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Opinionated - China Chipping Away to Semiconductor Dominance

By David Manners 8th December 2017

China IC design industry tops $30bn

China’s IC design industry revenue will reach $30 billion in 2017, says Trendforce, and a growth rate of 20% is expected to deliver $36 billion industry revenue in 2018.

HiSilicon and Sanechips (ZTE Microelectronics) provide NB-IoT chipS, Cambricon Technologies and Horizon Robotics are developing AI chips. Unigroup Spreadtrum RDA, Datang, and HiSilicon have made chips for 5G.

Datang Semiconductor drops out of Trendforce!/ China top ten, with WillSemi and GigaDevice entering the list.

HiSilicon grew revenues more than 25% due to the increasing penetration rate of Kirin chips in phones.

Tsinghua Unigroup Subsidiaries Spreadtrum and RDA had a drop in revenue because of competition in the low- and mid-range mobile IC market.

Sanechips, whose core business is designing IC components for telecommunication applications, has grown revenues over 30%.

Huada Semiconductor makes ICs for smart cards, security ICs, analogue ICs circuit, and display drivers etc. Its 2017 revenue is expected to top $755 million.

Goodix had revenue growth of 25% as a result the increasing penetration rate of fingerprint recognition technology in smartphones.

GigaDevice, which enters the top 10 list for the first time, makes NOR Flash and 32bit MCUs. Its 2017 revenue is expected to increase by more than 40%, reaching $300 million.


@Bussard Ramjet HiSilicon is now a 5.86 billion USD fabless business. 10 billion by 2020? :D
大国重器 芯片高端装备迈向新征程












千锤百炼 抒写国芯基石的责任与担当









打破垄断 锻造出离子注入机国产品牌






零的突破 国产200mmCMP进入中芯产线验证





据悉,在接下来的6个月里,200mm CMP设备要正式接受大生产的考验,设备的可靠性和一致性将经受严格考核。

成套供应 先进封装关键设备批量应用于龙头企业









@Bussard Ramjet :coffee::D
BOE lights up world’s first Gen-10.5 LCD line
By Chu Daye in Hefei Source:Global Times Published: 2017/12/20 22:13:39

Plant will allow Chinese players to break S.Korean monopoly

People check out BOE's products at an exhibition in Wuhan, Central China's Hubei Province in November. Photo: VCG

Leading Chinese semiconductor display panel producer BOE Technology on Wednesday began production at the world's first Generation-10.5 thin-film transistor liquid crystal display (LCD) panel fabrication plant, intensifying competition among makers of the world's largest TV panels.

The company said the official operation of the fabrication facility in Hefei, capital of East China's Anhui Province, will usher in a new era of ultra-high-definition 8K display technology.

The Hefei plant, which is the world's highest generation facility, will be able to process glass substrates that reach 3,370 by 2,940 millimeters, in contrast to the 2,500 by 2,200 millimeters glass substrates now processed by mainstream Generation-8.5 fabrication plants. This change represents an 80 percent increase in area of the processed substrates.

The plant allows larger substrates to be processed more economically and it enables BOE to make forays into the production of large panels of above 55 inches, a market segment largely dominated by South Korean companies.

Zhang Yu, senior vice president of BOE, told the Global Times on Wednesday that begin production means that Chinese firms have become the leaders in the race to produce large-sized display panels.

"Chinese producers are now in the position of front-runner, ahead of their South Korean and Japanese rivals," Zhang said.

Being the world's first gives BOE many opportunities, like developing and influencing technical standards, Zhang said on the sidelines of the event.

Li Yaqin, deputy general manager at industry portal sigmaintell.com, said the commencement of the BOE Hefei fabrication facility is the starting point of a new era, in which Chinese players will take on the advantageous position currently held by South Korean companies such as LG Display and Samsung.

"By 2019, the scale of Chinese companies' panel production capacity from plants of Generation-6 and above will become No.1 in the world. By 2020, the production capacity of BOE in this segment will surpass that of LG Display to top the world," Li told the Global Times on Wednesday.

In 2017, Chinese mainland-based makers of large LCDs (more than 55 inches) only held a 2 percent global market share, while makers from South Korea and the island of Taiwan had a combined 98 percent share, according to data from signaintell.com.

According to estimates by simgaintell, China's large panel output will increase from the current 2 percent market share to 12 percent next year, boosted by the output from BOE.

