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An article worth a read.

Counter-narrative needed
EditorialJuly 29, 2017

MODERN religiously inspired militancy in Pakistan, as well as other countries, is nebulous and constantly changing shape. The militants, it seems, make full use of technology and are often one step ahead of the state. Governments, on the other hand, respond in a predictable moribund and bureaucratic fashion, which explains why militant groups are so difficult to neutralise. While the state has taken the field against extremists — Zarb-i-Azb, Raddul Fasaad and other military operations being prime examples — away from the battlefield, the response to countering militancy is wanting. For example, as reported in this paper on Friday, the Sindh police’s Counter-Terrorism Department has called for countering the narrative of militants ‘aggressively’. The CTD officials made this observation after it emerged that terrorists, suspected of targeting police officers in Karachi, were trying to reach out to the public: in recent communications intercepted by security agencies, militants were heard ‘regretting’ the loss of civilian lives in the crossfire as they targeted law enforcers. The extremists were also willing to pay compensation to the families of victims.

This is just one example of how the militants are trying to control the narrative. Clearly, various militant groups are developing new tactics to reach out to a wider audience. For example, many of them are moving beyond the ‘traditional’ target audience of seminarians. As the Sindh CTD recently pointed out, the next generation of militants would not emerge from madressahs, but from universities and colleges. Some of the most lethal militants of the recent past have been graduates of top foreign and Pakistani higher education institutes. This indicates that the militant demographic is changing. Terrorist outfits are interested in recruiting professionals — engineers, accountants, tech wizards etc — to forward their aims. Has the state caught on to this trend? Does the government have enough qualified people to identify the triggers of extremism and militancy in educational institutes, as well as online? While terrorist groups are busy recruiting in universities and cyberspace, it is highly doubtful if our law-enforcement agencies have drawn up counter-measures.

Another major threat comes from militants returning from the war zones of the Middle East, especially Syria. As security agencies have highlighted, Syria-returned militants are believed to have formed a lethal new outfit called Ansarul Sharia Pakistan. It was always feared that the conflicts of the Middle East, especially its sectarian wars, would one day spill over into Pakistan. With the formation of such groups and the return of fighters, those fears may now be coming true. While the repeated calls for the state to wake up to these threats are beginning to sound trite, unless the government evolves a multifaceted counterterrorism policy, the number, and complexity, of militant threats will only grow. Amidst the din of politics, have we forgotten that much of the National Action Plan has not been implemented, or that agencies formed to counter the threat, such as Nacta, remain inactive?

Published in Dawn, July 29th, 2017

Raddul Fasaad: 2,000kgs of explosives seized in Balochistan's Qilla Abdullah

Security forces have seized at least 2,000 kilograms of explosives in Qilla Abdullah area of Balochistan on Monday under Operation Raddul Fasaad.

Frontier Corps (FC) held two suspects and seized 2,000 kgs of explosives in a vehicle, Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) reported.

Operation Raddul Fasaad was launched earlier this year after at least 14 lives were lost in a suicide blast on the Mall in Lahore in February.

General Qamar Javed Bajwa announced the launch of the large-scale operation following the attack that put final match of Pakistan Super League (PSL) 2017 in Gaddafi Stadium in jeopardy.

According to the media cell of the army, Raddul Fasaad is successfully going on and recently Operation Khyber Four was announced in a press briefing by Director General (DG) of ISPR.

Khyber four aims at further checking terror infiltration in Pakistan from Afghanistan.

If you want to eliminate terrorism first get rid of extreme blasphemy laws, grant sexual and religious freedom, progress, no place for Mullahs or extreme clerics in Pakistan..... The nations needs to heal from all this extremism...
#Pakistan Sec. Forces in a CT op in Bannu today, sent 2 terrorists to hell! While #USfailureInAfghanistan continues against #Afghan Taliban https://t.co/k5bpOvFJmI
Major (r) Muhammad Amir, Former Station Commander of ISI in Islamabad reveals how Pakistan launched and funded Hamid Karzai who went rogue. https://t.co/KXMi3rd58P
Operation Radd ul Fassad

Balochistan .. In an intelligence effort,12 BRA terrorists including 2 mid tier terrorists Wali Khan,Dist Kohlu and Karghani, Sui area surrendered to security forces at Noshki along with weapons and ammunition.

