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Opposition walkout ,Nawaz fail to answer 7 questions

Raheel sharif is only the front face. Military is now a power group instead of unity of command structure at the top. COAS can't and will not be able to change or go against the institutional mindset/modus-oprandi of Army. Even if we replace 100s of COASs, ARMY wont let go her political interests.

That's not true. The Army wants to have influence over the political system. I've personally spoken to two corps commanders a couple of years ago. They both said the military has seen what happened to Mushy. And we are the men of honor due to our service, but we don't want to be forced to exile in our last days when we get old. So the military doesn't want to take over jack. Which is a good step in the right direction.
That's not true. The Army wants to have influence over the political system. I've personally spoken to two corps commanders a couple of years ago. They both said the military has seen what happened to Mushy. And we are the men of honor due to our service, but we don't want to be forced to exile in our last days when we get old. So the military doesn't want to take over jack. Which is a good step in the right direction.
What's a corps commander says isn't necessarily what he does. When you meet the CC next time do ask him that what were the motives of ISPR in Jeopardizing the Iranian President's visit and releasing tweets before the joint statement.
Basically learning is a input for someone who considers one's self valunurable at some point in future. ARMY's future is secured and they're not valnurable since they have wielded much more power by tying themselves to the religion based ideology of the country.
Where is the name of nawaz sharif written in panama papers?

Where is it written that the dog of Ashaab-e-Kahaf will go to jannah? But it is concluded that it will go to jannah.

Lets wait for the conclusion.
I agree with that. Religion needs to be separated out from the remainder of the daily living and matters not requiring religion to be used, specially wrongfully.

When? When the children were little? Then that's correct like every human being. But not when they were 18 and over. Do you have a Copy of their ID cards to post here so we can ALL understand when they turned 18? Because so far, a whole lot of "stuff" cames out from people who are super corrupt themselves and come from different Mafia's. But nothing real has come out in terms of real legal proofs, questions and all. This drama has been going on since the caveman days of IK crying about "rigging", aka, the Dog ate my votes!! :lol:

I think NS did exactly that. First he went to the Public, because remember, he is answerable to the Public first who gave him their votes. He also went to the Public because all opposites went to the public crying again. This time, crying corruption.

Mature and educated opposition members bring these issues up and settled these inside the Parliament. Here, IK would let people get killed, sit-ins filled with extremism talk and intensity to go destroy the Parliament.....BUT he will then refer to "The British System" and the British PM a an example. Will someone PLEASE show me when did the British Opposition threw in the sit-ins, verbally abused others, attacked their own Parliament and all? They don't do that, they are EDUCATED and they love their country. Someone needs to tell IK that when you use the British PM's example, he should act like the British opposition too. Can't just keep accusing others, and not do the right thing yourself!!

There is no need for Public unrest. Like you can see, this is going back to the Parliament (just like the sit-in). So may be the "others" should learn to follow their Oath and really start with the Parliament first because they come back to it looking like their tail is in between their legs, every few month.. So why bark so much when you can't "legally" bite and yet, disrupt the entire nation on a new dog and pony show every few months??

At-least he had a rich father.......all these "new billionaires" like IK, Tareen, Aleem.....which "daddy" did they have who was so rich and made them billionaires in like 2 decades???? These people were NOTHING just 20+ years ago. And today, they are billionaires......primarily by thuggish behaviors, ripping people off their land, by using death threats against families to steal their land and all? How does a Cricketer become a billionaire? What's the story behind Bini Gala land (and many other land and asset investments)?

There is A LOT of corruption here. At the least, NS has give everyone 50 years of history and a money trail. And no, those pictures with the UAE Sheikhs weren't fake from the late 70's :rofl:. They did have a huge mill. The UAE, just in one decade, in the 2000's has grown so much that I personally was looking for a Villa for my business trips to Dubai. I was surprised to find out that a decent one costs over $ 1 million easy!!!! This is just in the past 16 years land value appraisal, now if you go back to the late 70's.......you can imagine how much money people have been making as their real estate appreciates from the 70's to the 80s to the 90's and to the 2000's. Estimated, a $ 100K investment in a growing real estate market over 10 years, becomes 250K worth. So these people who bought thousands of acres.....just imagine the return!!

They sold their UAE factory back in 81-82 I think, for $ 17 million dollars. You know what that's like today in 2016? USD 17 million back then, has siimilar buying power and value compared to $ 170 million today!!!! That's some serious $$$$ back 40-50 years a go!! And you know the most basic advise real businessmen give you? Its to INVEST. And they'll tell you, money sitting in your savings account is money become paper as things get more expensive but your money doesn't grow. So, all businessmen make sure to invest to continue to grow their money. So what makes you think these guys didn't reinvest that $ 17 million into things that today may be worth over $ 100 million???? Common sense says, they have!!

