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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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Now this ties the loose ends....

The Pakistan establishment has distance itself from the operation. Isnt it convinient rather than accepting that we were caught by surprise. Why would the Pakistan govt. accept it.

Timeline: Tip Leads U.S. to Usama Bin Laden

Published May 02, 2011| FoxNews.com

The tip that landed Usama bin Laden came to light in August. It was a “great lead,” a federal law enforcement source told Fox News.
Officials wouldn’t know how good it was until months later. After an exhaustive streak of intelligence gathering and high-level meetings, that tip resulted Sunday in the death of the world’s most wanted terrorist at U.S. hands.
Though President Obama gave only sparse details of the operation in his surprise address to the nation Sunday night, officials filled in the blanks where they could about the mission that brought to justice the man responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks and countless acts of violence around the world.
Though bin Laden was pursued throughout the George W. Bush administration, President Obama renewed the effort on June 2, 2009, when he signed a memo to CIA Director Leon Panetta ordering a “detailed operation plan” for finding and capturing bin Laden.
More than a year later, what Obama described as a “possible lead” came in. Senior administration officials said they had been tracking an Al Qaeda courier in bin Laden’s inner circle. Two years ago, the U.S. determined the areas in Pakistan where he operated. By August, they had determined the exact location in Abbottabad, Pakistan -- where bin Laden was apparently hiding out in a sprawling compound on the outskirts of town.

One U.S. official said the compound was built over a six-year period. The intelligence community, led by the CIA, concluded it was custom-built to house someone of bin Laden’s stature. It was enclosed by a high wall topped with barbed wire, and protected by two security gates.
Officials said that by February, they determined they would pursue the compound. This touched off a series of high-level meetings to develop a course of action.
According to one senior administration official, the president convened at least nine meetings with his top national security leaders. Those advisers met formally another five times, in addition to countless briefings among the National Security Council, CIA, Pentagon and Joint Chiefs of Staff. The president was actively involved at all levels, the official said.
The federal law enforcement source said that by last week, it seemed “this might be the real deal.”
The president must have felt the same way. At 8:20 a.m. on April 29, before he left for Alabama to survey storm damage, Obama authorized the operation to target bin Laden.
By Sunday, a “small team” of special operations forces was in Pakistan for the final mission. That mission was the all-day focus of national security staff.
According to one official, national security leaders were in the Situation Room since 1 p.m. Sunday. The rest of the afternoon went as follows:
At 2 p.m., Obama met with the team to review final preparations.
At 3:32 p.m., he returned to the Situation Room for an additional briefing.
At 3:50 p.m., he learned that bin Laden had been tentatively identified.
At 7:01 p.m., the president learned there was a “high probability” the target was bin Laden.
At 8:30 p.m., Obama received more briefings.
In Abbottabad, a senior U.S. defense official said the actual operation took place at 3:30 p.m. ET.
Officials said three adult men other than bin Laden were killed – one was believed to be bin Laden’s son, the others couriers. Two women were also injured, the officials said.
No Americans were killed, though the U.S. did lose a helicopter that went down due to mechanical failure. An official said the Pakistanis were not involved in the raid but helped provide information that led to it. Intelligence was also provided by detainees.
Well my previous post was deleted so this time i'll keep it down by a level.
thats great news for me!!
covert ops inside pak is yielding results!! unlike many would have believed.
Anyways whats the thing with the destroyed helicopter??
Why is it stupid??

It's time to grow up about this -- if anybody is to blame for this it's not these Indians, it the Pakistani authorities, right? these indians don't run pakistan

I am surprised your one of the few people actually questioning why the most wanted man in the world was living in a mansion couple hours drive from the capital of Pakistan. You would think more people would be alarmed by this.
amerikans claimed the operation to be joint, pakistan took a difference stance saying we were limited to intelligence sharing.
Pakistan Officials : Attack was in accordance to US policy.
Official statement fro GoP out... can someone post the details.
News sources claiming that Pakistani govt has distanced itself from being a part of the operation... saying it was the American forces who conducted the operation... hope to get a text soon in the internet media.

Yesss!!!...Take a Bow US of A.

They did it SINGLE -HANDEDLY!!!!!
Now this ties the loose ends....

The Pakistan establishment has distance itself from the operation. Isnt it convinient rather than accepting that we were caught by surprise. Why would the Pakistan govt. accept it.

