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Options for increasing Balochistan security

No one is terrorizing them; this attack also had nothing to do with the Baloch insurgency. Baloch insurgents are hated by their own people, disowned by their own families and hunted by members of their own tribe. It's a disintegrating and near-dead insurgency. The only ones that have not surrendered or died yet are old men living in some unknown isolated cave, starving and begging for foreign help.

The security forces in Balochistan are primarily Baloch themselves. Why would they "terrorize" their own people?

This thread was made to address the terrorist attacks that come from Afghanistan.

That C grade troll only wanted to post his senseless rubbish to gain some attention which will allow him to get some meaning in his life. Best to ignore them. These social media Indians beg that there is some wide scale insurgency going in Baluchistan but its quite the opposite actually. The insurgency lies dead with over a thousand surrendered ( forceful surrender is the most senseless BS I have ever heard). The biggest threat to the province is now the ideological terrorists like ISIS or also called TTP jamat ul ahrar and LEJ militants ready for hire by these big wig terrorists. These destructive terrorists have attacked lahore, Quetta and sindh and kpk and are a huge threat to pakistan and its people.

They are not here to learn but to troll so there is no point in answering them. They listen to the lies of their media and the ten men march in Germany and feel that pakistan is about to break up.

Anyhow on topic

I personally believe that there are a thousand ways to secure a city or a province or a country provided that there lies political will as well as focus without corruption or distraction.

Baluchistan can be secured easily with the repatriation of afghan refugees. Then the fencing, manning and sealing of the border with extreme checks at crossing points. We have digged an 1100 km trench at the Baluchistan afghan border but it's not enough as crosses exist along the 2210 km of afpak border. The entire border must be secured.

The equipment of FC and the police must be high tech and well advanced to counter terrorism.

The creation of Quick response forces in major cities to combat any threat of terrorism.

The security of sensitive institution that must not be let off. If there is any gathering of more than 20 people then security must be provided with extreme vigilance.

The creation of development to combat sleeper cells.

The registration of madrassahs to combat sleeper cells and creation of terrorists.

Apart from this there are many methods.

Long story short. As long as there is will, there are a thousand ways. The will is the question.
guard Afghan border through drones...Seal the border...throw out afghan refugees...held people in higher ups accountable....sincere leadership for Baluchistan....better coordination among LEAs....root out enemy moles stationed in sensitive stations/targets/places.

80 % Problem solved....
Whatever measures are taken, will be meaningless, unless the status quo of corrupt leadership is not changed.
Thank God you people are realising that now... Corrupt goons may appear to be controllable but they will always be more damaging to the country than beneficial..
1. Sealing of border (short to medium term)
2. Educating people on fast track (Short to medium term)
3. Economic empowerment to youth (Short term) loans /Industralization
4. End Fudel /Qabali nizam by reforming society (medium to long term)
1) Amnesty, but only for militants belonging to certain organizations, most of the time they are just kids that were coerced into joining such a radical group. Extreme groups like the Taliban and ISIS should be out of the question though.

2) A campaign to register and distribute ID to rural Balochistan, and all urban centres, so that all residents of the province can be accounted for.

3) Higher level of ID checks by police/ security so that foreign militants are quickly identified.

4) Improving police response time across the province, police forces should really be competing over the fastest average response time, and be rewarded by the central govt for doing so.

5) A campaign to encourage people to report all suspicious individuals and 'foreigners' to the police, and with improved response time they should be able to capture suspects before they reach their destination.

6) Distribution of specialized equipment such as bulletproof vests, signal jammers, concussion grenades etc. to give police an edge over terrorists. Right now they are just dudes in salwar kameez with ak47's, a militant isn't exactly going to be intimidated by that.


-Badass looking, and well-equipped. Notice the finger is not on the trigger, that's usually a sign that the person is well trained with firearms.


-Some guy that went through basic training, given a gun and shoved out.

7) Finally, every force should have a dedicated cyber wing, to detect and neutralize threats online. some terrorist/hate groups have Facebook groups and twitter pages, the police should follow-up on these pages and apprehend their followers immediately.
Seal the border of Chaman,
Throw Afghanis out.
Then raise your internal security standards..and much of insurgency will be lessened what I deem.

