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Opinion - Pakistan need Intervene in India

What I meant is that if Muslims in India are facing discrimination, harassment, or any other prejudices against them in India, they should form another Muslim League in India and fight for their better treatment.

And give me a break, there is a lot of communal violence in India. Don't act all innocent and pretend as if there is no communal violence.

I can name a ton of violence like the Gujarat 2002 riots.
Hope you allow the same thing for minorities in Pakistan.
Good atleast you agree what ever you are,you don't give equal opportunity for minorities.
Hey by the way we don't stop anyone from taking any opportunity.
Islam says to give fair opportunities to minorities and to treat minorities with justice.

We have a national ideology, but there are certain restrictions. Stop acting as if you know everything when you do not.
Islam says to give fair opportunities to minorities and to treat minorities with justice.

We have a national ideology, but there are certain restrictions. Stop acting as if you know everything when you do not.
What is the definition of fair ,you mean less than the other.
What is the definition of fair ,you mean less than the other.
Minorities have fair opportunities, but the leader of an Islamic country cannot be a non-muslim.

It would like be saying let a communist be the leader of USA.

Hence there are certain restrictions.
We do not claim to be a secular democracy. Now shoo. ;)

This is not a sound argument. If you are saying that extremism in India is problematic only because India claims to be secular while it is not (and therefore it is hypocrisy that is the problem), then you are supporting the extremist narrative that India should be for Hindus only. That is what they want. Dump secularism and end the hypocrisy and become the Hindu version of Pakistan. Once that happens this war of words will end?
This is not a sound argument. If you are saying that extremism in India is problematic only because India claims to be secular while it is not (and therefore it is hypocrisy that is the problem), then you are supporting the extremist narrative that India should be for Hindus only. That is what they want. Dump secularism and end the hypocrisy and become the Hindu version of Pakistan. Once that happens this war of words will end?
That is your opinion. Your country isn't even completely secular with political parties like BJP.

Now please don't waste any more of my time. You Indians are certainly a bunch of fun to talk to. ;)
Minorities have fair opportunities, but the leader of an Islamic country cannot be a non-muslim.

It would like be saying let a communist be the leader of USA.

Hence there are certain restrictions.
Who told you there is restriction on a communist becoming a president in USA, if he can get the mandate of people.

Forger about the top post ,your country could not accept a person from a minority to be the advisor to tye PM.

In a secular setup you don't bring religion into public space and every belief should be treated equally , can a Muslim be secular.
Who told you there is restriction on a communist becoming a president in USA, if he can get the mandate of people.

Forger about the top post ,your country could not accept a person from a minority to be the advisor to tye PM.

In a secular setup you don't bring religion into public space and every belief should be treated equally , can a Muslim be secular.
Yes a communist cannot be the leader of USA, since a Communist doesn't believe in the ideals of USA.

You have a right to your opinion. We can agree to disagree.

No a Muslim cannot be secular. Why should we allow a non-Muslim to be leader of an Islamic country which is Muslim majority?

We do not claim to be a secular liberal democracy.

No please don't waste my time.
If Putin can declare war on Ukraine to protect the Russians in Ukraine, why can't PMIK declare a war on India to protect the Muslims of India?

We can rally support of NATO, EU, OIC and China to impose sanctions on India like Zelensky is doing.

We need to learn from Russia-Ukraine war.
Actually you are right. We can do it but there is no political clout. Nobody listens to Pakistan now. Same strategy has been adopted by India. After mumbai blasts, Pakistan has only seen humiliation from all around the world. Pakistani policy of watching silently hurt us badly. We lost our aggressive behavior after Musharraf left. We can still do that but it needs continuous lying like terrorists on indian side trying to cross Border etc. India keeps herself in headlines by publishing same stories again and again like 300 terrorists ready on other side of border etc.

This is known as Brainwashing. It's a popular tactic with a wide range of use. We use it also but to get sympathy from public. India has adopted Brainwashing with frequent lies. lie lie and more lie and finally World starts to believe them. Fake news, same pattern of stories, they are all part of military tactics. Brainwashing is the tactic and lies assist them. People, media, they are all tools. Sometime you gain sympathy, sometime you become aggressor. India is now aggressor. our mindset is now defensive. This is a major shift in approach.
Why do we need more wars? We already lack allies in the international community and are in dire need of more long-term constructive relationships with nation states. Silly post!
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