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Osama bin Laden’s death: Updates & Discussions

I am speechless, a bit. But it's an apt metaphor.

When I first saw photos of the shame that was Abu Graib, I was speechless then, too. I thought "It's some sort of wicked propaganda."

But then, the preponderance of evidence was overwhelming, and I was forced to admit that "yes, it happened as they say it did." Rather than bury our heads in the sand, steps were taken... prosecution, firings, overhaul of the system. When events are acknowledged, then steps can be taken to improve things. When denial forever is the order of the day, then little changes or improves.

Don't worry a lot will change, there are blocks of countries moving against US, it seems the world is understanding that lone wolf is dangerous.. World needs to be bi-polar..

Anyways, as far as "evidence" you saw, can you honestly believe it? or are you believing it because you don't have any other option? Question you should ask to yourself.. not just for the sake of winning an argument..
I believe it, as does

- Al Quaeda
- The military of Pakistan
- The GoP
- The bin Laden Family
- The govt of KSA
- 98% of the world

The evidence is overwhelming. The fact that you cannot come to the same logical conclusion defines you as...
- delusional
- A mouthpiece for Jihadists

I could go down a very dangerous path and analyze the evidence for religious faith, vs. the evidence for the Abottabad raid, but I won't since it would ruffle feathers.

I believe it, as does

- Al Quaeda......... (A ghost organization, we know about it just because of word of mouth)
- The military of Pakistan..... (was played out, had to accept, no other option, game moves on)
- The GoP..... (Sold out traitors, Need i say more?)
- The bin Laden Family.... (Any statement from them on any live media? Why haven't Tv Interviewers not been allowed to talk to them?)
- The govt of KSA...... (Hah!!... They will call Obama their father if it is required)
- 98% of the world... (exaggeration has a limit, neither can you put a poll nor can i, so just leave it there)

The evidence is overwhelming. The fact that you cannot come to the same logical conclusion defines you as...
- delusional
- A mouthpiece for Jihadists

I could go down a very dangerous path and analyze the evidence for religious faith, vs. the evidence for the Abottabad raid, but I won't since it would ruffle feathers.

Your answers have been given in red..

I was a delusional till 2001 mate, the moment i analyzed 9/11 and the "proof" provided for it, and then Bush's speech of:
-You are either with us or against us
-Its the start of crusades

I came out of delusions.. and just to prove how pathetic you look when you talk about "jihadists".. I'll ask you a simple question.. Can you define Jihad for me please?

Anyway, stay in your delusions, cuz you are not on the receiving end yet..


You know what happens when you argue with a ----, he will take you to his level and beat you with experience.

Yup.. there sure is a difference of "level" here.. and you are showing it by such posts.. talk logic!! otherwise STFU!!

If you keep some civility in your posts---then I don't need to sprinkle on you fire and you don't need to feed me the feeder----. You are just flying off wild tangents and going every which way you want to----9/11 is done and gone----there 2 1/2 million muslims killed in response to it----why don't you talk about strategy to have overcome the issue rather than conspiracy theories---of he said she said---I will prove it---to I proved it----.

And yo you know why those 2 1/2 million muslims died and still dying----because angry muslims like you could not come up with a plan in time to counter those claims----you were so deep coming up with conspiracy theories of who did what---that you forgot to see the coming storm and devastation right in front of your face----that you forgot to take effective protective actions---like finding ways to execute Bin laden at kandhahar before the start of the invasion.

Buddy----you maybe angry at me----but the likes of you have brought in a christian army in a muslim land---ending up conquering two muslim countries and are starting to take out a third muslim country----.

I apologize for my insulting comments---if you got insulting to me---I should not have----.

But there comes a time in ones life that you have to stop and think---I can't keep blaming the others for what is happening----maybe i have done something that is not right----maybe there were other venues that we could have taken.

Bin Laden was a dead man---once the U S labelled it so---he was not a pakistani citizen or an afghan citizen----where did the protection of a muslim nation go----.

What are you going to tell your GOD on the day of judgement when HE asks you---why did you not act in a better and intelligent manner to stop the invasion of a christian army into a muslim land----did you use all the means that were available to you to putting a halt to the proceedings----. Why did you not kill this murderer of thousands of men to protect a larger cause.

Sir---we can argue all we want to about the conspiracies---but ht ebottomline is that the pakistanis and the taliban failed to stop this invasion---they could have killed the culprits and handed over their dead bodies to the americans---good riddance---.

We are at 1 million dead in afghanistan----around 50000 and counting dead in pakistan----pakistan in total disarray----and we are still talking about the conspiracies.

I am pretty sure you have read the downfall of the muslim empires at different times during the last one thousand years----there are eerie similiarities of what the muslims were thinking and doing----.
Summary: "They said they have killed OBL and thrown him in sea."

Disclaimer: The statement given by us is entirely ours, if you are facing any problem Shut the Fcuk up and Get the Fcuk Off :US.

I really appreciate you coming out and responding in a way you have. As a matter of fact, I always took you as a decent guy who backs his comment up with highly logical arguments. so I was a bit shocked by the way you seconded “Chogy”.

Anyways, I had always seen you one of those who, though have a different approach or have different conclusions from me but are logical enough to talk with weight in their argument.

