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Options for Bangladesh, incase PLA choke India's chicken neck.

Of course we are the same, we will stay the same lmao, we are not following others and trying to be something we are not, we are who we were always meant to be.

That is fish eating bangalis.
Dear, but your forefathers thought that after getting rid of Pakistan, destroying the largest Islamic country of that time in the world, we would become an American civilization with our Color changed, An increase of 4 inches in average height of people, wear Pant shirt Tie and Coat and a Paris fragrance coming out of us instead of fish smell....It is the Pak Govt who is hurdle in achieving all of this.
Dear, but your forefathers thought that after getting rid of Pakistan, destroying the largest Islamic country of that time in the world, we would become an American civilization with our Color changed, An increase of 4 inches in average height of people, wear Pant shirt Tie and Coat and a Paris fragrance coming out of us instead of fish smell....It is the Pak Govt who is hurdle in achieving all of this.

Dearest sir, we take pride in smelling like fish, being perceived as 'short', 'weak', 'ugly', 'dark', 'gay', 'hindu' and 'ungrateful', did I get everything in there or did I miss something ?

Point is we bangalis are proud of who we are, and nothing anyone else says will ever change that, perhaps that is why people despise us.

We are blockheaded at times.
Instead of talking about our Dhoti and about China-India war better think what happens when there is another Pak-India war. Think what should be BD policy at that time although it is militarily weak. Can you tackle India if Indian military perceives no threat in its east?

India will withdraw all its troops from here to spread the war to its long border with Pakistan from Jammu to Ran of Kutch. Can you tackle it when Bengal Regiment troops are not there to sacrifice lives to protect Lahore this time?
Actually we have changed our strategy in both 1965 and 1971 we were somewhere defending our own homeland from India.However, our strategy is the Offensive Defense....in short If there will be a war then we take our strike corps and go into the India....As far as EBR is concerned it is so harsh but at that time we thought that Bengalis should be the part of army....infantry to be precise.But EBR proved its importance in 1965 war....
What would you do if you are a commandant here in Pakistan????

Dearest sir, we take pride in smelling like fish, being perceived as 'short', 'weak', 'ugly', 'dark', 'gay', 'hindu' and 'ungrateful', did I get everything in there or did I miss something ?

Point is we bangalis are proud of who we are, and nothing anyone else says will ever change that, perhaps that is why people despise us.

We are blockheaded at times.
We also take pride in both Dhotti and Saree of our Bengalis brother....even the official dress of our army officers is Saree with shows our affiliation with East Pakistanis as in Pakistan no women wear Saree....
images (10).jpeg
So, it is not the real case,You are missing some thing....Think!.
Hi all

Wanted to wargame this scenario which is rather becoming a real possibility, going by how things are developing on LAC. There has been PLA ingress into Sikkim recently along with Laddakh. In a situation where PLA manage to chock the Siliguri corridor and cut off north east India with the rest of the landmass, how would Bangladesh respond in such scenario?

Would it side with India?

Hassina regime is known to be Indian side kick. There is a strong possibility that Bangladesh might open its borders to India mainland, allowing India to use its territory and road infra to connect with the north east states. Acting as a bridge. Does the current road infra and connectivity with India and north eastern state will allow such bridge to become a reality on war footing? The obvious blowback will be to go against the Chinese design. And ofcourse, would such support to India will be supported internally among the masses?

Going against India?

This scenario will mean actively supporting PLA incursion with own interest in mind, perhaps gobbling up some territory and merging with Bangladesh as a consequence of Chinese actions. This however will invite a direct Indian military response against BD. Is BD militarily strong enough to keep India at bay while supporting China? Would Hasina regime, provided she is still in charge, would even contemplate such actions?

Remaining neutral?

Meaning looking the other way while PLA and Indian army try to wrestle with each other. By all accounts, India will be in desperate situation and by default, the pressure will come on the government in BD to support one way or other. Remaining neutral might not be an option eventually. There is also American angle to this as we all know that India is America regional pet dog. American pressure might also come in.

Post annexing scenario

China will already have the blue print to support the north east states but its not a rocket science to see that BD is the nearest sea access to these north east states. How is the current road connectivity between BD and these states?


BD may like it or not, but how things are developing in sub continent with an imbalance Hindu terrorist regime in India we are most likely heading to an armed conflict between Pakistan and India, eventually will drag other powers like China. We are expecting India o start a conflict with Pakistan to hide their recent humiliation received at the hands on PLA in Laddakh region. We are talking about a domino effect here and the above scenario, very likely will be played out, if things go south.

Would be interesting to hear thoughts of BD members on this evolving situation and if such scenario is discussed within BD intellectuals and media?

