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Osama Bin Laden: More fatal in death

Slav Defence

Oct 30, 2010
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His life epitomised violence, but his death proved more fatal for others. The number of civilian casualties caused by terrorist violence in Pakistan was higher in the months following Osama Bin Laden’s (OBL) death than the months preceding it.

After years of unsuccessful manhunt, OBL was finally tracked down and killed in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Shortly after midnight on May 2, 2011, helicopters carrying American soldiers flew into Pakistan and exposed Pakistan’s pervious air defense and the hideout of the world’s most wanted. Within minutes OBL was dead. American helicopters flew out of Pakistan’s air space before Pak Air Force could scramble jets to intercept alien intruders. Hours later,OBL was buried at sea. The world will be a safer place now, we were told.

Despite the tall claims by Western and Nato leaders, and secret hopes of many government heads in the Muslim world, Pakistan (if not the rest of the world) has become even a more violent place since OBL’s death. Many in the West now try to assert that the escalation in violence is not because of OBL’s death. I agree with their assertion. But I would also like to contend that killing OBL did not deliver any tactical or operational advantage against al Qaeda and other religiously motivated militants active in South Asia. In fact, the safety situation, at least in Pakistan, has taken a turn for the worse.

Of the 6,871 deaths in the 12-months leading to OBL’s death in May 2011, 4,200 (61 per cent) were those of the insurgents and militants. Only one in three deaths were those of the civilians. However, in the 12-months following OBL’s death, the trends started to reverse. While one observed a slight decline in bloodletting (6,389 deaths in the year following OBL’s death against 6,871 deaths in the year preceding his death), the decline was primarily because of the huge drop in the death of insurgents. The civilian deaths in fact increased even higher in the 12-month period starting in May 2012 such that the civilian casualties accounted for more than 50 per cent of all violent deaths. The insurgents death accounted for 37 per cent in the 12-month period starting in May 2012, down from 61 per cent in the year preceding OBL’s death.


Source: Terrorism | South Asia Terrorism Portal [South Asia Terrorism Portal]

These numbers offer irrefutable evidence for the fact that OBL’s death did not result in a decline in violence, as was asserted by many security experts and political leaders. We have killed the Lernaean Hydra, claimed the modern day Heracles, President Barak Obama. “The death of Bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation’s effort to defeat al Qaeda,” announced President Obama immediately after OBL’s death. The words offered little comfort to Pakistanis who knew that more death and destruction would soon follow. In fact, Pakistanis were not the only skeptics about the claims that the world will be a safer place after OBL’s death. An international poll conducted by Gallup International in 25 countries, including Pakistan and the US, in May-June 2011 asked people if they expected terrorism to decline after OBL’s death. Only one in five expected terrorist violence to decline. Even in the US, a mere eight per cent expected a decline in violence. Another 34 per cent expected terrorist violence to increase while 45 per cent of the surveyed Americans expected no change. Almost 80 per cent of Pakistanis expected violence to either increase or remain the same after OBL’s death. In addition, the survey revealed that only one in four Pakistanis believed that the person captured and killed in Abbottabad was indeed OBL.


Source: Gallup International

OBL had nothing but death and destruction to offer to the people who hosted him. While he lived in Afghanistan as a guest of the Taliban, he did not strive to provide education or public health facilities to the Afghans. Despite hundreds of millions of dollars in inheritance windfalls, he did not try to create jobs or revive the Afghan industry. He could only offer pipe dreams of global dominance through a violent struggle, which would eliminate those who dared to oppose his medieval notions of statehood.

OBL was not relevant to the main discourse on development, prosperity, and security in Afghanistan or in any other Muslim majority country. For this reason alone, several polls conducted by the Pew Global Attitudes Project revealed that OBL’s popularity amongst Muslims had fallen significantly. In Pakistan alone, the confidence in OBL halved from 46 per cent in 2003 to 21 per cent in 2011. In Jordan, OBL’s fortunes plummeted from a high of 61 per cent in 2005 to 13 per cent in 2011. Another Pew poll in early 2012 revealed that al Qaeda had also lost favour with the masses in Muslim majority countries. In Pakistan, 55 per cent held an unfavourable view of al Qaeda against 13 per cent who favoured it.

Murtaza Haider
@PakMarine @usama waqas @dersert fighter @nuclearpak @Aeronaut @Talon @Hermione G @Irfan Baloch @Jazzbot @Leader @A.Rafay @M.harris @A1Kaid @al-Hasani @Yzd Khalifa @Windjammer @Umair Nawaz @Secur @truthseer @RAMPAGE @Spring Onion and others...
What are your suggestions?
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Thus I would like to say that operation against Osama is not enough to destroy Al-Qaeda as American authorities including Mr.Obama had claimed.
They projected the whole world that their war on terror has mark triumph after Mr.Bin Laden's murder,but facts are beyond reality.
The situation is worse then before now,this clearly indicates that still how strong these terrorist's organizations are.
For complete annihilation of such organizations and to track down their nexus,we need new plans and better strategies.
The cancer was result of American plantation so first go kill those who supported him becoming monster for own strategic war against USSR

Well said..it is their war,and we suffer like always..and in the end..Uncle Sam takes the whole credit..
He was just like a head, issuing tapes in between ---rather an icon. It would not stop the activities but a big moral boost for USA.

This is what I am saying rockstar...what moral?moral is increased and performance?if you are saying that yes it is increased and indeed it is.. then I will definitely question you that why death statistics are increased?

His death was meaningless. The only aim carried was giving a minor uplift to the falling nose of US govt after its failed war.

Exactly my dear..exactly well said...we are still suffering...the end result was not as effective as we were expecting..this also questions about leadership of Mr.Bin Laden, was he really leading?those who are funding these terrorists are still a question,once if those funds are stopped then we can expect improvement Miss @Spring Onion
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This is what I am saying rockstar...what moral?moral is increased and performance?if you are saying that yes it is increased and indeed it is.. then I will definitely question you that why death statistics are increased?

Exactly my dear..exactly well said...we are still suffering...the end result was not as effective as we were expecting..this also questions about leadership of Mr.Bin Laden was he really leading?those who are funding these terrorists are still a question,once if those funds are stopped then we can expect improvement Miss @Spring Onion

Its is a 'morale boost to Obama, Thats what I said.

And the increase of violence is not related to OBL death at all. Nobody is revenging OBL death there now. Due to this event, Americans got another excuse for more drones attacks.
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Its is a 'morale boost to Obama, Thats what I said.

And the increase of violence is not related to OBL death at all. Nobody is revenging OBL death there now. Due to this event, Americans got another excuse for more drones attacks.

Well said...
that is why I keep on saying that we need to re-plan our strategies,rather then following old pattern.

You do that in your country. You supported that war against the USSR.

We alone..??and what were you doing my dear?were you making pickles for the whole time?:woot:
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