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Oppositions, freedom fighters decry India’s ‘Akhand Bharat’ mural

This combination of economic, cultural and military ascendency must coincide with decline of the same in countries professing abrahamic religions in the subcontinent. This is a generational project and many things could go wrong on the way. I also understand that it could be seen as far fetched at this time.

I am not proponent of this, but just see this as a side effect of possible Bharat's ascendancy.
Or Bharat may become another Brazil. Forever stuck in the middle.

Brazil had more of a chance to become a first world, industrialized, technologically advanced and influential country in the World than India would be. Brazil is a country with immense natural wealth, almost 3 times the size of India, right number of population (215 million), vast agricultural surplus, vast forest and mineral resources, still stuck as a middle income country, a middle power in the global affairs. Brazil's society and politics are not regressive and hate-filled, divisive like hindutva ruling power base in India. Brazilian don't believe in Cow urine will give this or that benefits or cow dung will cure COVID-19, or ancient Brazilian undertook intergalactic voyage. They are a liberal, progressive society with everything in their favor, yet are stuck in the middle income. Same case with rest of Latin America, South Africa, Russia etc.

It is doubtful even China with all it's industrial might could break into developed country status given it's size and rapidly aging population. No country with regressive, divisive rightwing ideology ever achieved prosperity, global power, prestige and influence. Why BJP-RSS ruled Bharat will be any different? Your ruling BJP-RSS is running on socio-economic modernization and institutions built by moderate Congress party in the previous six decades. India is enjoying now a demographic sweet spot which will end in the next 2-3 decades. Then things will not look as rosy as it is now. It will be an uphill battle then to achieve things which is now coming easily. So, don't be so sure about ''Bharat's ascendancy''.
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some of these maps get crazy tho

Why they have left out Saudi Arabia in this Mega-Akhand Bharat map when according to them Kaba was a Hindu temple before Islam.
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Why they have left out Saudi Arabia in this Mega-Akhand Bharat map when according to them Kaba was a Hindu temple before Islam.

If they can include KSA, they can rightfully include the whole Muslim world all the way upto Morocco, Spain which was under Muslims as well as Turkey, Greece, Bosnia and Albania. By extension also include Bulgaria and Ukraine.
If at some point people of subcontinent were converted to Islam, they could convert themselves back to native religions when they take pride in native religions. Hinduism has to achieve greatness for this to be achieved but it is a bit of very long term goal.
Hinduism is not native to the subcontinent. It was made by central asians/europeans, and then took its current form when the british categorised every non abrahamic pagan religion as "Hindu" in reference to a geographical area.

There's a reason only Hindu areas convert en masse to Islam and not the other way aorund.

Islam is superior in every way to Hinduism. In Islam you just worship the supreme being who created the cosmos. There is no place in Islam for sucking on some scrwany brahmin priest's lulli (video proof violates forum rules but I'm sure you've seen it on twitter) or worshiping subhuman creatures (like cows and boars) and inanimate idols. Races are equal in Islam and there is no caste system.

Unlike Hindus, Muslims are proud of their religion and don't cope by hiding aspects and pretending to be secular, despite the perpetual islamophobic propaganda.

No Muslim (or Christian or Jew) in their right mind would ever go from worshipping the supreme celestial being to being inferior to a cow and some scrawny dark brown brahmin priest who thinks he's whiter than snow and racially superior to everyone.
I have been saying this for more than 30 years that India's final plan is to take over all her neighbors to form Akhand Bharat. To stop India from implementing her Akhand Bharat plan all of the India's neighbors need to form a military alliance with China.

No fucking chance lol have you even seen them 😂🤣 you’ll get more fight out of a wet paper bag . You just have to blow on these pussies
If they can include KSA, they can rightfully include the whole Muslim world all the way upto Morocco, Spain which was under Muslims as well as Turkey, Greece, Bosnia and Albania. By extension also include Bulgaria and Ukraine.
That would be better. Otherwise Europeans would feel very neglected to be left out of maha-akhand Bharat. They might say, look even those Zulus in South Africa were included in maha-akhand Bharat, half of Australia was included, yet we Europeans are left behind, don't we dererves the opportunity to call ourself the maha-akhand Bharati and feel proud of our Sanatani heritage of our ancestors? They might start hunger strike wearing dhoti in front of the embessy of maha-akhand Bharat to accept their countries.
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some of these maps get crazy tho


This is probably a map of where Hindu slaves were sold. I can't read the Hindi.
Lol. My comment has riled up many. My only suggestion was that for India to achieve Akhand Bharat, it has to reach great heights culturally, economically and militarily. It cannot be done otherwise.

And all those who are commenting about Muslims cannot go back to idolatry, anything is possible given time (read generations). You may see it inconceivable today as you have grown up immersed in religion. But just as YouTubers from Pakistan make videos for Indian consumption for economic reasons or Pakistan army signs on cease fire agreement and actually adhere to it for the first time for military reasons, or Bangladeshis celebrating Durga puja for cultural reasons, things can happen when people see the changing world.

