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Option's for PAF ?

There is a separate threads in here about Dassault purchasing .Reputed specialist TTA s in this PDF explained all of that in that thread ,read it then talk to me about it.Perhaps Chinese would have that .But I am not sure about Pakistan ability to capture these fighter

If China had it they will pass it to Pakistan because India is common foe.
I think instead of multiple plateforms PAF should go for one JF 31 customized version according to Pakistan current and future needs.
All three Arms of PA ; PN and PAF will feel the pressure from Indian Military

There is no question of you dominating us ; you can only hold for a while
We can do better than holding. We can take the war to the enemy. As shown in 1965 and kargil.
If China had it they will pass it to Pakistan because India is common foe.

Again I am not sure about that.Dassault Rafale is a crown jewel of European technology .China still need a long way to to go
I think instead of multiple plateforms PAF should go for one JF 31 customized version according to Pakistan current and future needs.
And Kargil ; well you climbed those peaks when our SOLDIERS were NOT present

Yet we took them back
You didn't take back anything. International pressure forced us to vacate those posts. Read a bit of history.
Again I am not sure about that.Dassault Rafale is a crown jewel of European technology .China still need a long way to to go

EU have tech available to built 5th gen jet, but they are not interested in materializing it due to certain reasons, whereas China is catching up fast and building 2 5th gen jets separately which will allow them to supersede EU as they will have mature tech fielded in future, while EU will not have their own 5th gen jet.
Only one relevant question. How much does USA contribute to it? Especially who is making the engine? The point for buying something from Turkey should be protection from sanctions.

Also why is Turkey pursuing two 5th gen fighters?

Not much but there'll be European contribution for Engine we suppose. But it'll be locally manufacturered. No US.

It's because that the Air Force wants to retire all F-16s from active duty by the time F-35/TF-X arrives.
Turkey plans to have a dual fighter fleet in future consisting of;

100 F-35A
12 F-35B (Naval Forces)

200 TF-X
EU have tech available to built 5th gen jet, but they are not interested in materializing it due to certain reasons, whereas China is catching up fast and building 2 5th gen jets separately which will allow them to supersede EU as they will have mature tech fielded in future, while EU will not have their own 5th gen jet.

It is quite easy in one statement.But there is a lot of different between West and China when it comes fighter technology .
And look at the MKI.At it Russian version MKI was less potent ,but when we add our positives and also of the west in to it.It become best Flanker version.

Trust me tommorrow if they lift that embargo China will run in full throttle for EU items.
They can catch up with Europe only if the west stand still ,Some thing that never will happen.
Yeah it sucks, first flight 2023. But it's a fifth-gen air superiority fighter. Partnering in the project means less cost for buying the aircraft. I suppose no country will have 5th Gen aircraft operational until 2018-2020 except for F-35 partners and Russia maybe.

Good but i thinks, on PAF radar, a Multirole fighter (like F16, F35, Rafael) possess more acceptance to its war doctrine than a mere Air Superiority Fighter. Even future conceived FC31 is a Multirole fighter.
You are not correct.

My understanding is that 36 f16 were approved 18 were free of cost ; 18 were to be purchased. PAF only got the free ones. They never placed the order for pre approved but paid birds.
This also shows their huge cofidence in jf17 and also on other options available from china. Otherwise paying for additonal 18 f16 would have been not a huge issue
It is quite easy in one statement.But there is a lot of different between West and China when it comes fighter technology .
And look at the MKI.At it Russian version MKI was less potent ,but when we add our positives and also of the west in to it.It become best Flanker version.

Trust me tommorrow if they lift that embargo China will run in full throttle for EU items.
They can catch up with Europe only if the west stand still ,Some thing that never will happen.

China may not surpass EU in all fileds but they have surpassed in many and will surpassed in many in near future and that is enough for them in near future to have supiriority over them.

Yes China will buy EU stuff if embargo is lifted not because what they have? but because they want to know their tech too refine their current one if necessary.
Good but i thinks, on PAF radar, a Multirole fighter (like F16, F35, Rafael) possess more acceptance to its war doctrine than a mere Air Superiority Fighter. Even future conceived FC31 is a Multirole fighter.

Yeah. That's why they picked a multirole role fleet for ground attack supplemented by air superiority.

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