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Opinionated - China Chipping Away to Semiconductor Dominance

Volume production of 14nm node is set for 2018.

So it is by no means impossible that SMIC may start trial production with 7nm process in 2020 or 2021. :-)
. . .
ASML's lithography machines.

AMEC will bring to market its 5nm plasma etcher by the end of this year

Zhaoxin to roll out 16nm CPU in 2018

Claire Sung, Shanghai; Jessie Shen, DIGITIMES

[Friday 17 March 2017]

Shanghai Zhaoxin Semiconductor plans to introduce a 16nm 8-core 3GHz PC processor series in 2018, according to company vice president Cheng Fu.

Zhaoxin's in-house developed ZX-D series processors built using 28nm process technology will start shipping in Lenovo's all-in-one (AIO) PCs in the second half of 2017, said Fu. Currently all Zhaoxin's CPUs are designed for Windows systems.

Zhaoxin is committed to promoting China's home-grown processors, Fu claimed.

Zhaoxin to roll out 16nm CPU in 2018

Claire Sung, Shanghai; Jessie Shen, DIGITIMES

[Friday 17 March 2017]

Shanghai Zhaoxin Semiconductor plans to introduce a 16nm 8-core 3GHz PC processor series in 2018, according to company vice president Cheng Fu.

Zhaoxin's in-house developed ZX-D series processors built using 28nm process technology will start shipping in Lenovo's all-in-one (AIO) PCs in the second half of 2017, said Fu. Currently all Zhaoxin's CPUs are designed for Windows systems.

Zhaoxin is committed to promoting China's home-grown processors, Fu claimed.

  近日,上海兆芯集成电路有限公司副总裁傅城博士现身Semicon China 2017,发表了主题为《国产处理器加速中国集成电路产业国际化进程》的现场演讲,主要强调了积极发展国产通用处理器的重要性及其对行业发展的深远影响。













  此外,在展会上业内人士还向我们透露,兆芯将在明年(2018年)推出16nm的ZX-E 8核CPU,并公开了Fritz Chess Benchmark国际象棋性能测试的成绩。从测试成绩可以看到,运行在3.0GHz频率下的ZX-E8核心处理器性能已经超过了AMD的FX-8370处理器,非常接近采用Skylake核心的英特尔Core i5-6600处理器,意味着国产处理器的性能提升了一大步。


  同时从披露的路线图来看,未来与ZX-D处理器配合的ZX-200主板芯片组也完全支持DDR4、SATA 3.0、USB 3.0等主流技术特性,显然国产兆芯处理器的性能与功能将非常值得我们期待。
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集微网消息,SEMICON China 2017开幕日即3月14日,上海微电子装备(集团)股份有限公司(后简称“SMEE”)宣布,SMEE 与荷兰公司 ASML 签署战略合作备忘录(MoU),为双方进一步的潜在合作奠定了基础。

根据这项合作备忘录,ASML 和 SMEE 将探索就 ASML 光刻系统的特定模块或半导体行业相关产品进行采购的可能性。此次MoU的签署代表 ASML 继日前与上海集成电路研发中心(ICRD)宣布合作之后,进一步深入参与中国的IC产业的发展。

ASML strikes deal with China equipment maker

Josephine Lien, Shanghai; Jessie Shen, DIGITIMES

[Thursday 16 March 2017]

ASML has signed an MoU with Shanghai Micro Electronics Equipment (SMEE), under which SMEE will be allowed to procure lithography system components from ASML to provide services to customers in China, according to the companies.

ASML previously announced collaboration with the Shanghai Integrated Circuit Research and Development Center (ICRD). The partnership with SMEE will enable ASML to be more engaged in the development of China's IC industry.


