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Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

That is how they smuggle in arms and explosives into cities. By filling them up in cylinders.

Great job by Army. Now this is the real haul of the operation. Deny the TTP and other groups a settled area to manufacture explosives and smuggle them in.
Why no major activited from there side?

It does seem like most of them has already fled into Afghanistan.Now the best possible solution is to mvoe atleast 50k more troops from Indian border to Pakistan border with shoot at sight order.

Create thousand of more checkposts.
That factory was a real hit. We are not only killing them but are destroying their base of operations and supplies. Good job Pak Army. We are with you. Lets put an end to it once and for all. We are completely behind you in this.
Are we sure the scum haven't escaped into other FATA agencies? We should be going after them in those agencies in parallel if we know they're there.
It will be interesting to know the PA operation from Afghan side of NW area like Lawanda Lataka, Wucha Lataka, Gurgurai Algad, Babai Tangai and sorroundings, Miran Shah and Mir Ali are not whole N.Waziristan.
I hope we catch that spokesperson Shahid ullah alive or he dies a very gruesome death, same for their previous spokesperson, forgot his name. How arrogantly they used to claim responsibility on spilling innocent Pakistani blood. You pricks we're gonna dispatch you to hell in rotten pieces.
Are we sure the scum haven't escaped into other FATA agencies? We should be going after them in those agencies in parallel if we know they're there.

Hey bro!

Good suggestion. You should be the righ hand (or left hand) man of General Rahil. He could use some good and smart people from PDF and especially Canada. Why should Qadri get all the glory.

Hey bro!

Good suggestion. You should be the righ hand (or left hand) man of General Rahil. He could use some good and smart people from PDF and especially Canada. Why should Qadri get all the glory.


Oh dear god. Can you go around without your condescending behaviour all the time? A simple "yes they're going after the terrorists in other agencies" would do. I am not hearing much action from other agencies so that's why I am asking. Try not to look at your d*ck too much in the mirror.
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Looks like Negotiation drama was prepared to ensure friend or foe Taliban to maintain strategic depth in Afghanistan prior to PA operation, so which area will be next hub of Pakistani intelligence games?
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