Timeline: Tip Leads U.S. to Usama Bin Laden

Published May 02, 2011| FoxNews.com

The tip that landed Usama bin Laden came to light in August. It was a “great lead,” a federal law enforcement source told Fox News.
Officials wouldn’t know how good it was until months later. After an exhaustive streak of intelligence gathering and high-level meetings, that tip resulted Sunday in the death of the world’s most wanted terrorist at U.S. hands.
Though President Obama gave only sparse details of the operation in his surprise address to the nation Sunday night, officials filled in the blanks where they could about the mission that brought to justice the man responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks and countless acts of violence around the world.
Though bin Laden was pursued throughout the George W. Bush administration, President Obama renewed the effort on June 2, 2009, when he signed a memo to CIA Director Leon Panetta ordering a “detailed operation plan” for finding and capturing bin Laden.
More than a year later, what Obama described as a “possible lead” came in. Senior administration officials said they had been tracking an Al Qaeda courier in bin Laden’s inner circle. Two years ago, the U.S. determined the areas in Pakistan where he operated. By August, they had determined the exact location in Abbottabad, Pakistan -- where bin Laden was apparently hiding out in a sprawling compound on the outskirts of town.

One U.S. official said the compound was built over a six-year period. The intelligence community, led by the CIA, concluded it was custom-built to house someone of bin Laden’s stature. It was enclosed by a high wall topped with barbed wire, and protected by two security gates.
Officials said that by February, they determined they would pursue the compound. This touched off a series of high-level meetings to develop a course of action.
According to one senior administration official, the president convened at least nine meetings with his top national security leaders. Those advisers met formally another five times, in addition to countless briefings among the National Security Council, CIA, Pentagon and Joint Chiefs of Staff. The president was actively involved at all levels, the official said.
The federal law enforcement source said that by last week, it seemed “this might be the real deal.”
The president must have felt the same way. At 8:20 a.m. on April 29, before he left for Alabama to survey storm damage, Obama authorized the operation to target bin Laden.
By Sunday, a “small team” of special operations forces was in Pakistan for the final mission. That mission was the all-day focus of national security staff.
According to one official, national security leaders were in the Situation Room since 1 p.m. Sunday. The rest of the afternoon went as follows:
At 2 p.m., Obama met with the team to review final preparations.
At 3:32 p.m., he returned to the Situation Room for an additional briefing.
At 3:50 p.m., he learned that bin Laden had been tentatively identified.
At 7:01 p.m., the president learned there was a “high probability” the target was bin Laden.
At 8:30 p.m., Obama received more briefings.
In Abbottabad, a senior U.S. defense official said the actual operation took place at 3:30 p.m. ET.
Officials said three adult men other than bin Laden were killed – one was believed to be bin Laden’s son, the others couriers. Two women were also injured, the officials said.
No Americans were killed, though the U.S. did lose a helicopter that went down due to mechanical failure. An official said the Pakistanis were not involved in the raid but helped provide information that led to it. Intelligence was also provided by detainees.
The line BBC took (was a US retired general being interviewed) was not proximity to Islamabad, but the fact that Abbotabad is like a garrison city with huge military population. Plus the fact that Kayani was there 3 days back in the Military college which is 800 meters from where OBL was living and how come a house so close to the place where Kayani was going to be was missed out in security sweeps made by agencies responsible for Kayani's security..

the idiots sitting away from Pakistan should not comment or issue such statements because they dont known that road leading to Kakul (PMA) is manned.
Very worried about the coming days, not in terms of retribution from terrorists, but for the image of Pakistan & Pakistanis living all around the world.
The line BBC took (was a US retired general being interviewed) was not proximity to Islamabad, but the fact that Abbotabad is like a garrison city with huge military population. Plus the fact that Kayani was there 3 days back in the Military college which is 800 meters from where OBL was living and how come a house so close to the place where Kayani was going to be was missed out in security sweeps made by agencies responsible for Kayani's security..

You will find military presence in all big cities of Pakistan, its stupid thing to make an issue out of.


In a dramatic late-night appearance in the East Room of the White House, Mr. Obama declared that “justice has been done” as he disclosed that American military and C.I.A. operatives had finally cornered bin Laden, the Al Qaeda leader who had eluded them for nearly a decade. American officials said bin Laden resisted and was shot in the head. He was later buried at sea.

Security expert at Osama's death and speculation about his stay in Pakistan. Wolf expresses concern on him being hiding not in a remote place in pakistan but in a city!

Yes, of course - it's all a conspiracy that most everything that stinks in Pakistan turn out connected to Islamism and the army. Yes, the Fauj and not the one million Afghans Mujahid defeated the soviet -- you should just stop regurgitating rubbish - think for a change

What's going to come after this, who is going to forget to ask the Pakistani authorities how come the world most wanted criminal lived in luxury in Pakistan

You think people will forget that the world's most dangerous criminal in the world living close to a Pakistan Military academy ??

Ok, you continue to live in fantasy land - see where it will get you.

You people are worried about these Indians posting here?? And you are not worried about what the Pakistan fauj and ISI has done to your reputations??

BBC is report is indirectly blaming pakistan for hiding OBL in pakistan.
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