为了在更小的物理空间集成更多的电子元件,单个电路的物理尺寸越来越小,主流光刻机在硅片上投射的光刻电路分辨率达到50-90nm。超高的技术难度使得光刻机在全世界集成电路设备厂商中形成了极高的技术门槛,据了解,当今世界能够拥有这种技术、生产这种产品的只有两三个国家的两三家公司。以ASML 公司最先进的 EUV 光刻机为例,售价高达 1 亿美元,而且只有 ASML 能够生产。

在光刻机领域,SMEE 取得了重要突破,并在先进封装光刻机产品方面形成了系列化和量产化,在国际同类产品中处于先进水平,还实现了光刻机海外市场的销售突破。SMEE 也被列入国家发改委 2016 年 1 月底公布的国家认定企业技术中心名单。

目前,由于国内集成电路生产企业没有 20nm 以下的生产工艺能力,加上 ASML EUV光刻机价格昂贵、产能有限,还没有安装 ASML EUV 机台,在国产光刻机技术上与之差距太大,根本无法在高端市场上参与竞争,严重制约了我国微电子信息工业的发展。据报道,近年来我国每年集成电路产品进口金额与每年原油进口金额大致相当,每年已经超过 2000 亿美元,如何改变集成电路制造受制于人的局面是国产光刻机研发的主要目标。

2002年,光刻机被列入国家 863 重大科技攻关计划,由科技部和上海市共同推动成立上海微电子装备有限公司来承担,2008年国家又启动了“02”科技重大专项予以衔接持续攻关。经过十几年潜心研发,我国已基本掌握了高端光刻机的集成技术,并部分掌握了核心部件的制造技术。

国家光电实验室首次实现 9nm 线宽光刻

2016年底,华中科技大学国家光电实验室目前利用双光束在光刻胶上首次完成了 9nm 线宽,双线间距低至约 50nm 的超分辨光刻。未来将这一工程化应用到光刻机上可以突破国外的专利壁垒,直接达到 EUV 的加工水平。

2014年10月瑞典皇家诺贝尔奖委员会决定将当年的诺贝尔化学奖授予打破光学衍射极限发明超分辨率光学显微技术的三位科学家,以表彰他们在超分辨率光学成像方面的卓着贡献。其中斯蒂芬·黑尔教授发明的STED超分辨技术采用二束激光,一束激发激光(Exciting Laser Beam)激发显微镜物镜下的荧光物质产生荧光,另外一束中心光强为零的环形淬灭激光(Inhibiting Laser beam)淬灭激发激光产生的荧光。这两束光的中心重合在一起,使得只有处于纳米级环形淬灭激光中心处的荧光分子才能正常发光,通过扫描的办法就可以得到超越衍射极限的光学成像。

遵循这个思路,华中科技大学国家光电实验室的甘棕松教授在国外攻读博士学位期间,采用类似方法在光刻制造技术上取得进展,成功突破光学衍射极限,首次在世界范围内实现了创记录的单线 9nm 线宽,双线间距低至约 50nm 的超分辨光刻。未来将这一技术工程化应用到光刻机上,能够突破光学衍射极限对投射电路尺寸的限制从而实现超分辨光刻,有望使国产集成电路光刻机摆脱一味采用更短波长光源的技术路线。

采用超分辨的方法突破光学衍射的限制,将光聚集到更小的尺寸,应用到集成电路光刻可以带来两个方面的好处:一方面可以实现更高的分辨率,不再需要采用更短波长的光源,使得光刻机系统造价大大降低;另外一方面采用可见光进行光刻,可以穿透普通的材料,工作环境要求不高,摆脱 EUV 光源需要真空环境、光刻能量不足的羁绊。

与动辄几千万美元的主流光刻机乃至一亿美元售价的 EUV 光刻机相比,超分辨光刻硬件部分只需要一台飞秒激光器和一台普通连续激光器,成本只是主流光刻机的几分之一。该系统运行条件比紫外光刻温和得多,不需要真空环境,不需要特殊的发光和折光元器件,和一般光刻系统相比,该系统仅仅是引入了第二束光,系统光路设计上改动比较小,光刻机工程化应用相对容易,有希望使国产光刻机在高端领域弯道超车、有所突破。


综观全球半导体设备与材料市场,每年约 800 亿美元,现状几乎是美国垄断设备,日本掌控材料,除了欧洲的 ASML 光刻设备之外,连中国台湾地区与韩国的设备国产化率也很低。两者多次设立目标想要提升,但受限于工业基础,实际上进展也很缓慢。相比之下,在中国半导体业发展中,更严峻的态势是所用的设备与材料,几乎 90%以上都需要进口。