"Lack of capacity to produce large-sized panels has constrained the development of Chinese players, and the operation of this line can fill that gap. However, it will take time for the facility to achieve its designed output," Li said, noting that high scrap rates occur during the production process of such large and advanced panels.

"It's a good starting point to break the monopoly of rival companies and realize innovation at the world's highest-generation production facility," Li said, noting that display panels are increasingly growing in size and boasting ever-higher definition. These trends pose a growing challenge to production capacity.

South Korea, which has kept the top position in the global LCD market for nearly a decade in terms of production, appears about to be overtaken by China, Seoul-based Aju Business Daily reported in September.

In 2018, China will produce 35.7 percent of the world's large LCD panels to stand No.1 for the first time in history, followed by the island of Taiwan's 29.8 percent and South Korea's 28.8 percent, the report said, citing market research firm Witzview.

China's large LCD panel production capacity is projected to reach 48.3 percent of the global total in 2020, according to the report.

However, Li said although Chinese panel makers will enjoy world's leading position in production capacity, there are still considerable gaps with makers from South Korea and the island of Taiwan in terms of industrial structure, overall strength and technological innovation.

By 2022, the competition among BOE, LG Display and Taiwan-based Hon Hai Precision Industry Co will still be closely matched, Li said.

While it took years for rivals to bring scrap rates into a reasonable range,

Zhang told the Global Times that BOE plans to achieve reasonable scrap rates at the Hefei plant before July 2018.

In terms of innovation, the shift from 4K display technology to 8K technology could be a turning point for Chinese players to further narrow the gap, Li said.
Domestic tech firms step up efforts on chip production

2018-01-12 13:09

China Daily Editor: Liang Meichen

In response to the country's increasing stress on internet and information security, domestic companies have sped up their research and development of independently produced and controllable chips.

Shanghai Zhaoxin Semiconductor Co Ltd released its independently developed and produced general-purpose central processing unit KX-5000 at the end of December 2017. It is the first domestically produced CPU supporting dual-channel DDR 4 memory, which has been widely adopted by the world's leading manufacturers such as Intel and ADM for their new products this year.

The company says the KX-5000 series octuple-core processor has a similar performance to that of Intel's Core i3-6100 processor.

Founded in 2013, Zhaoxin began mass production in 2016. Last year, as many as 30,000 Zhaoxin chips were sold and the goal for 2018 is a maximum 200,000 chips. At present, local government departments and a number of domestic companies in Shanghai have purchased computers installed with Zhaoxin chips. The large office computer market in China is the long-term target for Zhaoxin, according to the company's Chairman Ye Jun.

Zhaoxin is the first and only Chinese company that has grasped the three key technologies in chip production-CPU, graphics processing unit and chipset.

Ye said such technologies are of great importance in terms of China's information security and industrial security. It is especially imminent since the industry leader Intel has been reported at the beginning of this year to have two major bugs that might allow sensitive data such as passwords to be stolen, he said.

Ye also stressed that less reliance on imported chips will secure the production of Chinese manufacturing companies. Shenzhen-based telecom company ZTE halted trading in early March last year because the central government of the United States banned it from importing US chips. Consequently, its production was dramatically affected.

According to Wei Shaojun, professor of Institute of Microelectronics at Tsinghua University, the value of imported integrated circuit products hit a record high in China last year to reach $250 billion. Integrated circuits have become the product with the highest import value in the country, overtaking crude oil. Among the $250 billion, the majority has been spent on CPUs.

Meanwhile, the world's CPU market has been dominated by the two US giants-Intel and AMD-with Intel taking up the majority 86 percent and AMD accounting for 13 percent, according to market consultancy Mercury Research.

"Our goal is to become the world's third-largest CPU manufacturer," Ye said. "We have already made the first moves, which is like making the first crack on an iron plate."


Qualcomm is the most caste ridden tech, whereby hiring is skewed in favor of South Asian. A year ago when I looked at Qualcomm numbers, I predicted it to be surpass by MTK in 5 years.

The purchase of NXP manage to buy her sometime.
China's silicon valley reports revenue growth in first 11 months
Xinhua, January 14, 2018

The high and new-tech firms in Beijing's Zhongguancun Science Park reported increased revenue in the first 11 months of 2017, official data showed.

