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Osama bin Laden still alive in people's hearts: Munawar Hasan


Jan 19, 2013
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ISLAMABAD: People like the late al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden do not die but stay alive in the hearts of people, stated Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Ameer Syed Munawar Hasan while addressing a seminar in Islamabad,Express Newsreported on Tuesday.

Hasan added that death of the al Qaeda leader was considered a big victory for 60% of the countries around the world, but the US is afraid that bin Laden will come back alive after the withdrawal of Nato troops from Afghanistan.

Commenting on the pull-out of foreign troops, the JI chief remarked that Afghanistan has become the “graveyard of science and technology” for the West.

The US had planned to withdraw several thousand troops from war-torn Afghanistan last year and Nato has set 2014 as a deadline for a complete withdrawal. The US had a 150,000-strong Nato operation in the country and it also plans to withdraw all its combat troops by the end of this year.

In May, 2011, bin Laden was shot dead deep inside Pakistan in a night-time helicopter raid by US covert forces, ending a decade-long manhunt for the mastermind of the September 11 attacks.

World leaders had welcomed the news of bin Laden’s killing.

Osama bin Laden still alive in people’s hearts: JI Chief – The Express Tribune
Someone is pushing for civil war between extremists and normal people in Pakistan. It has to happen.. and I am afraid the nutjobs will win.
He is right. Yazeed also live in people heart. but are they can morally says in public (not in front of their Madrasa student )? Do majority of people like them? think that what they have done was better for Islam?. I don't think so.
This person seems to be hell bent on pushing Pakistan to a Civil war.

Pakistan should take a decision whether his party should be de-recognised by Election commission ala Bangladesh.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.............he has lost his senses :omghaha:
Well, to be quite literal, he is right - he only said Osama will be remembered, he didn't say remembered fondly or with hatred. This part made me do a double take:

the JI chief remarked that Afghanistan has become the “graveyard of science and technology” for the West.

Afgh is a place where science and tech has never been born or lived. But for the west? Science is alive and kicking in the west, and the results are plain to see. The next life saving cancer drug or the next supercomputing revolution will not come from afghanistan or from the likes of munawar hussein, but from evil scientists quite possibly in the west. That microphone he is speaking into was developed due to advancements in scientific knowledge and technological innovation from the west. Those glasses he is wearing...
Someone is pushing for civil war between extremists and normal people in Pakistan. It has to happen.. and I am afraid the nutjobs will win.

Whos the someone?

Extremists themselves?
He is not far off if you disregard this part-- "bin Laden will come back alive after the withdrawal of Nato troops from Afghanistan".
Commenting on the pull-out of foreign troops, the JI chief remarked that Afghanistan has become the “graveyard of science and technology” for the West.

Why are the extremists suddenly looking so hopeful and cheery ? @Oscar :what: All the equipment he's using to talk to the media and get his message across , was made in West and not in his beloved " graveyard of the science and technology " . Is he trying to make Pakistan the next " graveyard in literal sense " like Afghanistan currently is ? The answer is quite obvious .
Munawwar Hassan is a nut head and his this statement further proofs it..
All the equipment he's using to talk to the media and get his message across , was made in West and not in his beloved " graveyard of the science and technology " . Is he trying to make Pakistan the next " graveyard in literal sense " like Afghanistan currently is ? The answer is quite obvious .

I have an aquaintance who lectures me on the evils of modern technology, through emails. I hope some day he realizes the self refuting irony. There are other neo luddites who start websites to propogate their views on the immorality of modern machines and technology.

Everything this fellow uses must have been produced through scientific methods, from the spectacles to the microphone.
I have an aquaintance who lectures me on the evils of modern technology, through emails. I hope some day he realizes the self refuting irony. There are other neo luddites who start websites to propogate their views on the immorality of modern machines and technology.

Everything this fellow uses must have been produced through scientific methods, from the spectacles to the microphone.

“But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, or you wouldn’t have come here.”
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

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