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‘Ops in tribal areas could split Pak army’


Jul 8, 2006
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‘Ops in tribal areas could split Pak army’

Ex-Chief Of ISI Says Musharraf’s Days Are Numbered

New York: A strong action in Pakistan’s lawless tribal areas bordering Afghanistan by beleagured Pakistan president Pervez Musharraf could lead to a spilt in the army, a media report said on Saturday.
Detailing a multitude of troubles that Musharraf faces at home, Time magazine quoting a former head of the powerful intelligence agency Inter-Services Intelligence said many foreign observers believe that his days are numbered as leader of Pakistan, raising the issue of who could possibly replace America’s primary ally in the war against terror in this critical region.
The Pakistan president has come under strong criticism from the United States for his policy of nonengagement in the tribal areas which is now considered a complete failure. Washington is demanding that Musharraf do more to rein in terrorists, extremists and religious fundamentalists. But in an interview with the magazine, Hamid Gul, former head of ISI, has warned that if Musharraf does take both gloves off in tribal areas, it would just increase the likelihood of a split in army.
“The officer cadres are liberal, secular, they come from the elite classes. But the rank and file of the army were never secular, they were always religious,” Gul said. “If there is a face-off between the army and people, the leadership may lose control of the army. The army does not feel happy. They are from the same streets, the same villages, the same bazaars of the lower and middle classes, and they want the same thing (Islamic law) for their country.”
The increasing suicide attacks in Pakistan in the wake of storming of Lal Masjid by army in which a large number of militants were killed have brought some relief to Afghanistan. Word on the streets of Kabul is that the suicide bombers from Pakistan’s tribal areas who until recently headed west into Afghanistan to train Afghan militants or carry out attacks themselves are now heading east into the cities of Pakistan, where they have new motives and better targets to attack, it added. PTI
another delusional fantasy of Hamid Gul

Don't know why this man is even allowed to speak
“The officer cadres are liberal, secular, they come from the elite classes. But the rank and file of the army were never secular, they were always religious,” Gul said. “If there is a face-off between the army and people, the leadership may lose control of the army. The army does not feel happy. They are from the same streets, the same villages, the same bazaars of the lower and middle classes, and they want the same thing (Islamic law) for their country.”

He is correct.

The increasing suicide attacks in Pakistan in the wake of storming of Lal Masjid by army in which a large number of militants were killed have brought some relief to Afghanistan. Word on the streets of Kabul is that the suicide bombers from Pakistan’s tribal areas who until recently headed west into Afghanistan to train Afghan militants or carry out attacks themselves are now heading east into the cities of Pakistan, where they have new motives and better targets to attack, it added.

We will soon find out if he is wrong or right on this issue,i am sure
This guy has been predicting the fall of musharraf since the day he sided with the americans. it has been over 6 years and still musharraf is in power. This guy has no idea what he is talking about most of the time.
The guy is a former pro taliban ISI so defiently he will speak for them. Hes the same guy who said that dont agree with usa on war on terror and in return get bombed back to stone age. Yes ppl in pak Army are from the same streets but any 1 who has a sense and sees a person running towards him with a bomb for sucide attack will shoot him and besides most of the ppl doing these attacks are not even pakistanies so why would pakarmy care for them?
another delusional fantasy of Hamid Gul

Don't know why this man is even allowed to speak

What do you think, Is there any emergency in this world imposed by Neocons or Crusaders?
Time will tell if it's a delusional fantasy or not. However it's a critical time for Pak combined leadership, including the opposition and whatever action they take it should be in favour of Islam and Pakistan and not decteted by enemies of Islam otherwise definitely the days of Musharraf will be numbered.:pakistan:
What do you think, Is there any emergency in this world imposed by Neocons or Crusaders?
Time will tell if it's a delusional fantasy or not. However it's a critical time for Pak combined leadership, including the opposition and whatever action they take it should be in favour of Islam and Pakistan and not decteted by enemies of Islam otherwise definitely the days of Musharraf will be numbered.:pakistan:

Dude, before you go round saying Pakistan should not be dictated to by the enemies of Islam, you should remember that the biggest enemies of Pakistan have been Muslims themselves - I favour every country for themselves, because Pakistan does not need the other Muslim countries as much as other Muslim countries will be needing Pakistan when it has ICBM technology - even trade wise other Muslim countries don't compare to US-Pakistani trade. So let's say the enemies of Pakistan for now, until YOU guys get your acts together.
“The officer cadres are liberal, secular, they come from the elite classes. But the rank and file of the army were never secular, they were always religious,” Gul said. “If there is a face-off between the army and people, the leadership may lose control of the army. The army does not feel happy. They are from the same streets, the same villages, the same bazaars of the lower and middle classes, and they want the same thing (Islamic law) for their country.”

He is correct.

