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Options for increasing Balochistan security

The presence of Jihadi scum and the attacks done by them in places such as Kashmir also has nothing to do with insurgency, yet it has not stopped Pakistan from weaving it all together into a grand narrative to show how bad the situation is and needs addressing by bowing to the demands made by these Jihadis.

I can agree with you that the Baloch insurgency is weak and splintered. All signs are that they will not be very effective in their aims. But having so many Jihadi scum in any area creates a security headache.

Look, I don't want to derail the thread. But you know as well as anyone that Pak Army is not exactly known to be benign towards the Baloch insurgents. When people are slaughtered wholesale, they hide in caves.

All police in Kashmir are locals, yet we hear daily chest-beating about police atrocities.

True. Which is why I won't press the point. All I wish to point out are double-standards. I can agree with almost everything written by you, yet you will not if the same things were said about Kashmir. And therein lies the tragedy.

Sure. If that helps you explain the double-standards involved then why not? I am brainwashed and you are wise and all-knowing. Happy now?

I don't see any finessing or condemning of ethnic cleansing done in the Kashmir Valley on the Pundits. Nor do I see any condemnation of the fact that blood-thirsty Wahhabi zealots have hijacked the insurgency in the Valley.

As I mentioned in my reply to @Talwar e Pakistan , I do not dispute what you say. Just your double standards.

And there lies the problem. Baloch insurgents are scum, whereas Kashmiri insurgents are martyrs. Do you even listen to yourself?
Those who cry pandits should first research on how many Muslims had to flee Kashmir

Am I saying you are wrong?

However, most attacks in the Kashmir Valley have been carried out by Jihadis brain-washed by Wahhabis. Do you make that distinction in that case?

And that is my entire point. Not something to argue or fight over. Just introspect. You will realize the truth.
The Jihadis in Kashmir want India out of Kashmir LeJ in Balochistan want to kick Shias out like their idols the Afghan Taliban did in parts of Afghanistan
Their goals are different you will never hear any rallies in support of LeJ members but we see massive rallies for Burhan Wani and in support of Hizb
But you know as well as anyone that Pak Army is not exactly known to be benign towards the Baloch insurgents. When people are slaughtered wholesale, they hide in caves.
By "people" who do you mean?

All police in Kashmir are locals, yet we hear daily chest-beating about police atrocities.
You sure? Kashmiri and Indian people are two different things, you can easily differentiate between them.

Here are just some pictures - you can easily differentiate who is Indian and who is not.


I understand SOME Kashmiris are recruited, but looking at the desperate unemployment situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir - for many Kashmiris joining the Security Forces is the only door open in order to find employment and feed your family.

In Balochistan however we have volunteers numbering in the thousands who are not even payed a penny by the Government. We have armed tribes encompassing the majority of the population, also fighting the insurgency - they are not payed as well.

The presence of Jihadi scum and the attacks done by them in places such as Kashmir also has nothing to do with insurgency, yet it has not stopped Pakistan from weaving it all together into a grand narrative to show how bad the situation is and needs addressing by bowing to the demands made by these Jihadis.
It has a lot to do with the insurgency. Kashmiri brothers request help and many people (who themselves are almost all Pakistani Kashmiris) who are sympathetic to their cause will cross the border and support them.

yet you will not if the same things were said about Kashmir.
You cannot compare Kashmir and Balochistan.

Are Baloch insurgents supported by the local population? No
Do funerals for Baloch insurgents receive thousands of people? No
Are there riots or protests calling for "azadi" in the streets of Baloch cities? No
Are there curfews in Balochistan? No
Do the Baloch want a separate country? No

I could give you a thousand other examples.

The point is, you cannot compare Balochistan with Kashmir.

Those who cry pandits should first research on how many Muslims had to flee Kashmir

Yes that is so. No one should have to leave their home against their wishes. But I finance the education for all children in a mixed refugee settlement of displaced Kashmiris. I don't just shed crocodile tears.

The Jihadis in Kashmir want India out of Kashmir LeJ in Balochistan want to kick Shias out like their idols the Afghan Taliban did in parts of Afghanistan

Please research the Wahhabi infiltration of the Valley. The distinction you make is artificial. They are all Jihadi scum. At least I have the honesty to call those who attack innocent Pakistanis as scum. Do you have the same honesty?

By "people" who do you mean?

The same kind of "people" who throw stones at protest marches. Decide once and for all whether you support them or denounce them as trouble-mongers.

t has a lot to do with the insurgency. Kashmiri brothers request help and many people (who themselves are almost all Pakistani Kashmiris) who are sympathetic to their cause will cross the border and support them.

So who needs help in attacking an Indian army camp in Uri? And if that is sympathy then so is this current attack.

Are Baloch insurgents supported by the local population?

At least some of them do. I already stated that I agree the insurgency in Balochistan is too chaotic and badly organised to get a true picture.

Do funerals for Baloch insurgents receive thousands of people? No
Are there riots or protests calling for "azadi" in the streets of Baloch cities? No

The day the Indian Army starts targeting "sympathizers" in the Valley in the same manner as they are in Balochistan, these crowds will disappear. You are comparing a state which gives a free hand to dissent vs another which crushes it.

If tomorrow the Indian army clears out these protestors, we will hear no end to the chest-beating about human rights violation.