根据 SEMI 的预测,2016年至2017年间,综合8英寸、12英寸厂来看,确定新建的晶圆厂就有19座,其中中国大陆就占了10座。半导体前道设备的销售额,全球2013年为318.2亿美元,2015年为365.3亿美元,2016年为396.9亿美元,预测2017年为434亿美元,中国部分可达69.9亿美元(包括外资在中国的投资)。


中微半导体设备有限公司,作为国内集成电路装备制造骨干企业,拥有三大高端设备产品系列,是我国集成电路装备业界的龙头、标杆和旗帜。中微研发的介质刻蚀机是半导体生产设备中关键核心装备之一,市场一直为美日等企业垄断,其28nm-15nm的耦合等离子体介质刻蚀机去年获得了中国国际工业博览会金奖,产品出口额占我国泛半导体设备出口额的仅 8 成,拥有台积电、英特尔等客户。


根据行业权威研究机构 Gartner 最新发布的统计结果,中微公司介质刻蚀设备市场占有率从 2013 年的全球第 6 位提升到 2014 年的全球第 4 位。考虑到 Mattson 公司仅提供低端刻蚀设备,中微公司在高端介质刻蚀设备领域已经跻身全球三强。由于中微生产的等离子刻蚀机已经实现在晶圆制造厂批量生产,2015年2月5日,美国商务部取消了对等离子干法刻蚀设备的出口限制。



@Bussard Ramjet :coffee::enjoy:
China to become largest semiconductor producer | SemiWiki

"According to data from SEMI and SEAJ, China purchases of fab equipment grew 180% from $2.3 billion in 2006 to $6.5 billion in 2016. Over the same period, fab equipment purchases declined 50% in Japan and 39% in both North America and Europe. South Korea grew 10% and Taiwan grew 67%. In 2016 China trailed behind Taiwan at $12.2 billion and South Korea at $7.7 billion. However, SEMI expects China will be the largest fab equipment market by 2019."

China to become largest semiconductor producer | SemiWiki

"According to data from SEMI and SEAJ, China purchases of fab equipment grew 180% from $2.3 billion in 2006 to $6.5 billion in 2016. Over the same period, fab equipment purchases declined 50% in Japan and 39% in both North America and Europe. South Korea grew 10% and Taiwan grew 67%. In 2016 China trailed behind Taiwan at $12.2 billion and South Korea at $7.7 billion. However, SEMI expects China will be the largest fab equipment market by 2019."

Good Job
In order to catchup with Taiwan or TSMC, Other than organic expansion, Mainland IC capital should actively seek outbound M&A. See the info below, several non-Taiwanese firms are potential targets.


Among all, perhaps US-based Globalfoundries is a worthy target. Abu Dhabi's Advanced Technology Investment (ATIC) is said to have a willingness to sell it, however since Globalfoundries' 14nm process is licensed by Samsung Electronics, it is believed that Samsung is unlikely to agree to the acquisition bid from any potential competitor. Moreover, US government may still prefer ownership by Emerati not Chinese. Anyway let's see how this unfold.

In general, China should seek closer partnership with GCC funds who have tremendous ownership of global tech assets.
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In order to catchup with Taiwan or TSMC, Other than organic expansion, Mainland IC capital should actively seek outbound M&A. See the info below, several non-Taiwanese firms are potential targets.

View attachment 387176

Among all, perhaps US-based Globalfoundries is a worthy target. Abu Dhabi's Advanced Technology Investment (ATIC) is said to have a willingness to sell it, however since Globalfoundries' 14nm process is licensed by Samsung Electronics, it is believed that Samsung is unlikely to agree to the acquisition bid from any potential competitor. Moreover, US government may still prefer ownership by Emerati not Chinese. Anyway let's see how this unfold.

Just forget about acquisitions. Not happening.

Instead focus on poaching talent, and make use of good administered companies with a proven track record of success to fund them.
SMIC looking good

SMIC 2016 Annual Results Announcement

PR Newswire March 27, 2017

SHANGHAI, March 27, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (NYSE: SMI; SEHK: 981) ("SMIC" or the "Company"), one of the leading semiconductor foundries in the world, today announces the audited consolidated results of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2016.