How can afghanis be thrown out when the government elects the same afghanis to rule the province of balochistan? Remember mahmood khan achakzai ? who would go to any far to help his afghani bros. In parliament, rather than talking about pakistan and balochistan he would mainly mention afghanistan and praise it. He also replaced the agricultural development programme ( originated by mir hazar khan khosa that was meant for the areas like lasbela and jaffarbad ) (sindhi, baloch majority area ) to his pashtun belt . And thus deprived these willing people due to his ethnicity preferences.
How can we expect government to take action against afghanis when the ruling class of quetta have been afghanis .

And I can say for sure these afghanis have destroyed my city , illegal cars , smuggling, cheating and most of all they're very abusive and proud people. Act like they're only kings and beautiful people of earth and all other ethnicities are very low in front of them. Failed nation.
I had this discussion yesterday with friends and one of them mentioned that Blochistan should be handed over to the army and under the power of COAS.

It's not the worst of ideas and perhaps we can come up with a sort hybrid political-military system for Blochistan where the CM of Blochistan can look over the civilian affairs meanwhile the security and law and order falls directly under the authority of the COAS.
Try to catch terrorists alive, and then skin them alive and send the recording of their cries to their loved ones.
For every Baloch insurgent who is terrorized into surrendering to Pak Army and claimed as a victory, there are 10 others who know how that was achieved and silently wow to never surrender.

Pakistanis never fail to point out this obvious fact about the insurgency in Kashmir - stop terrorizing the people and they will stop hating you. It is time to learn from your own sermons.

Don't jump into topics you've no knowledge on you brainwashed indian you're only embarrassing yourself here.
Work closely with the tribes to gather
Intelligence. Balochestan is already the next big target. Time
To finally secure this province and rid
It from the Kalboshan Yadev sympathisers.
For every Baloch insurgent who is terrorized into surrendering to Pak Army and claimed as a victory, there are 10 others who know how that was achieved and silently wow to never surrender.

Pakistanis never fail to point out this obvious fact about the insurgency in Kashmir - stop terrorizing the people and they will stop hating you. It is time to learn from your own sermons.
Elic fail this attack was by LeJ its an organization that vowed to rid Balochistan of Shias they dont care what others think they want blood Shia blood now they want blood of those who protect shias they are a pure sectarian organization the Baloch seperatists dont have it in them to employ suicide bombers they are yesterday news the present issues are because of anti Shia groups only please educate yourself before maoing bs comments
For every Baloch insurgent who is terrorized into surrendering to Pak Army and claimed as a victory, there are 10 others who know how that was achieved and silently wow to never surrender.

Pakistanis never fail to point out this obvious fact about the insurgency in Kashmir - stop terrorizing the people and they will stop hating you. It is time to learn from your own sermons.

Do you've any idea what you talking about ?
This all incident has nothing to do with baloch separatists.
As for terrorising then it's your own RAW agency sending terrorists from Afghanistan to pakistan to terrorise the people of pakistan. Pakistan has always adopted a moderate approach toward these separatists but these separatists prefer violence and money that your RAW has been supplying them to defame the state of pakistan.

At least an indian shouldn't give such advice when their own state is terrorising the innocents of kashmir and blinding their youth. The whole world is a witness of your 'terrorising ' in kashmir .
Sure. If that helps you explain the double-standards involved then why not? I am brainwashed and you are wise and all-knowing. Happy now?
You don't even know who attacked that police academy as i said dude you're embarrassing yourself it was LEJ read post 26 again. THIS ATTACK HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH BALOCH INSURGENCY GET IT? you're derailing the thread read that title again.
You don't even know who attacked that police academy as i said dude you're embarrassing yourself it was LEJ read post 26 again. THIS ATTACK HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH BALOCH INSURGENCY GET IT? you're derailing the thread read that title again.

Am I saying you are wrong?

However, most attacks in the Kashmir Valley have been carried out by Jihadis brain-washed by Wahhabis. Do you make that distinction in that case?

And that is my entire point. Not something to argue or fight over. Just introspect. You will realize the truth.
I think personally that
1) Increased deployment of troops to the province as FATA commitments wind down.
2) Better intelligence infrastructure, including better signals gathering
3) More use of UAV and air assets.

How about, sarey politicians nu lamaa paa lawo, tey juti laa lawo tey ho jao shuroo? sab theek ho jaega khudi

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