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Osama Bin Laden Wanted To Kill President Obama


May 3, 2011
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Osama Bin Laden Wanted To Kill President Obama

U.S. officials are analyzing one million pages of data from the trove found in Osama bin Laden's compound during the raid that killed him, and say they have learned more in the past ten days than in the past 10 years.

Among the things they've learned is that the al Qaeda leader wanted to find a way to kill President Obama.

Meanwhile, the first revenge attack for the bin Laden raid has killed 80 outside a military training center in Pakistan, and President Obama has acknowledged that threats against his own grandmother from another al Qaeda group are being closely monitored.

In the Kenyan village where she lives, the president's 88-year-old step-grandmother, Sarah Obama, shrugged off death threats against her from an al Qaeda affiliate in East Africa called al Shabaab.

"My life has not been affected in any way," Sarah Obama told ABC News. "It has not restricted my movement."

But President Obama seemed more concerned when asked directly about his grandmother by a Miami Spanish-language television station.

"There is no doubt that when it comes to the American people," he told WLTV, "that after having killed bin Laden there may be a desire on some al Qaeda members to exact revenge and that's something that we have to be vigilant about and we're monitoring all these situations."

he leaders of al Shabaab, which operates in war-torn Somalia on Kenya's northern border, include an Alabama-born-and-raised 27-year-old named Omar Hammami who goes by the nom de guerre Abu Mansour al-Amriki, or Abu Mansour the American. The son of a white Southern Baptist mother and a Syrian Muslim father, Amriki grew up in Daphne, Alabama, near Mobile.

This week, Amriki, who is under indictment on federal terror charges in Alabama, was recorded issuing threats against the United States and President Obama.

"Today we remind Obama, and the rest of his cronies, that they have entered the wrong war," said Amriki.

Bin Laden's own writings discovered at his compound indicate he urged his followers to assassinate the President, and find ways to disrupt the 2012 American elections.

"I would say this is probably very personal on bin Laden's part, to kill a President that he believes has violated the Muslim faith," said Brad Garrett," an ABC News consultant and former FBI profiler. "He is incensed, inflamed, obsessed about killing the President."

In fact, the video of bin Laden watching television in his hideout shows that whenever President Obama came on the screen, bin Laden quickly tried to change the channel.

It was President Obama who got bin Laden first.

In Kogelo, Kenya, security has been increased around the home of President Obama's step-grandmother.

Kenyan police told ABC News they are patrolling round the clock after the threat from Al Shabaab.
alot of "white trash" in usa wanted to do the same.
It's funny how these news reports are talking like this about a man who's been pretty much 'non-existent' in the world (operationally that is). He was practically living a 'retired life'.
If they go for Obama's distant relatives, that'd be pretty pathetic.

Real heroes these, contemplating butchering some granny in an African Village. Tough guys. Much respect. :disagree:
I hope they get obamas family out of Africa and bring them here to safety. Let those lowly jihadist cowards go find a school of there own people to bomb.

I lol every time they get praise on
This site there all cowards if there way of ruling a country worked the middle east wouldent be trashdump

Africa is already passing it economically .
OBL is a coward

sending young people to do his dirty work....

lol PAK people praising OBL and burning the US Flag on TV.....

soo sad to see many people about to die for this coward
OBL is a coward

sending young people to do his dirty work....

lol PAK people praising OBL and burning the US Flag on TV.....

soo sad to see many people about to die for this coward

why you remain fail to distinguish between two things.
praising and praying for forgiveness are two different things.

burning flag: you people destroyed our repo.because of your action we humiliated in whole world.
why you remain fail to distinguish between two things.
praising and praying for forgiveness are two different things.

burning flag: you people destroyed our repo.because of your action we humiliated in whole world.

Thousands of Muslims who have sinned die everyday all over the world. Why do you never pray for them in your parliament?

What was so special about Osama?
OBL is a coward

sending young people to do his dirty work....

lol PAK people praising OBL and burning the US Flag on TV.....

soo sad to see many people about to die for this coward
Hey! I guess u got decieved.....infact these pplz never wanna die for him, except they just wanted to be seen on TV ...LOL.....a cheap publicity....:lol:

Cuz if they really wanted to die for OBL then they would have gone to fight against US in Afghanistan....but they didnt go there except to show themselves on TV....:azn:
Cuz if they really wanted to die for OBL then they would have gone to fight against US in Afghanistan....but they didnt go there except to show themselves on TV....:azn:

When we Americans see people in Pakistan burning the US Flag on TV and holding a huge picture of OBL.... and holding signs that say death to America.... WHAT DO YOU THINK THAT TELLS US???

War is upon you guys
Oh reminds me of those funny words "Oh No CEO does it again" straight from the hourse's mouth.

So its a big news osama wanted to screw obama and that is so important but the news of 35,000 Pakistanis died and mr. obama didn't even scratch his arse like nothing has happened.

Please those Pakistanis who side with osama, The Quran says it clearly in reference a murder of a single person is as if killing the whole of humanity, that bastard killed 35,000 human beings, if I were the prime minister I would have ordered execution for the man who wanted to pray for osama in the parliament.
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