  • Revenue was a record high of US$2,914.2 million in 2016, compared to US$2,236.4 million in 2015, representing an increase of 30.3%.
  • Gross profit was a record high of US$849.7 million in 2016, compared to US$682.6 million in 2015, representing an increase of 24.5%.
  • Profit for the period attributable to owners of the Company was also a record high of US$376.6 million in 2016, compared to US$253.4 million in 2015, representing an increase of 48.6%.
  • Revenue from China-region customers grew to an all-time high of 49.7% of total revenue in 2016, compared to 47.7% in 2015, representing a revenue increase of 35.7%.
  • Net cash generated from operating activities was a record high of US$977.2 million in 2016, compared to US$669.2 million in 2015, representing an increase of 46.0%.
  • Cash and cash equivalents and other financial assets totaled US$2,157.6 million as of December 31, 2016, compared to US$1,288.1 million as of December 31, 2015, representing an increase of 67.5%.
  • The net debt to equity ratio remained low at 16.1% as of December 31, 2016.
Just forget about acquisitions. Not happening.

Instead focus on poaching talent, and make use of good administered companies with a proven track record of success to fund them.
It's always a two-pronged approach: organic expansion, as well as M&A. The later purpose was one mandate assigned to China Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund Co., Ltd.

Talents are key to the business, from Richard Chang (張汝京, founder-SMIC), Dr. Tzu-Yin Chiu (CEO-SMIC) to Chiang Shang-yi (independent director), Mainland's foundation has been built on poaching critical talents, plus huge capital funding, it will continue.
ChipMOS Shanghai becomes JV between ChipMOS and Tsinghua Unigroup

Press release; Jessie Shen, DIGITIMES

[Monday 27 March 2017]

ChipMOS Technologies has announced the completion of its previously-disclosed equity interest transfer to a group of investors led by Tsinghua Unigroup.

Under the joint-venture agreement approved by the board of ChipMOS on November 30, 2016, ChipMOS Technologies (BVI), a wholly-owned subsidiary of ChipMOS, sold 54.98% of the equity interest of its wholly-owned subsidiary, ChipMOS Technologies (Shanghai), to Tsinghua Unigroup and other strategic investors for approximately US$72 million. ChipMOS BVI will continue to own 45.02% of the equity interests of ChipMOS Shanghai, while Tsinghua Unigroup through subsidiary Tibet Unigroup Guowei Investment (Unigroup Guowei) will own 48%. Other strategic investors including a limited partnership owned by ChipMOS Shanghai's employees will own 6.98%.

Upon receipt of the proceeds from the equity interest sale, ChipMOS plans to reinvest back into ChipMOS Shanghai approximately CNY484 million (US$70 million) pro rata, resulting in the total additional investment of CNY1.074 billion to ChipMOS Shanghai, which will allow for the expansion of the capacity of and services offered by ChipMOS Shanghai. The reinvestment is expected to occur in two tranches, one by the end of the first half of 2017 and one depending on the capex plan of ChipMOS Shanghai, which is directly aligned with the operation's strategic growth plan.

"This is another major step forward that strengthens our competitive position, significantly expands the growth potential of our ChipMOS Shanghai's operations, and creates a higher return for our company and shareholders," said ChipMOS chairman SJ Cheng. "We appreciate the confidence expressed by Tsinghhua Unigroup and our other strategic investors in selecting ChipMOS Shanghai as their partner given the expected growth of China's domestic semiconductor supply chain and the critical role OSAT services will play in ensuring higher quality yields and supporting the overall expected expansion. With the benefit of the additional financial and strategic partnership resources, we can now further accelerate the planned expansion for LCD driver ICs, touch driver, AMOLED, OLED and memory testing, assembly and bumping services offered by ChipMOS Shanghai."

"We look forward to working closely with Tsinghua Unigroup to grow ChipMOS Shanghai's revenue and profit, while promoting the interests of all shareholders and employees," Cheng continued.

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