Now let's see.....IK, Tareen, Zardari, Aleem....where were these people and how much were they worth or their parents 50 years ago? The answer is a few thousands of dollars at max IF THAT!!! So let's do right comparisons.

Also, now if 99% of the Pakistani children aren't that rich, who's fault is that? Well, people RULING Pakistan for the past 70 years!!!! So why should one's poorness or richness be compared to another person? Its like me saying Donald Trump's kids and a Janitor's kids have a huge difference. Well, no shiiit???? Not everyone's made the same by God. Some are rich, some are poor and some are in-between. So bringing that up here makes absolutely ZERO sense.

Next, the current government is doing a lot of work, which will produce millions of Pakistani future millionaires (majority of which are young kids today and who will have the opportunity to be in a growing country, get educated and make their own destiny). THAT is the main job of a government, to create employment and economic opportunity, and provide peace and stability in the shape of a system.

So if you really want to be upset about why there are so many poor people.......you should know where that blame needs to go. And you obviously don't like to point the finger in the right direction :enjoy:. So Pakistan can ONLY grow and provide a better future to her nation, when ALL people (irrespective of Civil, Military, etc,etc), can work together as a nation and help the country grow and WANT their country to grow. Which means, these stupid sit-ins, leg pulling all becomes useless if you have bigger and better things in your mind!!

The US has ONE President. And we go to WAR when that President (our commander in chief) says so. No questions asked!!! The British PM is "The Chief Executive" of the country. But the name of the Queen / Her Majesty is used everywhere. Every organization / country / party has its own structure. If the members aren't complaining.....what's your issue? As modernization comes, these things will change too.

Take a look at IK's organization. So many gangsters and thug mafia members got in (rejects from PMLN and PPP) by paying the highest price. This was highlighted in TWO accountability audits which were done within Pakistan Triple my-Income party (PTI). They clearly said the leaders have sold the seats to incompetent people for the highest bid. What was the result? IK fired BOTH of the ex-judges doing the audit :rofl::angel:.

He runs this party like a Mafia.....how come you never outline that? His party hasn't produced mere EGGS for the nation, let alone big projects. On the other hand, an existing government is working diligently and the work is visible to the naked eye (unless you want to close your eyes, when you face one of their projects :rofl:).

So why continue to complain, throw sit-ins and keep crying about just one individual or a party, who's working, when you, yourself have NOTHING positive to show? So trying to steal the government to take credit of all of their hard work is justified? This is called "theft" not politics!!!! Now these people don't even want to go to the Supreme Court because thugs sitting on the top of PTI, know how much jail time would come in for their corruption. So now, they are trying to cut deals under the table.....what the hell is all this? Wasting a poor nations valuable time, money and creating such intensity and anxiety within a poor country?? WHY????

HAAH!!! My favorite, like IK's British PM, this time in New Zealand!!!! Well, when IK and his thugs can ACT like the opposition of the UK and New Zealand, I am SURE the PM of Pakistan will too. He hasn't verbally abused anyone atleast I've not seen or heard about it. Now take IK......listen to him talk, it feels like a thug ran out of high school, never finished college. Has nothing concrete or civil to talk about. He'll verbally abuse everyone, and at the end will use the "British PM" example :rofl::angel:. Tell me how stupid this is. You are acting like a thug when you are supposed to be a small time opposition leader. BUT, you expect the PM to act like the "British PM" when you've not done anything close to what the British Opposition does or the education, civil manners or the maturity their law makers show???? How effing stupid is that????

Who will change all this? Well, it is being changed right now. When a thug opposition leader uses verbal abuse and sit-ins, etc, etc, but the other side shows restraints and keeps things civil, people watching it, are smart enough to see the difference. People listening, have their brains learning the patience and maturity (that's what human brain does, it learns without you knowing). But then people following IK.....what's their brains are learning? Conflict, agitation, aggression, violence????? So when idiots aren't elected and they don't act like thugs, and act like leaders, these things will change. LEADERS change the culture by patience, civil manners, maturity and wise decision making. IK has NONE of these.

The GHQ has CLEARLY told IK THREE times in the past three years that hey man, calm the f**k down. Don't derail the system and back off from pulling legs, no government toppling. IK STILL doesn't want to learn and gets a kick in the rear each time. This time, I give it to the GHQ, both NS and RS have up to speed understanding of the challenges Pakistan face. They both know the fact that "they are it", meaning the work they have put in and what's working already, won't happen again. And that the CPEC getting stopped would be a dream come true for many, or a coupe or leg pulling like IK, toppling the government, etc. So both the Shariffs know they have to produce for Pakistan and even with "agree to disagreements" on some issues, there is a concrete agreement to grow Pakistan and do things for Pakistan. Why IK and other foolish politicians don't put the country ahead of their political agenda and hunger for power????

