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Opinion: Musharraf could've been a caliph but chose to be a jackal.

Musharraf's cowardice and the safety of his kin in US were the primary variables in his calculation...

Americans asked him to sit down, but he laid down and didn't even negotiate anything of importance and gave Pentagon and CIA cart blanche to infiltrate their agents at all level of the gov't and civil society...Per Bob Woodward in his "Bush at War", Powell gave Mushy 6 demands right after 9/11 and were hoping Pakistan would meet at least one of them, lo and behold the fake commando accepted all six unconditionally.

Mushy being the secularist kemalist was a true believer in countering and upending Islamic influence and ethos of Pakistan, he used America's war of terror to fast track his insidious agenda of secularizing Pakistan...

On top of all of this he screwed Pakistan over as a last big F You to the whole country, since ill-conceived plan to liberalize, westernize and secularize Pakistan failed miserably, and that was to bring all the chors, dakkus and dheshat gards of PPP, PMLN and MQM back into the fold and give them all immunity for their crimes and full control to screw Pakistan over once again...

Where was Mushy's wise decision making process on NRO?

Mushy did more damage to Pakistan than perhaps even Bhutto and latter is largely responsible of splitting the country in two. That takes some doing...
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