My point is simple. If you believe that the Indian state should treat all Kashmiri trouble-mongers including those who conduct terror attacks with kid gloves, then please show such love at home first with the Baloch and all actors there.
Its so pity that our Establishment not just discriminate between terrorist but also discriminate between ethancities. Why terrorist attacks just happens in KP and Baluchistan. Something is black.
The Government isnt interested in balochistan, more likely in CPEC. Even the provincial Government is sitting tightly amongst guards inside Quetta. The Army and FC can just do as much as they can.
Immediate measure: strengthen parameter defences and active defences of important places. Create a uniform SOP ,template and scale for security throughout country. Create an independent regulator group that surveys all important places in Baluchistan and rest of Pakistan and ascertains security.

Longterm: please elect someone decent next time!
Short term measure - conduct a safety audit of all sensitive institution. By now you can devise a pattern that these guys target hospitals, courts, universities, schools, army and police training centers, so first and foremost theyntr should have adequate security (armed commandos all the time), high and solid walls, guard towers should have night vision, power lights, and a bullet proof glass.
Checkpost setup on all entry and exit points of cities (all major cities - not just limited to Baluchistan) and scanning their ID cards esp public transports. Spot surprise checking where every vehicle is stopped.
Long term (all over country) - area SHO should go to each and every house to see whos living in their area and ID must be scanned.
I will share my experience while visiting Pakistan few months back - I noticed that you can purchase a public transport (long route) ticket without showing any kind of identification. If Gov can streamline this process i.e. every person who purchases public transport ticket, they need to show ID card which should be scanned. Gov can link this system to their database and if someone whos wanted, purchases ticket, an alert should go up on the gov desk and they can easily apprehend the person as they will know on which bus he will be travelling on. Same be done with rental car companies. This measure wouldnt require much manpower but use of technology to apprehend terrorists. To get maximum benefit it should be strictly implemented.
Thank God you people are realising that now... Corrupt goons may appear to be controllable but they will always be more damaging to the country than beneficial..

"You people"....
are we from another country....?

I didn't realize the hate against "we people" is so much........
I must ask politely: Has any one of the people posting here been to Balochistan recently? Quetta is like an FC fortress. Pickets and checkpoints every 500m. Despite that, all this crap seems to keep happening. I'll tell you what most people think: their problems started when FC and army entered their cities. That's all I'm saying.

As for security, tightening border surveillance and security is probably the only thing that can be done. Maybe FC and Army should stick to the borders.

And there's a fella who bluntly states "Throw Afghans out". Have a heart, pal. They, too, are human beings.

These problems will end when we actually address Balochistan's problems and stop deluding ourselves that it is our 'enemies' who are to blame.
I think personally that
1) Increased deployment of troops to the province as FATA commitments wind down.
2) Better intelligence infrastructure, including better signals gathering
3) More use of UAV and air assets.
Everyone should understand that other then few core politicians in blouch assembly rest are traitors ... easy to buy ,examples are public
It's first time much pro pak or establishment folks in body but we need to figure it out political rats then armed rats both are dangerous for stability of province

Police should be trained and armed well

Politicians should have check balance
Free judiciary and accountability

Censors cctvs should be installed all around and security measures should be taken

As in police training camp ,there were many towers but they couldn't figure it out the attackers
There should be ban on having weapons at around

More uavs and air strikes to there bla lej etc hide outs

Spend more money to buy those calprits

More ibo

More night vision checking system at border
Hello all
I will only add what can be done on security ground , but first briefly I will say some(touch) other very relevant issues like Education , Health , Economic , Extremisms , over all Govt System etc

On the Topic , I will talk about whole Pakistan , First of all we need to upgrade and reform our Police (whole Pakistan) , we need to increase and improve there number , training , workplace , Social and Economical well fair , etc Then all the Province should (compulsory) have 25% Police as Elite , This will be basic Police for all routine and Normal daily work and for VIP duties too .
All the Provinces including AJK should need to have must have an ATS or S.W.A.T commandos unit , and the also in good numbers , Pakistan have 149 Districts every District should have 500 men and women of S.W.A.T
so they can take on all the terrorist activity and also can improve the security of whole Pakistan.
Second we need to upgrade Police intelligence , here we have need to have 3 Branches
1 , Normal Police Intelligence (Each and every Thaanna)
2 , Special Police Intelligence (Equip and Trained with Own Kill or Hit squads , also can take help from S.W.A.T)
3 , S.W.A.T Police Intelligence(Personal and Analytic "info from 1 and 2 get analysis here )

On Borders ,
We need to increase our Para Forces , we need to double the numbers of Pakistan Rangers and FC in KPK+ Baluchistan. With better training , Eqm overall and also with bad a$$ Special Squads .in good numbers deploy in whole Pakistan accordingly (Threat and other Prospective )

On Top off all we need to increase our Army in numbers Gwadar need one Full Corp with 3 Div, Second AJK (LOC)need one Full Corp with 3 Mountain Div eqm with armoury accordingly (Mountain warfare).

For CPEC we have dedicated security unit .

On Political + System Front we need NACTA , Yes the old and dead NACTA which can make sure the implementation of NAP .
Thank you all

For every Baloch insurgent who is terrorized into surrendering to Pak Army and claimed as a victory, there are 10 others who know how that was achieved and silently wow to never surrender..

So many Baloch ""insurgentgs" are there as per your knowledge ?
So many Baloch ""insurgentgs" are there as per your knowledge ?

Can't say with accuracy. Unlike in Kashmir, where trouble-mongers are free to assemble openly, in Balochistan they would be shot. So they tend to hide a lot more.
Can't say with accuracy. Unlike in Kashmir, where trouble-mongers are free to assemble openly, in Balochistan they would be shot. So they tend to hide a lot more.

There are no such protesters in Balochistan whereas the Indian trained funded backed BLA terrorists indeed hide like rats and target railway tracks.

anyway this thread is NOT for bharati garbage rather it is addressing Pakistanis for their valuable input for reforming security.
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