The increasing suicide attacks in Pakistan in the wake of storming of Lal Masjid by army in which a large number of militants were killed have brought some relief to Afghanistan. Word on the streets of Kabul is that the suicide bombers from Pakistan’s tribal areas who until recently headed west into Afghanistan to train Afghan militants or carry out attacks themselves are now heading east into the cities of Pakistan, where they have new motives and better targets to attack, it added.

We will soon find out if he is wrong or right on this issue,i am sure

so what you are saying is these people that are from same street are happy to be killed by suicide bombers and believe in there cause.
Pakistan military officers don't come from no elite take example of gul him self he is a son of poor sargodha farmer.Zia was son of farmer Aryeen(most of that class people work on farms or are managers).

if the word on streets is that so called suicide bombers are heading into Pakistan to kill army personals wouldn't that be more reason for army personal to take them out.

from what i see so far musharaf is been listening to people like gul and not dealing with these people with iron fist.but what i read in American media i don't think there will be any more negotiations.what they are basically saying is you do it or we will do it for you.:toast_sign:
What do you think, Is there any emergency in this world imposed by Neocons or Crusaders?
Time will tell if it's a delusional fantasy or not. However it's a critical time for Pak combined leadership, including the opposition and whatever action they take it should be in favour of Islam and Pakistan and not decteted by enemies of Islam otherwise definitely the days of Musharraf will be numbered.:pakistan:

wow wow Einstein why should Pakistan should care fro other so called Muslim nations.iam sick and tierd of these fundos telling Pakistanis about so called ummah.

Saudi Arabia and Iran have been fighting there proxy wars in Pakistan.as far as iam concerned they no friends of Pakistan.they are just spreading hatred in my country.

when we have to trade we end up with Western nations.none of the so called Muslim nations have invested in Pakistan as much as the Western nations.our trade is bigger with USA then any umah nation.

as far as iam concerned or average Pakistani on the street take your ummah and shove it.pakistan gets the bad name pakistan loses investment while we are to worry about ummah.

when was the last time so called ummah helped pakistan in time of our needs.
wow wow Einstein why should Pakistan should care fro other so called Muslim nations.iam sick and tierd of these fundos telling Pakistanis about so called ummah.

Saudi Arabia and Iran have been fighting there proxy wars in Pakistan.as far as iam concerned they no friends of Pakistan.they are just spreading hatred in my country.

when we have to trade we end up with Western nations.none of the so called Muslim nations have invested in Pakistan as much as the Western nations.our trade is bigger with USA then any umah nation.

as far as iam concerned or average Pakistani on the street take your ummah and shove it.pakistan gets the bad name pakistan loses investment while we are to worry about ummah.

when was the last time so called ummah helped pakistan in time of our needs.

Yup I guess you'd be saying the same thing when America sanctions Pakistan to the eyeball again, or when America strikes well in Pakistan territory adn call all damage "colateral", Yup I wonder how much Pak-West trade there will be when America thinks Pakistan is no longer required. Even after trecherous history Pakistan can still to this day, not work out who It's friends are:hitwall: :hitwall:
I think the Pakistan Army will have to decide which is greater, faith ( the one preached by LM fanatics ) or the need of the country. I am sure a professional Army will make the right decision.

Yup I guess you'd be saying the same thing when America sanctions Pakistan to the eyeball again, or when America strikes well in Pakistan territory adn call all damage "colateral", Yup I wonder how much Pak-West trade there will be when America thinks Pakistan is no longer required. Even after trecherous history Pakistan can still to this day, not work out who It's friends are:hitwall: :hitwall:

Whilst he isn't quite right perhaps, i'm curious which Muslim country is a stronger ally of Pakistan than China? I would say none. The US has always been a strong trading partner of Pakistan, and has sanctioned it, it's not a reliable ally. Pakistan could save a lot of money if it were given cheaper fuel by other Muslim countries and so on, this would hardly be a strain on their economies. So before talking about the enemies of Islam, look at the greatest threats to Pakistan today - the radicals of Lal Masjid, the Northern Alliance wishing to split it up, the opposition parties etc..the US is a threat but the biggest threat to Pakistan has to lie within the ranks of the radicals. Even Pakistan's history is tainted with Muslim enemies, it's a bit of a joke to say that the enemies of Islam are Pakistan's enemies. The enemies of Islam are less of a threat to Pakistan than the Islamists themselves. As long as it continues, why should Pakistan ally with who is Islamic when they are creating the biggest threat to it?
Yup I guess you'd be saying the same thing when America sanctions Pakistan to the eyeball again, or when America strikes well in Pakistan territory adn call all damage "colateral", Yup I wonder how much Pak-West trade there will be when America thinks Pakistan is no longer required. Even after trecherous history Pakistan can still to this day, not work out who It's friends are:hitwall: :hitwall:

can you please explain this to me in simple language so i can understand it.what you said above went right over my tiny brain.:coffee:

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