The technology park made 4.2 trillion yuan (about 650 billion U.S. dollars) during the period, up 14.2 percent year on year, according to the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics.

Advanced manufacturing, electronics and information, environmental protection, energy-saving, bioengineering and medicine, all saw fast growth.

Zhongguancun Science Park has more than 590,000 research and development personnel. R&D investment grew nearly 18 percent year-on-year to reach 144 billion yuan during the period.

China wants to make the chips that will add AI to any gadget
The AI boom offers Chinese chipmakers a chance to catch up after years of lagging behind.

In an office at Tsinghua University in Beijing, a computer chip is crunching data from a nearby camera, looking for faces stored in a database. Seconds later, the same chip, called Thinker, is handling voice commands in Chinese. Thinker is designed to support neural networks. But what’s special is how little energy it uses—just eight AA batteries are enough to power it for a year.

Thinker can dynamically tailor its computing and memory requirements to meet the needs of the software being run. This is important since many real-world AI applications—recognizing objects in images or understanding human speech—require a combination of different kinds of neural networks with different numbers of layers.

In December 2017, a paper describing Thinker’s design was published in the IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, a top journal in computer hardware design. For the Chinese research community, it was a crowning achievement.

The chip is just one example of an important trend sweeping China’s tech sector. The country’s semiconductor industry sees a unique opportunity to establish itself amid the current wave of enthusiasm for hardware optimized for AI. Computer chips are key to the success of AI, so China needs to develop its own hardware industry to become a real force in the technology (see “China’s AI Awakening”).

The West shouldn’t fear China’s artificial-intelligence revolution. It should copy it.
“Compared to how China responded to previous revolutions in information technology, the speed at which China is following the current [AI] trend is the fastest,” says Shouyi Yin, vice director of Tsinghua University’s Institute of Microelectronics and the lead author of the Thinker paper, referring to the effort to design neural-network processors in China.

Even as China has become a manufacturing hub of solar panels and smartphones, the country’s semiconductor industry lags far behind that of the U.S. Between January and September 2017, China spent $182.8 billion importing integrated circuits—a 13.5 percent increase from the previous year, according to the China Semiconductor Industry Association. Major U.S. tech companies, including Google and Intel, as well as a few startups, are developing chips for AI applications (see “The Race to Power AI’s Silicon Brains”).

In a three-year action plan to develop AI, published by China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in December 2017, the government laid out a goal of being able to mass-produce neural-network processing chips by 2020.


A schematic shows different elements of a chip called Thinker, developed at Tsinghua University in Beijing.

While it is possible to run AI software using existing chips such as the powerful graphics chips or FPGAs (a kind of blank chip that can be reconfigured on the fly), those designs are expensive and do not lend themselves to small devices that use batteries. That’s why Yin’s team at Tsinghua developed Thinker.

Thinker could be embedded in a wide range of devices, such as smartphones, watches, home robots, or equipment stationed in remote areas. Yin’s team plans to launch the first product fitted with Thinker this March.

Similar projects are under way elsewhere in China. In late January, a research team at the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Computing Technology (ICT) will have a local semiconductor manufacturer produce a small batch of chips for use in robots. The chip, called Dadu, has two cores—one for running neural networks and another for controlling motion. The neural core runs the algorithms for vision but also allows the motion core to plan the optimal route for reaching a destination or the best motion for grabbing an object.

Yinhe Han, director of the institute’s Cyber Computing Lab and head of the robot chip project, envisions a slew of applications, including robots that deliver coffee and drones controlled with hand gestures. The advantage of developing a system like this in China, he says, is the large user base, which makes updating chip design based on user experience faster.

China has tried, and failed, to shake up the chip industry before. In 2001 the ICT assembled a team to develop desktop CPUs. That team became the kernel of a Chinese chipmaker called Loongson, but the company’s products never became as widely used as the founders would have liked.

China’s integrated-circuit industry has expanded rapidly, accounting for 58 percent of the worldwide growth in the integrated-circuit market from 2000 to 2016. But in 2016, China’s share of worldwide semiconductor fabrication capacity was still only 14.2 percent, according to PwC. In a manufacturing policy announced by the central government in 2015, called Made in China 2025, chip design and fabrication was one of the key areas in which the government asked for a breakthrough.

