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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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green photo is a confirmed fake.

havent any of you nincompoops watched Blackhawk Down??
america can any time use hollywood to fake stuff

every one can believe hollywood, heck every body watches hollywood all the time

bollywood and mumbai attacks was a diff funny case though, that bollywood action thriller funny stuff being experimented
Baloch bhai -- in the end I dont think civilians, military leaders or government ''personnel'' could really damn care less what these indian ministers say

Chidambaram is a joke. Krishhna, Mukhrajee and all those other monkey-looking individuals are hard to take seriously even by looking at their faces and hearing the way they constantly yap about Pakistan. They look like the cheap peasants who look like theyre only worthy to polish and shine your shoes.

at any rate, I think it would be prudent for the US to release the video and/or pictures of the body. And in fact it seems that the government is under inexorable pressure to release them, which Im sure they will once things ''cool down'' a bit. They did with Abo Musab Zarqawi as well as Uday/Qusay Hussein ---who were the ones REALLY living in a mansion; not a brick and mortar building near some farmlands which certain medias are calling a ''luxury compound''

Have you tried getting treatment ?
Top US government insider Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, a man who held numerous different influential positions under three different Presidents and still works with the Defense Department, shockingly told The Alex Jones Show yesterday that Osama Bin Laden died in 2001 and that he was prepared to testify in front of a grand jury how a top general told him directly that 9/11 was a false flag inside job.

(Cant confirm if this guy is for real)
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don't care that Osama is alive.dead what I do scrutinise & am still doing it is the failure of ISI; plus the director of CIA the disgruntled Petraeus anti-Pakistani feelings can play havoc with us. I can realise that drone attacks now will appear much LEGITIMISED with respect to international community...your thoughts
In the middle picture behind the mans head their is a green water squirter-type pistol hmmm this guys must be armed and very ver dangerous!! brave navy seal took him out after crashing one chopper that pretty much went in un-oposed
So one thing we know now for sure that one guy in the compound was armed with a green water squirter type 21-22 pistol
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don't care that Osama is alive.dead what I do scrutinise & am still doing it is the failure of ISI; plus the director of CIA the disgruntled Petraeus anti-Pakistani feelings can play havoc with us. I can realise that drone attacks now will appear much LEGITIMISED with respect to international community...your thoughts

Panetta the pig nosed bastard is the one we have to watch out for the most .. I just dont like that son of a
yes.. agreed.. again.. and its because of "back stabbing" of our "so-called" friend

Who backstabbed who ?

Your country was refuge to the world's most gruesome terrorist, and the US did you a very big favor by taking him out. The fact that he lived comfortably within such a location is really something to think about.
Who backstabbed who ?

Your country was refuge to the world's most gruesome terrorist, and the US did you a very big favor by taking him out. The fact that he lived comfortably within such a location is really something to think about.

americans have done no favour to us .. they got all the intel from us an in the end they embarassed us and are now trying to throw us under the bus.
By not releasing the pictures at least panetta has got egg on his face , yesterday he was barfing very loudly that pictures will be released and today obama said no pictures
americans have done no favour to us .. they got all the intel from us an in the end they embarassed us and are now trying to throw us under the bus.

it's not the Americans, it's your OWN Government who is doing that.
Why dont you first ask your retarded IB officials who are saying stupid things sans any proof.

and as far as we are concerned i personally dont care what your Indian media is cooking up, the reality is something else and may be in future it starts unfolding

How is it that you always seem to be knowing the reality, and that reality is always the opposite of what the rest of the world knows as facts ?
Are you living in some kind of an alternate universe ?
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