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Opinion: Will Turkey be Israel's new-old best friend?

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Dec 31, 2010
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I found this on another forum. Its a blog entry, but has some interesting information in it.

Will Turkey become our new-old best friend?

some excerpts
The latest news — that Israel has returned to Turkey a number of drones that had been held here for some years as a result of the breakdown in relations between the countries, and the revelation that a senior Turkish governmental official met with PM Netanyahu in Jerusalem in recent days — is just the latest in a series of events that appear to signal a slow re-establishment of normal relations between Israel and a country that, until Erdogan decided to seek more friends in the Islamic world, had been a close trade, cultural, and military partner for Israel. It would, however, be foolish to believe that Erdogan’s deep-down opinion of Israel has radically changed.

Will Turkey become our new-old best friend? | Paul Alster | Ops & Blogs | The Times of Israel
As I mentioned before, there is some negotiation on going backstage. That's why I don't understand Israels violation of Turkish Cyprus airspace.
Some reports claimed that Netanyahus regime is split in two groups, whether to just say "we're sorry bro", to say we're sorry indirectly and of course there are hardliners. Netanyahu is apparently in favor of the indirect approach.

Politicians, like all of us, make big mistakes, and often have to backtrack — no matter how much humble pie they might have to eat along the way. Turkey is a powerful economic and military presence in the region whose majority secular population has more in common with most Israelis than with most Arabs in the vicinity. It appears to be in the best interests of both countries — Israel is hardly overwhelmed with friends in the neighborhood – to set aside the mutual distrust that has soured their relationship, and look to the future to develop ties that will prove mutually beneficial. And — who knows? — perhaps they will even diffuse some of the tension that has been enveloping this corner of the world.
Its obvious that Israel would benefit from improved ties with Turkey and we could use a real ally in the region.

Its in interest of both countries to improve its ties and we dont have to necessarily go to as good as it was before. We dont have to do it in a few months but on mid-term, slowly. Ideally in a way that we can have good terms with every country in the Middle East. Who knows we might could even get some toys from Uncle Sam on discount.
There was never hatred between israel and turks. Israel's uesd to travel turkey alot and help turkey in 1999 earthquake and in the 2011 earthquake.

I myself visted turkey 5 times. I have been in marmaris antalya bodrum and istanbul.
What was done to the Mavi Marmara will not be forgotten that easily. Israel is way too arrogant of a nation to make an official apology of its terror act. It's not in the interest of Israel to understand and accept its mistakes, especially not when we are talking about a state-based terror act.

Until the apology is made in a proper way, I doubt that Turkey will move much closer to the old relation.

Turkish people are way too emotional, and won't forget inhuman acts. They will strive for justice, and justice must be done properly.
After attack on unarmed people in Turkish ship, this is very enigmatic that relation will improve soon, just as if turkey attacks on Israeli in international water, Will they remain Silent?. Isn't this??
I think It will take time to restore the good relation
There is no problem amongst the people except some internet warriors but i think the main problem here is, Israeli Gvt thinks that "even if they apologize, the relations wont be the same as before, so why bother?"..With the tone of Mr Erdogan towards Israeli Gvt, i think this is understandable..Its geopolitics and its like a living organism, circumstances change in every day..The most important thing is, imo, we should all refrain from flaming hatred amongst people..Gvts come and go, someday this relation will find its right track
Yes I think that turkey and israel will eventually be"friends" again.
It won't happen in a day but if lock at it from a strategic view. Israel and turkey are a perfect match for each other.

Turks has alwas had a kind approach towards Jews. And Jews has or had good relations with turks.

Some forumers will probably mention Mavi marmara. And say that it won't be forgotten.
But Jewish and Turkish history is waaaay longer than a decade.

I hope some day...........
Well I just hope......
Not only Turkey! Whole world hates israel!

So, The question must be: Why does the whole world hate Israel?

I second you on your statement. The world is realizing everyday more about the humanity crimes by Israelis. They are killing babies, women, and old people in Palestine and practicing the same Natzies’ policies against unarmed civilians. At the same time, they cry over the holocaust as if the Palestinians’ kids who did it!

This is a nice clip by a Jewish professor about the Israelis’ crocodile Tears.

A great response to the jewish girl from Dr. Norman Finkelstein - YouTube
Damn each Israel thread is attracting more attention than anything else in this subforum.
I myself visted turkey 5 times. I have been in marmaris antalya bodrum and istanbul.

off topic..
what we as tourism staff say always to israelis is "please stay where you are" ( no offense ;))
some of you may find strange this statement but you learn a lot about israelis when you deal with them..
Turkey should improve relations with Israel. Especially in the military and defense field, cooperation can enrich Turkey's military industry a lot.

Sure, there were setbacks in the past but we must look into the future.

Those so-called "Martyrs" were carrying caches and loads of weapons with them....

Yeah kitchen knives of mass destruction.
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