However, Chinese chip startups find themselves in an environment that’s vastly different from the one that gave birth to Intel or Nvidia. Businesses have taken to cloud computing in droves, meaning there may be less of a market for off-the-shelf hardware, says Dongrui Fan, president of SmarCo, a Beijing-based startup that designs an AI chip for data centers that process video footage.

But China’s AI companies are increasingly also developing their own hardware.

“In the future, companies that only make chips may be fewer and fewer,” says Fengxiang Ma, director of ASIC design at Horizon Robotics, a Beijing-based startup focused on applying AI techniques in driving and cameras. In December 2017, Horizon released two computer vision chips. They can be used to enable vehicles to recognize pedestrians or help shopping malls find patterns in visitor traffic. Since its founding in 2015, the company has grown to more than 300 employees.

Ma says Horizon Robotics is not a chip company, but it designs the chips for its products in-house for better product performance and lower production cost.

For now, Chinese chip researchers have many problems to solve: how to commercialize their chip designs, how to scale up, and how to navigate a world of computing being transformed by AI. What’s not lacking, though, is ambition. “As chip researchers, we all have dreams,” says Yinhe Han of ICT. “We’ll see how far we can leap.”

China launches cloud platform of integrated circuits, microsystems
Source: Xinhua| 2018-01-28 11:16:46|Editor: Mengjie

BEIJING, Jan. 28 (Xinhua) -- China's first online sharing platform for integrated circuits and microsystems has been launched by a state-owned enterprise.

The platform, initiated by China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC), enables the public to have access to the CETC intellectual property database, software tools and production line.

The platform welcomes other enterprises to submit their research results online to promote development in the field.

China has called for improvements in its chip development as its electronic information industry has long-depended on imported chips.

"Developing the technology and industry of integrated circuits and microsystems not only goes with the tide of information technology development, but also meets the needs of integrated and intellectual development," said Xiong Qunli, CETC president.

Liu Liehong, general manager of the CETC, said the corporation was able to provide professional services for the industry of integrated circuits and microsystems with solid research basis.
SMIC obtains government fund for advanced node technology development

Staff reporter, DIGITIMES, Taipei

Thursday 1 February 2018
China-based pure-play foundry Semiconductor Manufacturing International (SMIC) has obtained financial support from the government to accelerate the development of its 14nm and more advanced process technologies.

SMIC announced recently China's National Semiconductor Industry Investment Fund (known as the Big Fund) and Shanghai Integrated Circuit Investment Fund (SICIF) have made capital investments in subsidiary Semiconductor Manufacturing South China (SMSC), which will become a joint venture between the parties. The stake in SMSC held collectively by SMIC Shanghai and SMIC Holdings has therefore reduced to 50.1% from 100%, SMIC added.

SMSC was founded at the end of 2016 with a capital base of only US$210 million, SMIC disclosed. With the Big Fund and SICIF becoming SMSC's new shareholders, SMSC is able to expand its registered capital to US$3.5 billion, with the Big Fund and SICIF holding 27.04% and 22.86%, respectively, of the JV company.

SMSC will help SMIC move forward in the development of advanced-node process technologies at a faster pace, according to SMIC. The JV company will be responsible for the development of SMIC's advanced 14nm and below process technologies, with a goal of fabricating 35,000 12-inch wafers monthly.

SMIC in 2015 formed a JV in Shanghai with Huawei, Qualcomm, and nano-electronics research institute Imec to focus on R&D of CMOS technology for the development of 14nm and beyond production processes. Dubbed SMIC Advanced Technology Research & Development (Shanghai), the JV company could assist SMSC in bringing 14nm and more advanced node technology into production, market observers believe.

In addition, SMIC's newly-appointed co-CEO Mong-song Liang, who worked previously for Samsung and was a senior director of R&D at TSMC's advanced modules technology division before joining Samsung, will play a key role in SMIC's advanced 14/10nm FinFET process technology R&D, according to the observers.












Bitmain's rumored Ethereum ASIC miner could kill GPU mining
3-4 minutes
Bitmain rumored to be working on Ethereum ASIC miner, teased at 200-250MH/s for $2500-$3000

Right now we're in one of the worst positions ever for consumer graphics cards, with prices sky high and stocks at rock bottom, most GPUs are being eaten up by crypto miners. What can help, other than a purported next-gen GeForce GTX 20 series and possibly mining-specific SKUs of GTX 20 series cards? Ethereum ASIC miners, that's what.

