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Opinion: Musharraf could've been a caliph but chose to be a jackal.

It should happen tomorrow. Lots of resources in India as booty to Pakistan available for the taking.
Does Pakistan have no resources that it needs to invade and steal? You sound like those Erdogan-loving Turks who want to snatch stuff they don't own,because they want more.
You want Pakistan to plunder India? To start a war for "lebensraum" and money? For expansion? What if this war ends up annihilating most of Pakistan? Are you willing to risk that?
Does Pakistan have no resources that it needs to invade and steal? You sound like those Erdogan-loving Turks who want to snatch stuff they don't own,because they want more.
You want Pakistan to plunder India? To start a war for "lebensraum" and money? For expansion? What if this war ends up annihilating most of Pakistan? Are you willing to risk that?
I mean he doesn't live in either India or Pak, so yeah...
Does Pakistan have no resources that it needs to invade and steal? You sound like those Erdogan-loving Turks who want to snatch stuff they don't own,because they want more.
You want Pakistan to plunder India? To start a war for "lebensraum" and money? For expansion? What if this war ends up annihilating most of Pakistan? Are you willing to risk that?

Allah's promise if always the truth.
"Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But God knoweth, and ye know not.."
So any one can start a shitty thread.

What non sense post.

Pakistan is barely surviving and this kid wants a war against all christian countries. Sick of such key board warriors. They are like Pakistani Sanghis.
I mean he doesn't live in either India or Pak, so yeah...
View attachment 773679
It's like those diaspora Greeks,Turks,Armenians,Serbs etc.
"Oh why don't they go to war? Oooh why doesn't he shoot down the enemy fighter? Oooh traitor governments! Why don't they buy weapons from [enter each guy's preferred country] instead of that?"
Allah's promise if always the truth.
"Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But God knoweth, and ye know not.."
God knows,but do YOU know what God knows? No,you don't.
Allah's promise if always the truth.
"Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But God knoweth, and ye know not.."
does we following Islam like our Prophet preaches to our SHABA, tell us that, we are divided in different sect and these sect fighting each other, think before you post lol
Does Pakistan have no resources that it needs to invade and steal? You sound like those Erdogan-loving Turks who want to snatch stuff they don't own,because they want more.
You want Pakistan to plunder India? To start a war for "lebensraum" and money? For expansion? What if this war ends up annihilating most of Pakistan? Are you willing to risk that?
this is PDF where anyone can come and live out their fantasies. are you ancient enough like me to recall Fantasy Island from 1977? PDF in particular and internet blogs in general are the text version of that.
this is PDF where anyone can come and live out their fantasies. are you ancient enough like me to recall Fantasy Island from 1977? PDF in particular and internet blogs in general are the text version of that.
Ah not that old,but I was born in the early '80s so I understand you :P
This dude is living in US. Eating and breathing in US and wants to wage a war on Christians.

Shameful like him are what worries us, not the Talibans.

Let's say your mom and dad are separated and then the dad with all its might wants to destroy your mom who has no fault at anything that's going on. You're gonna choose to side with your mom all the time.

Pakistan is my motherland.

. But bajwa needs to take kashmir in the year or two or he will also be remembered as a jackal.
All he had to do was say that America has threatened war against Pakistan if Pakistan doesn't cooperate with them on Afghanistan. He should've said I have held my ground and put my trust in Allah, armed forces, and Muslims to repel the crusade and gain victory which Allah has promised to its believers.

So it was as simple as that? And just how would have the armed forces and the army of Muslims held off the US onslaught? Was trust in Allah the only thing that was lacking in this magical victory for the believers?
Back then, in 2001 Pakistan was much weaker.

Now Pakistan is much stronger now.
RAW is killing foreign nationals through proxies on our land. Little has changed. Some things have become worse than these ever were. Our economic circumstances and the economic/geopolitical ascent of India are the reasons. Now we do not take punitive actions against our archrival, fearing wider conflict. This has given liberty to India to bleed us. A one-sided story, more or less.
Oh bhai i like different views but with logic and common sense, your opinion have no logic and common sense lol
This might surprise you but I have met people who share opinion of the member who started this thread.

When US-led forces invaded Iraq in 2003, Geo TV invited Mr. Hasan Askari Rizvi to discuss this theme. He was of the view that US-led forces will fail. When American troops penetrated Baghdad itself, he was shocked. When questioned about Pakistani options, his response was "hamara difaa bara mustahiqam hai."


I suppose these people know better than Pervez Musharraf.

This assumption that Western countries cannot fight, I am not sure from where it is derived from.
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