In Punjab Pakistan Rangers Punjab along with Punjab Police and Intelligence Agencies conducted IBOs in Faisalabad, Lahore & Islamabad. During last 48 hours, 39 suspects including 8 illegal Afghans apprehended. Illegal weapons / ammunition of different calibers including AK 47 / automatic weapons recovered from suburbs of Faisalabad.

Two militant commanders killed in Dera Bugti shootout

Frontier Corps (FC) personnel killed at least two militant commanders during an operation in Dera Bugti on Tuesday.

The militants were identified as Thango and Kaleri.

The paramilitary force also destroyed two camps during the operation and seized a huge amount of arms and ammunition.

In August, at least 10 suspected militants were killed in an operation launched by security forces in the Harnai area.

We should never ever forget ,the Taliban are sons of the soil,sons of Pakistani family.They were never heard let alone consulted about the problems and difficulties they were facing being in the conflict area.Massacre at Lal MASJID and other atrocities carried out by Ruling Liberal Fascist Budmuaashia under the influence of U S Government were the main causes of rebellion by these Taliban and their likes,who in revenge, committed horrible crimes against their own family Pakistan.

.so you are sympathising with the terrorists. And your terrorist don't kill elite....they never killed bad guy rather they kill innocent people which Islam does not allow but these terrorists are illiterate brainwashed scums and should be dispatched to hell along with their sympathiser.

They look like indian punjabis ! May be even sikhs !
Most of them are not even circumcised...that means non-Muslim
.so you are sympathising with the terrorists. And your terrorist don't kill elite....they never killed bad guy rather they kill innocent people which Islam does not allow but these terrorists are illiterate brainwashed scums and should be dispatched to hell along with their sympathiser.

Most of them are not even circumcised...that means non-Muslim
A family has intelligent son like you and another one not that sophisticated but a hot headed one.The father (army) listens to the complains about his stubborn son from the badmuaash of mohalla(musharaf),who is on the payroll of a big gangster U S .The rich and powerful gangster complains about son annoying and making his life difficult.Should father pick up a gun and shoot his rebellious son dead to pacify the badmuaash and the gangster or should he show extreme patience,persuasion and love to his son and telling the badmuaash to go to hell,if not to U S,England or U A E?
A family has intelligent son like you and another one not that sophisticated but a hot headed one.The father (army) listens to the complains about his stubborn son from the badmuaash of mohalla(musharaf),who is on the payroll of a big gangster U S .The rich and powerful gangster complains about son annoying and making his life difficult.Should father pick up a gun and shoot his rebellious son dead to pacify the badmuaash and the gangster or should he show extreme patience,persuasion and love to his son and telling the badmuaash to go to hell,if not to U S,England or U A E?
I understand your point. And I'm totally against the P. Musharraf ( P stand for Poopy) for cowardly participating in the WoT and letting the terrorism spill into Pakistan by radicalising the people after their family members got killed. But these terrorists are not the one who require love. They are hardened criminal and crooks who are knowingly playing into the hands of the enemies. Also they abuse Islam which strictly forbids killing of a single person and they always kill innocent people and also these bastards started attacking on sectarian basis and attacking Sunnis and Shia... If they were against Musharraf and the govt, why did they not them ...there are so many corrupt ministers and prime ministers...these mindless goons only attack innocent civilians. And now they are too radicalised so the only treatment for them is the bullet.
I understand your point. And I'm totally against the P. Musharraf ( P stand for Poopy) for cowardly participating in the WoT and letting the terrorism spill into Pakistan by radicalising the people after their family members got killed. But these terrorists are not the one who require love. They are hardened criminal and crooks who are knowingly playing into the hands of the enemies. Also they abuse Islam which strictly forbids killing of a single person and they always kill innocent people and also these bastards started attacking on sectarian basis and attacking Sunnis and Shia... If they were against Musharraf and the govt, why did they not them ...there are so many corrupt ministers and prime ministers...these mindless goons only attack innocent civilians. And now they are too radicalised so the only treatment for them is the bullet.
I always questioned why they pick soft an innocent and not the real JAFER/SADIQ.Those who have not listened to reasons,but became hired mercenaries,have severed all relations with the Nation. They should be pursued relentlessly to get what they now deserve.

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