If you had ONE organization like this, IK would've been flagged and sent to jail the first time he lied on the papers for the election commission to run for a member of the assembly. But, don't worry, that time is coming. IK, Tareen and Aleem will have the LEAST expensive real estate given to them without even a charge not too far out in the future. The Justice will be served and it will be made available for ALL!!
thanks Viper

PM's address was lacking substance . again same mantra of persecutions, sacrifices etc but then again Boo Hoo to the opposition that decided to walk out of the parliament when it was the same people demanding him to come and explain himself. Now they can make fiery speeches but it wont cut it.
(story of the life of Democracy in Pakistan).

just a general comment (not related to this post) go easy on non Punjabi ethnicities and specially avoid generous reference to other Dieties & theologies.. people dont take it kindly and are having a moment/ reaction similar to Reza Aslan's (Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth) book.

Basically learning is a input for someone who considers one's self valunurable at some point in future. ARMY's future is secured and they're not valnurable since they have wielded much more power by tying themselves to the religion based ideology of the country.
they seem to have the hand on the pulse of the nation .. looking at a way a flash mob is readily available to lynch anyone on a little suggestion of blasphemy.
thanks Viper

PM's address was lacking substance . again same mantra of persecutions, sacrifices etc but then again Boo Hoo to the opposition that decided to walk out of the parliament when it was the same people demanding him to come and explain himself. Now they can make fiery speeches but it wont cut it. (story of the life of Democracy in Pakistan).

Within the past one week, the PM's been to two countries and the Parliament (which is a huge drama by itself) and many other things that are constantly happening inside Pakistan (Energy, CPEC, Infrastructure, Budget, Law Enforcement, etc, etc). Is it fair to waste a nation's PM's time at this time in the history when they are clearly doing too many things to setup a base for a growing Pakistan before they leave?? I don't think so. Is it also fair to continue to ask the PM based on allegations and no legal case to step down or "explain" when he has no case and his name was legally not in anything? I don't think so. The best way for this was, to start in the Parliament when the leaks took place. Ask the PM to come in once, and whatever he couldn't explain or would require documents, ask him to assign a person on his behalf to provide those details. Then, go over those papers, user forensics, etc, and if something doesn't look right, get a vote of no confidence together, OR, take the gaps in findings to the Supreme Court. The entire nation didn't need to feel anxious and disturbed. Leaders keep it calm. Not get so emotional and cause damage to the country. Leader in the West is someone, who under the most stressful situation, can lead the ship and make right decisions. Leadership in Pakistan means who is the loudest mouth and does fiery speech. He can throw the entire country in a ditch and that's somehow fine!!!!

Now, the PM was in the Parliament. Had the pre-planned "walk out" for no reason didn't take place, these guys could've nicely ask him 100 questions. Or, whatever answers they didn't get, they could've asked him for those as follow ups. But if IK and his people don't want to follow maturity, who's fault is that????

just a general comment (not related to this post) go easy on non Punjabi ethnicities and specially avoid generous reference to other Dieties & theologies.. people dont take it kindly and are having a moment/ reaction similar to Reza Aslan's (Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth) book.

I have nothing against Punjabi's or non-Punjabis. I am a black dude writing stuff here JUST to show people how much the world knows about Pakistan (whether they love it or hate it). And that their country's been run by ethnicity focused entities, NOT by "Pakistanis". If you see a political make up, Sidh has PPP and MQM, Punjab has PMLN, Baluchistan has its own and PMLN minority and KPK now has PTI and a couple of others. As you can see, the country is very ethnically divided. Compare this to the US. Let's say Texas, (Texas's original / native's want it to be a separate republic), but they are proud Americans no matter how they feel about the history. Because America as a combined nation is what helps Texas too so there are no divisions outside of house parties.

In Pakistan, there is now an organized movement by the PTI to instill its people into places, no matter how much it costs. I don't know if that makes any sense to be honest. So Truth sucks and obviously it causes heart burn. But someone has to point to it......otherwise everyone's hiding it or over looking it. I never put non-Punjabi or Punjabi or anyone else, in a personal, negative way. I do highlight the point in terms of a national movement. That's everyone right. But, it just doesn't need to go against Pakistan. That's pretty simple.

they seem to have the hand on the pulse of the nation .. looking at a way a flash mob is readily available to lynch anyone on a little suggestion of blasphemy.

I agree and this needs to stop before its too late for Pakistan. That's why I am against any ethnic group playing ethnicity. Its time all people played Pakistanis and put their personal and family / ethnicity on the side. God made up all equal and in tribes so we can live together. Not fall a country apart.
Its the same report with Nawaz always. Same over used phrases and sentences.

"Our hands are clean"

"My life can be an open e book"

But nonetheless I wont from a genuine exploration team. He is proficient at digging his own political grave.

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