This combination of economic, cultural and military ascendency must coincide with decline of the same in countries professing abrahamic religions in the subcontinent. This is a generational project and many things could go wrong on the way. I also understand that it could be seen as far fetched at this time.

I am not proponent of this, but just see this as a side effect of possible Bharat's ascendancy.
300 Indians died because of copius street shitting on railway tracks, and Indians are busy blaming Muslims. I don't think such a backward and toxic country can even reach the status of a developed country, let alone a superpower that converts Muslims en masse.
Why they have left out Saudi Arabia in this Mega-Akhand Bharat map when according to them Kaba was a Hindu temple before Islam.

It was, actually, or at least "technically."

There's no clear foundation of "Hinduism." It's a mishmash of dozen upon dozens of idolistic beliefs and faiths, not much unlike ancient Voodoo. In fact, the term "Hinduism" was coined by none other than the invading British in the later 18th Century.


To collect a whole bunch of people under the same religious banner to oppose the Muslim might and power in the subcontinent. After all, a house divided by itself cannot stand, to quote Lincoln.

It was a pretty good strategy, in all honesty.
This is probably a map of where Hindu slaves were sold. I can't read the Hindi.

300 Indians died because of copius street shitting on railway tracks, and Indians are busy blaming Muslims. I don't think such a backward and toxic country can even reach the status of a developed country, let alone a superpower that converts Muslims en masse.

The great British Empire at it's zenith and the American empire of modern times failed, only ever received extremely violent resistance, call it terrorism who cares. Here we have Bhakts dreaming of converting Muslims to idolatry and establish Akhand Bharat upto Afghanistan. :taz::enjoy:
It was, actually, or at least "technically."

There's no clear foundation of "Hinduism." It's a mishmash of dozen upon dozens of idolistic beliefs and faiths, not much unlike ancient Voodoo. In fact, the term "Hinduism" was coined by none other than the invading British in the later 18th Century.


To collect a whole bunch of people under the same religious banner to oppose the Muslim might and power in the subcontinent. After all, a house divided by itself cannot stand, to quote Lincoln.

It was a pretty good strategy, in all honesty.
Hindus were actually pretty strict even with polytheist people whether to consider them Hindu or not until the start of 20th century, all those schedule tribes in British India was considered non hindu animists, untouchable. There was actually an active movement back then to embrace those tribes into Hindu folds with purification rituals in mega ceremony. They did it mostly to increase their foot-soldiers to confront Muslims. Currently Santhals, Gonds, Veels and hundreds of other tribes in Central India is considered Hindu, but in the past they were animists, no relation with Vedic Hinduism. Mainstream Hindus did not consider them Hindu or worthy of social contact. Their inclusion into Hinduism was a conscious political decision undertook by Hindu political and cultural elites back then.
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The great British Empire at it's zenith and the American empire of modern times failed, only ever received extremely violent resistance, call it terrorism who cares. Here we have Bhakts dreaming of converting Muslims to idolatry and establish Akhand Bharat upto Afghanistan. :taz::enjoy:
Seriously, the Indians can't even handle the Kashmiris, how do they plan on taking over half a billion Muslims?
Seriously, the Indians can't even handle the Kashmiris, how do they plan on taking over half a billion Muslims?

Lately after some deep thinking, I have become a proponent of Akhand Bharat. 36% to 62% Muslim, Hindu respectively represent a ~2:1 disadvantage if we are talking about Hindus forcefully converting Muslims. 2:1 disadvantage is acceptable to me, 1 Muslim can handle 2 Hindus, no problem whatsoever. Let the bhakts establish Akhand Bharat, let them shoot themselves in the foot, we will convert it to Akhand Islamic state in no time.
Lately after some deep thinking, I have become a proponent of Akhand Bharat. 36% to 62% Muslim, Hindu respectively represent a ~2:1 disadvantage if we are talking about Hindus forcefully converting Muslims. 2:1 disadvantage is acceptable to me, 1 Muslim can handle 2 Hindus, no problem whatsoever. Let the bhakts establish Akhand Bharat, let them shoot themselves in the foot, we will convert it to Akhand Islamic state in no time.

You're looking at it too literally.

It's just a political ploy to keep the people united against the same "enemy:" Muslims.

And who's the savoir? BJP, of course!

You've to understand that without patriotism and Hinduism, these people are deeply divided, both spiritually and politically, and I'm not even counting the Muslim population. Hinduism itself has basically hundreds of branches with almost half a billion gods, goddesses, deities, and whatnot.

How can you expect such a diverse group of people to stay united under the same banner, especially with casteism and colorism - if not even classism?

They HAVE to peddle this patriotic BS, otherwise Hindus will scatter like sheep!
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