marks

In the interview with the neighbour, he tells that inside the compound lives a woman with her two sons and his family n their kids, also there is a man who work in there. If there is a women who pretend to be wives of osama it probably the mother or the sons wife.
Some prove of propanganda ive noticed

1) Bin Ladin lived in $1million mansion. American ppls image of a mansion is 1 were there are hollywood stars, they have swimming pools, stylish houses while the house he lived in is vastly different and a common looking house.

2) They r showing pictures of 2 pakistanis, protesters condemning the death of bin laden, stating "Protesters in Pakistan demonstrate against the bin Laden killing" Pakistan: We Told American CIA Of Osama Bin Laden Compound In Abbottabad Two Years Ago | World News | Sky News

Pakistan has 180million ppl, they r sayin just because 2 ppl r condeming doesnt mean the whole country supports them.

3) we have given Pak 3billion and they r hiding him, PAk has lost 4000 soliders, captured many terrorist excluding bin ladin, the Army is hated in half the country, wat more do these Americans want us to do.
The latest barf that is coming from pig faced panetta is that after killing the unarmed people in the compound the helis did not fly back to afghanistan but instead flew to the USS Carl Vinsen.

Inside bin Laden's lair with SEAL Team Six - Forbes.com

The raiders scrambled aboard the remaining Black Hawk and a Chinook, bin Laden's body with them, and flew to the USS Carl Vinson ( from Abbotababd ) in the North Arabian Sea. The ground operation had taken about 40 minutes.

wow are these fucks in their senses that they can peddle around this story and expcet everyone to belive that the wasnt some sort of pre-arragment with the Pakistani authorities about their intrusions.

I was skimming through the news channels and most of them have just shut up about this issue as it now very clear that all there is more to hide about this op than there is to tell.

Sooner or later the real issues at hand will come to fore

Fuel prices are rising , I've seen here at the pump that its risen to almost 6 euros a gallon , in the US also it must be increasing also

Greece took a bailout for 65 billion euros
Ireland took a bailout for 100 billion euros
Portugal took a bailout for 110 billions euros
Icelandic people have refused to uphold the guarantee that their govermnet gave to the UK and the nethelands about pay back for the Icesave default , this is the first case of default on soverign debt

and to top it off the US is looking to cut a 1 trillion dollar deifict over the next 12 year ( thats what the white house spokesperson said yesterday )

The global economy is in trouble and no one can afford to ( even if they want to ) escalte conflicts any more.
Oh! the desperation to believe anything that absolves ISI from the stigma of incompetence. Some folks would even believe that martians exist as long as someone is able to claim that ISI discovered them..

Get over it mate.. This round between ISI and CIA, went to CIA

How do you know Bin laden is really dead in the Abottabad operation, Why is the US refusing to release any pics of Bin laden?,

How is it possible that the US has come so far undetected looks like you are living a world of martians because your Bharat army is so desperate to perform a fantasy operation in Pakistan so I could see how patriotic you are for your country to perform similar stunt.
may be cia itself installed a fake guy with a fake id of bin laden, so that they can stage this entire operation

is that girl interview on tv possible

If Bin Laden releases a video tape showing that he is still alive then the USA will really become a clown in front of the international community
Following the September 11, 2001 inside job, there has been speculation on the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden.

According to research with the reported resources, such as the news media (Fox News and CBS-TV News), What Really Happened and Veterans Today chief editor Gordon Duff, Osama has been dead for a long time.

I can only speculate that the episode is a psyop exercise to provide the soothing peace of mind for theAmerican public subject to full-throttle media propaganda, while continuing, unabatedly, one of the greatest, deadliest, and most expensive hoaxes of all time -- "The War on Terror."

The reasons for the fabled "War on Terror" is many.

War profiteering. Oil and natural gas theft with the grand plan yet to be implemented. Opium production for heroin trade. Buffer of security for State of Israel by overcoming the neighboring "enemies." Personal vendetta. Bestial jingoism. Perpetual fraud in excess and ceaseless taxation on the American and the citizens and people of the other "coalition" nations to profit the few, the true plutocrat-oligarchs, namely "Zionists".

If people like speculations as their staple, then there is a theory.

They say OBL was medically so down and out, he required constant attention.

Hence, there was a deal wherein this drama would be enacted and he would be stashed away by the US in such a manner that he would not be effective as a AQ leader in return for spilling the beans about the AQ organisation in whole!

And it was feasible since the Bush family was close to the bin Laden because of commercial deals (and this is true being documented) and so the Bushes brokered the deal!!

---------- Post added at 12:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 AM ----------

If people like speculations as their staple, then there is a theory.

They say OBL was medically so down and out, he required constant attention.

Hence, there was a deal wherein this drama would be enacted and he would be stashed away by the US in such a manner that he would not be effective as an AQ leader in return for spilling the beans about the AQ organisation in whole!

And it was feasible since the Bush family was close to the bin Laden because of commercial deals (and this is true being documented) and so the Bushes brokered the deal!!
Living in UK, we are always discussing issues relating Pakistan. We care about our motherland. The other day we were discussing about the future of Pakistans Nukes and one of our compatriots said that "America (CIA) India (RAW) Israel (Mossad) are trying their level best to get to our Nukes" what we suggest is the only best answer if these enemies ever try, is to Launch a ful scale NUKE attack on India. OK we might not wipe it out, but we will cripple it. Believe me the world will be a more peaceful place than it is now. America and Israel will never step into Asia again because there will be no India.
Living in UK, we are always discussing issues relating Pakistan. We care about our motherland. The other day we were discussing about the future of Pakistans Nukes and one of our compatriots said that "America (CIA) India (RAW) Israel (Mossad) are trying their level best to get to our Nukes" what we suggest is the only best answer if these enemies ever try, is to Launch a ful scale NUKE attack on India. OK we might not wipe it out, but we will cripple it. Believe me the world will be a more peaceful place than it is now. America and Israel will never step into Asia again because there will be no India.

No my firend, that is a terrible idea. What have the innocent people in India done? I do underestimate your knowledge of a thermo nuke war, and its effects on the planet on the whole.

Not all jews are bad. Only the minority 'zionists' I believe are. And in the current economical climate America is not going to risk going into an another war.

Hope this helps. :)
Living in UK, we are always discussing issues relating Pakistan. We care about our motherland. The other day we were discussing about the future of Pakistans Nukes and one of our compatriots said that "America (CIA) India (RAW) Israel (Mossad) are trying their level best to get to our Nukes" what we suggest is the only best answer if these enemies ever try, is to Launch a ful scale NUKE attack on India. OK we might not wipe it out, but we will cripple it. Believe me the world will be a more peaceful place than it is now. America and Israel will never step into Asia again because there will be no India.

Oh wow!

India wiped out and Pakistan safe as a bug snug in a rug?

What do you imbibe?

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