The latest news coming in from China is that mining giant Bitmain is working on an Ethereum ASIC miner, the purported Antminer F3. Bitmain's rumored F3 Ethereum miner would pack 3 motherboards with 6 ASICs per motherboard, as well as 32 x 1GB DDR3 memory chips that would make for a very power efficient, but incredibly powerful Ethereum ASIC miner. This would put GPU mining for Ethereum out of business, almost overnight.

Bitmain is reportedly meeting with a few manufacturers in Taiwan, so you can be sure that they're talking to TSMC and others in order to see how many chips they can get their hands-on.

The new ETH ASIC chips will begin production later this month, with the ASICs hitting 200-200MH/s and this could be even better with final hardware. We would be looking at between $2500 and $3000 for the Atminer F3 Ethereum ASIC miner, which is not too bad at all considering the purported 200-220MH/s mining power.


Bitmain Recorded $2.3 Billion Turnover Following Cryptocurrency Boom in 2017
3-4 minutes
Mark Twain rightly said, “During the gold rush it’s a good time to be in the pick and shovel business.” In the 21st century, Bitcoin is the new gold, and Application-specific Integrated Chips (ASICs) are the new picks, and business is booming for many submarkets in the space.

Swell of Market Demand
Unsurprisingly, Bitmain one of the largest mining hardware manufacturers announced massive profits associated with the firm’s ASIC chip sales. The China-based company accrued over $2 billion in sales in 2017 alone, with profit touching approximately $360 million. That makes Bitmain the most prominent business in the mining space.

This increase in profits can be correctly attributed to the rise in purchases of their highly popular ASIC S9 Miner. The product is a simple consumer-grade crypto miner, which is not only power efficient but also has the best return on investment for its users.

An apparent reason for the increase in mining is the boom in cryptocurrencies as well as the overall exposure the sector has received as of late. The explosive growth has bolstered the need for more mining chips and attracted manufacturers like TSMC who will focus more on the crypto scene rather than the smartphone chips market.

Mining in China
One challenge that Bitmain has faced since its inception is government regulation. Much of China’s mainland authorities have banned the usage of cryptocurrency and are now looking to close the application of crypto hardware. That could end up hurting sales for Bitmain’s mining chips. However, the pressure of shutdown has led Bitmain to seek more friendly overseas investment opportunities.

Furthermore, the massive consumption of electricity is also proving to be a hurdle for the hardware manufacturer. The energy consumption needed to mine cryptocurrency is skyrocketing, and this is another red flag for authorities. The bitcoin energy consumption index reveals a much similar characteristic.

Due to these two features, their operations are facing tightening efforts from the Chinese government. Principally, regulatory bodies will monitor more closely power usage and output by mining groups.

Despite this regulation attempts, they seem to be having little effect on chip companies like Bitmain. Nonetheless, this does not mean authorities can’t act on their words. For that reason, miners can face clamp down on their virtual currency and thus cash flow.

Source: BTC Manager


STMicro Licenses LDMOS From Chinese Chip Startup
2-3 minutes

News & Analysis


LONDON — STMicroelectronics has licensed laterally diffused metal oxide semiconductor (LDMOS) RF power technology from Innogration Technologies, a Chinese semiconductor company specializing in the design and manufacturing of RF power semiconductor devices, modules, and sub-system assemblies.

Innogration is a start-up founded by Gordon Ma, who in the past worked with Freescale and Infineon and owns various patents on technology that ST wanted access to. Headquartered in Suzhou, China, Innogration claims to be the only commercial company doing vertical integration across multiple RF power semiconductor enablers, including core LDMOS and GaN in device and application areas with the addition of GaAs and VDMOS.

ST’s license gives it access to Innogration’s LDMOS technology and IP, enabling it to develop new products and expand the range of applications that ST can address on LDMOS. The companies’ R&D teams also expect to cooperate closely to allow both companies to co-develop relevant products for each specific segment of the RF power market.

LDMOS is a mature technology suited for applications such as wireless infrastructure, industrial, scientific, medical, avionics, radar and non-cellular radio. Combining a short conduction-channel length with a high breakdown voltage, LDMOS devices are typically used in RF power amplifiers —where they can be used in base stations for wireless communications systems — as well as in the power amplifiers for commercial and industrial systems.

