Baloch bhai -- in the end I dont think civilians, military leaders or government ''personnel'' could really damn care less what these indian ministers say
Chidambaram is a joke. Krishhna, Mukhrajee and all those other monkey-looking individuals are hard to take seriously even by looking at their faces and hearing the way they constantly yap about Pakistan. They look like the cheap peasants who look like theyre only worthy to polish and shine your shoes.
at any rate, I think it would be prudent for the US to release the video and/or pictures of the body. And in fact it seems that the government is under inexorable pressure to release them, which Im sure they will once things ''cool down'' a bit. They did with Abo Musab Zarqawi as well as Uday/Qusay Hussein ---who were the ones REALLY living in a mansion; not a brick and mortar building near some farmlands which certain medias are calling a ''luxury compound''