View attachment 640818
China reaching chickens neck is possible. But, why you think Bangladesh is a country? Bangladesh is a satellite state of India. So basically, chickens neck doesn't exist.
Actually we have changed our strategy in both 1965 and 1971 we were somewhere defending our own homeland from India.However, our strategy is the Offensive Defense....in short If there will be a war then we take our strike corps and go into the India....As far as EBR is concerned it is so harsh but at that time we thought that Bengalis should be the part of army....infantry to be precise.But EBR proved its importance in 1965 war....
What would you do if you are a commandant here in Pakistan????

We also take pride in both Dhotti and Saree of our Bengalis brother....even the official dress of our army officers is Saree with shows our affiliation with East Pakistanis as in Pakistan no women wear Saree....View attachment 641760So, it is not the real case,You are missing some thing....Think!.

Yeah..... Think.

Preaching to the choir.
Yeah..... Think.

Preaching to the choir.
You can answer better than that....while you were asking that what time teaches....The Answer is that now we have enogh nuclear weapons to destroy the whole atmosphere of the planet Earth.
You can answer better than that....while you were asking that what time teaches....The Answer is that now we have enogh nuclear weapons to destroy the whole atmosphere of the planet Earth.

So you can kill all 7 Billion of us, good job.

I'm well aware of that fact that I can answer better than that pal, I just don't want to put in effort, only for it go in vain.
Dearest sir, we take pride in smelling like fish, being perceived as 'short', 'weak', 'ugly', 'dark', 'gay', 'hindu' and 'ungrateful', did I get everything in there or did I miss something ?

Point is we bangalis are proud of who we are, and nothing anyone else says will ever change that, perhaps that is why people despise us.

We are blockheaded at times.
However, what is your achievement of a half century since partition?
When there is no biased finds, no lack of governance, no game of thrones, no racial discrimination, no one is making money from your rice tea and other agricultural farm production and most importantly with full backing of India????
We certainly do not need to show off or prove what our achievements are to a person from a debt ridden country

Dear, I don't say that their is sth wrong with eating rice fish I was saying that you are same as you were in East Pakistan.
Lmao get outta here
People who claim fish is lower class food (or inferences thereof) are basically clueless and have not gotten out to the larger world. Moreover, these people's brains are clogged from cholesterol. They need some fish to unclog their brains.

A pound of AHI Tuna (Sushi grade) costs $30.00 for one pound (half a Kilo) in season in the US West Coast, which is a bargain. Bluefin Atlantic Tuna goes for way more at maybe $100 a pound (if available).


In Bangladesh, some Sushi restaurants in Dhaka fly in Tuna filets from Japan and dinner for one person can exceed Tk. 16,000 in one sitting for only sushi and sides.

Nordic and Scandinavian populations subsist on a majority seafish diet.

Like I said - clueless uneducated people...
We certainly do not need to show off or prove what our achievements are to a person from a debt ridden country

Lmao get outta here
Lol.... you can't even withstand with Myanmar people which threw back your people ,where they came from....A nuclear country citizen is far beyond to your standards....As far as debt is concerned, there no more debt After Covid-19 pandemic, All the debts will be recalled back and after that when CPEC gets started your imagination ends there.

People who claim fish is lower class food (or inferences thereof) are basically clueless and have not gotten out to the larger world. Moreover, these people's brains are clogged from cholesterol. They need some fish to unclog their brains.

A pound of AHI Tuna (Sushi grade) costs $30.00 for one pound (half a Kilo) in season in the US West Coast, which is a bargain. Bluefin Atlantic Tuna goes for way more at maybe $100 a pound (if available).


In Bangladesh, some Sushi restaurants in Dhaka fly in Tuna filets from Japan and dinner for one person can exceed Tk. 16,000 in one sitting for only sushi and sides.

Nordic and Scandinavian populations subsist on a majority seafish diet.

Like I said - clueless uneducated people...
I don't know you Bangladeshis really are such innocent, narrow minded or pretend to be dumb????
None of us is against the fish food the argument was only that what is the outcome of "Randi Rona" in 1971 when if you still in domain the result probably was the same or somewhere even better.
I don't know you Bangladeshis really are such innocent, narrow minded or pretend to be dumb????
None of us is against the fish food the argument was only that what is the outcome of "Randi Rona" in 1971 when if you still in domain the result probably was the same or somewhere even better.

Dearest Sir, This is not your house, Please maintain proper decorum and etiquette on here.

You are free to use such language at your home, as it seems you have a habit of being disgruntled and using abusive speech, do so elsewhere. This forum is for constructive discussions not for sharing school yard profanity like like 12 year olds.
as far as I'm concerned, Bangladesh is only interested in a possible conflict with burma.

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