— Nitin Dahad is a European correspondent for EE Times.
AMEC Introduces the Primo Nanova® System - Company's First ICP Etch Product for Chipmakers' most Advanced Memory and Logic Device Designs
Advanced Micro-Fabrication Equipment Inc.
Mar 12, 2018, 11:00 ET

SHANGHAI, March 12, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- This week at SEMICON China, Advanced Micro-Fabrication Equipment Inc. (AMEC) formally unveiled the Primo nanova® system (nanova) - the company's first inductively coupled plasma (ICP) etcher for high-volume front-end production of memory and logic ICs. The system combines proprietary ICP technology innovations and novel features to help customers achieve application imperatives like tight critical dimension (CD) uniformity and superior control. Key differentiations include a specialized symmetric chamber configuration that enables very high pumping speed, as well as a novel low-capacitive coupling coil design, and a temperature-controlled multiple-zone electrostatic chuck (ESC). With these and other unique features, the system delivers superior process performance for critical conductor and dielectric etch applications at device nodes of 5nm and below, at a cost of ownership (CoO) that is significantly lower than comparative tools.

AMEC’s Primo nanova® ICP etch system
AMEC has received orders for the nanova system from multiple customers. Products have been shipped and the first tool is already in production and demonstrating very stable yield. The company is now accelerating demo requests. The system strengthens AMEC's portfolio of etch tools which includes multi-generation capacitively coupled plasma (CCP) dielectric and TSV etch product families.

The nanova system was engineered to address today's IC manufacturing complexities where new materials, new transistor structures, double and even quadruple patterning, and other technology advancements are helping to ensure continued device shrinks. Critical success imperatives for etch in this processing environment are high uniformity and superior control across the wafer, with wide process window. The nanova system meets these technical requirements in a cost-effective single-station chamber tool.

"The nanova system deploys today's most advanced etch technology to empower customers at the leading edge with enabling innovation and exceptional flexibility," said Dr. Tom Ni, VP and GM of AMEC's Etch Product Business Group. "The system can process diverse conductor etch applications, like STI, poly-gate, spacer, mask etching and etch-back, with industry-leading productivity and superior on-wafer performance. As an ICP-based technology, it can etch deep vertical holes, as well as shallow tapered features. It's a cost-competitive solution as well, thanks to a smaller-than-average footprint and an innovative design that reduces consumables use. We're excited to see customers already benefiting from the tool."

The Primo nanova System: Key Enabling Attributes and Advantages

The six-chamber tool with two load lock strippers features proprietary innovations that collectively enable higher productivity and greater throughput. They include:
  • A proprietary low-capacitive coupling coil design that enables more independent ion density and energy which is essential for higher selectivity and soft etch;
  • A symmetric chamber design featuring a multi-zone ESC and active-edge tilting control for better uniformity. AMEC engineered the design to overcome side-to-side non-uniformity which has been a persistent challenge in high-volume manufacturing;
  • Wide process window and precise localized profile control with significantly higher pumping speed when compared to similar products;
  • Innovative plasma-enhanced PVD coating, coupled with precise chamber wall temperature and superior chamber environment control for greater process stability and defect reduction.
Dr. Ni further noted: "Feedback from customers confirms that the nanova system delivers the on-wafer performance and productivity we intended, and with compelling CoO benefits. It's a flexible tool that is equipped to process diverse applications with minimal configuration adjustments."

Primo nanova is a trademark of Advanced Micro-Fabrication Equipment Inc.

Advanced Micro-Fabrication Equipment Inc. (AMEC)
AMEC is China's leading provider of advanced process technology to global manufacturers of semiconductors and solid-state lighting (SSL) products. Headquartered in Shanghai, the company is an entrenched supplier of dielectric and TSV Etch tools, helping chipmakers build devices at process nodes as low as 7nm. To date, nearly 800 AMEC process units have been positioned at 40 leading-edge semiconductor fabs across Asia. The company is also well established in Europe with AMEC MEMS tools running in production at major IDMs. In addition, with its MOCVD system, the company helps SSL manufacturers build today's most advanced LED products. To learn more about AMEC, please visit www.amec-inc.com.

SOURCE Advanced Micro-Fabrication Equipment Inc.

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This is the product (5nm etcher) the researchers were finalising in the video. Breaking the American and German duopoly in this technology.
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