I am also sorry for the way I responded to your post, as I should not have done so, and should have ignored it, take my apology for that.

As far as 9/11 and OBL are concerned, let me make one thing clear, I have no soft corner for any of these terrorists, nor have I any soft corner of mass murderers. You ask me what I did in the beginning? I was one of the protesters in million march against “Iraq Invasion”, we sent letters to MPs, Ministers and even Tony Blair to justify the war with “proof” before starting it.

Nobody listened to us due to the same reason which is happening now, there were so many people saying “Yes sir” that our voices were lost in there.

Problem with Muslim community is that they are too eager to get “accepted” by the west, in the process they lose their own identity, no one asks for any justification for any step taken by the west in general.

I wouldn’t had minded if a proper justification was provided for Afghan Invasion, all they needed to do was to take all the “evidences” they had in a court of law “inside US” and get a ruling against Osama Bin Laden, then as per “taliban’s” request, they could have provided the court order and they would have had OBL handed over to them. That was what Taliban requested.

“Provide us with proof and we will personally hand over OBL to you”

But in contrast they decided to Invade Afghanistan.. We registered our protest at that time also, and I am not talking about only me or other Muslim people here, I’m talking about Britishers also.
Now that OBL is dead (apparently) the scenario is same, no proof, no evidence, just one sentence.

“believe us!”

Why should we? If we gave away like before, they are going to have a “valid” reason to Invade Pakistan. I don’t know why this is so difficult for our Pakistani members to understand.

Agreed, what is done is done, OBL’s death drama has been played and regretfully it has been played in Pakistan, why are we not asking for any solid evidence?

What are we gonna say in a decade from now on? That we should have asked for proof at “that” time instead of crying now?

You be the judge, had people forced the US to provide with solid evidence at the time of Afghan Invasion or Iraq Invasion on the basis of WMDs, wouldn’t we had saved millions of people who died in vein? Wouldn’t we had saved two countries from destruction? What about millions of children who don’t have their parents right now? What about hundreds of thousands of people who have lost their limbs but are still alive?

Sorry bro, I have made a mistake once of letting them lose without holding them accountable for provision of “proof”, I am not willing to let them off this time. It is time they justify each and every step they take in further destruction of the world for their ulterior motives.

You are right that we should just accept that this happened and think how we should tackle it, but along with that, we should also make sure that lies do not become facts as they became in 9/11, 7/7 or Iraq Invasion.

Just my two cents..
- A mouthpiece for Jihadists

Whats wrong with the word Terrorists to be used in that sentances

BBC - Religions - Islam: Jihad

I'm REALLY trying take you seriously, believe me I am. But theses small pointers don't help

Don't you even know what Jihad is ?
Or does every Muslim on this earth that strive to better themeselves, be it becoming a doctor, saving ones life, building schools, getting an education, saving money for a good cause like charity for the needy, fighting against murderous terrorists under ALlah(swt), are only a bunch of beared wearing or burka wearing, bomb strapping terrorist who are hell bent on killing people who are born in the west ?

Can you remember what Crusade represent ?

Is there no end to you prejudice towards Muslims, Muslim culture and Islam ? no seriously.
Osama bin Laden's cover 'was blown by one his closest allies'
EXCLUSIVE by Nick Owens, Sunday Mirror 29/05/2011

Osama bin Laden’s cover was blown by one of his most trusted allies, secret papers found at his lair suggest.

Taliban co-founder Mullah Abdul Baradar is believed to have told US investigators the location of the Al-Qaeda terror chief’s hide-out.

In return they promised to withdraw US troops from Taliban strongholds in Afghanistan once Bin Laden had been killed or captured.

He was shot dead at his compound in Abbottabad on May 2 after US President Barack Obama sent in a team of elite Navy Seals.

Details of the extraordinary “deal” emerged after a confidential American briefing was found at the hide-out.

Reports in Pakistan claim Baradar – co-founder of the Taliban, which has a loose alliance with Bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda – is named in the papers.

He and other “moles” within Bin Laden’s organisation are said to be feeding crucial information to US intelligence experts.

Until now it has been believed that Bin Laden was caught out when the US intercepted a phone call made by his courier Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti, who was also killed in the US raid.

But new reports in Pakistan suggest it was actually Baradar who told the US where he was hiding.

Baradar was arrested in a joint US-Pakistani operation last year as he visited Karachi.

The terror chief, a close ally of one-eyed Taliban leader Mullah Omar, was interrogated in prison before being released last October.

Author and security expert Neil Doyle said: “Baradar is in the frame as he has been in negotiations with the Afghan government and is closely linked to both Mullah Omar and Bin Laden.

“The US has announced that it is scaling back its military operations in Pakistan following the killing of Bin Laden. That will fuel speculation about whether this is the start of the pay-off for insurgents who are willing to cut a deal.

“David Cameron has also hinted that Bin Laden’s demise may lead to a quicker-than-expected exit of British troops from Afghanistan.

“Military officials in Pakistan have also said there was a rift between Bin Laden and some of his allies.”

Baradar is known as the “father of the IED” because he pioneered the use of roadside bombs, which have killed and injured hundreds of British troops in Afghanistan.
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